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Table 4

Significant relationship between Level of Aggression in Dimension and Time Spent Played
of the Respondents.

Dimensions of Time Sig Decision Verbal Description

Aggression Spent

Physical Aggression 0.240 .093 Accept Ho There is no significant

Verbal Aggression .159 .300 Accept Ho There is no significant
Anger .254 .075 Accept Ho There is no significant
Hostility .210 .144 Accept Ho There is no significant
Overall Aggression 0.238 0.096 Accept Ho There is no significant

It was hypothesized that the time spent playing and the dimension of aggression of the

video game players would correlate significantly. Pearson Product-Moment Correlation

coefficient r was calculated to determine the relationship between the time spent playing of the

video game players (M = 2.100, SD = 1.035) and physical aggression of video game players (M =

195.067, SD = 23.922), verbal aggression (M=14.480, SD=3.376), Anger (M=19.720, SD= 5.155).

and Hostility (M=22.960, SD= 6.223). The correlation was not found significant at 0.238, p > 0.05.

Hence, there is no significant relationship between the dimensions of aggression and time spent

playing of the video game players.

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