Sci II LN 6,7,8,9,10

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CORE ACADEMY CONT : 98704 14478

GRADE : 9TH SUB : SCIENCE – II LN : 6,7,8,9 MARKS : 40 DUR : 1.30

QN1A] Fill in the blanks 3

i) Molasses is fermented with the help of the yeast called _______________________.
ii) The bacteria which spoiled cooked food are ____________________.
iii) A description of the climatic conditions of short duration in a particular area is _____________
iv) Establishments where various climatic factors are recorded are called ____________________
v) Male & female flowers of _________________ are borne on different sporophylls of the same plant.
vi) ___________-plants have soft & fibre like body.

B] Match the column 2

i) Rhizobium - Food poisoning
ii) Clostridium - Nitrogen fixation
iii) Penicillium - Bakery products
vii) Yeast - Production of antibiotics

C] Write the names of microbes found in following food materials 2

i) yoghurt, bread, root , nodules, leguminous plants, dosa

D] Odd one out & say why ? 1

i) Pneumonia, diphtheria, chicken pox, cholera
ii) Lactobacilli, rhizobia, yeast, clostridia

QN2A] Answer the following 8

i) Write the characteristics of subkingdom phanerogams. 2
ii) Explain carbon cycle. 2
iii) How is first aid provided to victims of disasters who are injured. 2
iv) Why is E-waste harmful? Express your opinion. 2

B] Answer the following 4

i) Which vaccines are given to infants ? Why ?
ii) Write A short note on – Meteorology

QN3A] Distinguish between the following. 4

i) Degradable & Non-degradable.
ii) Monocots & Dicots

B] Give scientific reason 6

i) Flow of nutrients through an ecosystem is cyclic.
ii) Foam accumulates on the surface of a ‘ dal ‘ kept for a long time in summer.
iii) Why are naphthalene balls kept with clothes to be put away.

QN4A]Answer the following 10

i) What are broad spectrum anti-biotics?
ii) Explain with suitable examples , the care should be taken when using the methods of transporting patients.
iii) Explain Nitrogen cycle.
iv) Write charactristiocs of division Bryophyta.

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