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(Second Quarter)
GENERAL DIRECTION: Read each item carefully. Select the correct answer then write it in your answer sheet.
Write True if the statement is true and False if the statement is false
1 African music has been a collective result from the cultural and musical diversity of more than 50 countries of the
2. A popular musical genre from Salvador, Bahia, and Brazil. It fuses the Afro-
Caribbean styles of the marcha, reggae, and calypso is Apala.
3. A dance style popularized by Kanda Bongo Man, where the hips move back and forth while the arms move
following the hips is Kwassa Kwassa.
4. Soca is a modern Trinidadian and Tobago pop music combining “soul” and “calypso” music.
5. Muslim music performed often as a wake-up call for early breakfast and prayers during Ramadan celebrations is
called Were.
6. The maracatu groups were called “nacoes” (nations) who paraded with a drumming ensemble numbering up to
100,accompanied by a singer, chorus, and a coterie of dancers.
7. A musical form of the late 19th century that has had deep roots in African-American communities. These
communities are located in the so-called “Deep South”mof the United States is Soul.
8. Sam Cooke was known as the “Godfather of Soul,”
9. The term spiritual, normally associated with a deeply religious person, refers here to a
Negro spiritual, a song form by African migrants to America who became enslaved by its white communities.
10. Agogo is a West African xylophone. It is a pitched percussion instrument with bars made from logs or bamboo.
11. A type of gourd and shell megaphone from West Africa, consisting of a dried gourd with beads woven into a net
covering the gourd is the Djembe.
12. The ethnic and cultural groups of the principal native Americans does not share many similar yet distinctive music
elements pertaining to melody, harmony, rhythm,form, and dynamics.
Match column B with column A.Write the letter which corresponds to the correct answer.

13. Make use of electronic and mechanical devices, rather than

the artist’s own hand, to produce the desired images and effects. a. Computer/ digital arts
14. a powerful, free online image editor b. Photo Grid
15. A method of creating an artwork using a computer c. Digital painting
16. allows you to make collages incorporating photos, stickers, text,
and frames d. Instagram
17. a downloadable application for android phones that allows you
to make collages out of images from your photo gallery e. DSLR
18. Were essentially sealedboxes that would allow a split-second entry of f. Pixlr
light to strike a section of light sensitive film inside it g. Picsart
19. digital single lens reflex camera
20. a mere communication tool, that you constantly hold has evolved intocreative h. Pic Collage
device that allows you to generate originalworks of art for an entire range of purposes.
21. A fast and fun way to share images with others; snap a photo,Choose
from among the available filters, and share via Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, and more i. Camera
22. An iPhone application that allows you to take amusing, distorted images J .mobile phone
simulating camera effects
23. A photo editor and drawing application, as well as social network for you k. Doodle Booth
to share your art with other
24. an iPad application (with a free downloadable version) that l. Magic Mirror Booth
enables you to ‘doodle’ on your images using available stickers m. Snapseed

Read each item carefully. Write the letter which corresponds to the correct answer.
25. Which of the following, aside from fitness, can be developed if one engages in recreational activities?
a. social benefits b. refresh senses c .refills energy d. all of the above
26. The following are reasons why fitness is a universal concern EXCEPT ONE:
a. We face different challenges everyday and it’s just but proper to keep ourselves fit all the time if we are to
overcome them
b. Everyone needs to be physically fit to meet daily physical challenges.
c. One can effectively influence the consciousness of the community on fitness if he or she fosters fitness and
well- being.
d. to be a good athlete or player in a certain sport.
27. What happen if one doesn’t have a physically active lifestyle?
a. He/she is prone to weight gain or obesity which may lead to diabetes and other cardio-vascular diseases.
b. He/she will not be physically fit. c. He/she will become sickly d.All of the above
28. The following are the benefits of yoga exercise EXCEPT ONE:
a. improves posture and balance
b. increases one’s flexibility and is good for muscle toning
c. intense cardiovascular and fat burning workout
d. low risk of injury of muscles and ligaments.
29. Christian is considering a strength training program. Which of the following should he consider before developing his
a. his current level of strength b. his daily schedule c. past injuries d. all of the above
30. Which of the following is not a fitness benefit of Yoga exercise?
a. improves posture and balance b. high risk of injuring the muscles and the ligaments
c. best way to build core strength d. increases one
31. Participation in an active recreation is everyone’s responsibility. Which of the following is the best reasons for this?
a. To have a healthy lifestyle b. To maintain an ideal body weight
c. keep a physically fit and healthy body d. have fun, enjoyment and socialization
32. Which of the following is NOT a positive outcome of personal fitness?
a. improve physical appearance b. enhance self—esteem c. hypertension d. stress reduction
33. How many servings from the bread, rice, cereal and pasta group should you eat each day?
a. one b. two to three c. four to five d. six to eleven
34. In performing hip-hop aerobics, what fitness component is required of you?
a. agility b. power c. speed d. coordination
35. How can one maintain an ideal body weight?
a. Follow the latest diet fads. b. Balance the amount of food you eat with regular physical activity.
c. Consult a doctor about an effective diet pill that you can take. d. Believe in the power of your genes.
36. Which of the following would NOT be a benefit of walking?
a. helps with weight management b. lowers blood pressure
c. it is a high impact exercise d. builds aerobic fitness
37. This provisions also that the government must respect the citizen’s individual preferences and choices of family planning
a. Informed Choice b. Respect for Life c. Birth Control d. Responsible Parenthood
38. Which of the following act supervises the legal production of cigarettes in the country?
a. Consumer Act c. Seat Belts Used Act
b. Anti- Drug and Drugged Driving Law d. Tobacco Regulation Act
39. What Act protects children from any malicious acts online?
a. Traditional and Alternative Medicines Act c. Seat Belts Use Act
b. Anti- Child Pornography d. Cybercrime Prevention Act
40. Provides for maternal and child healthcare, family planning and responsible parenthood.
a. Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health Act c. Seat Belts Use Act
b. Anti- Child Pornography d. Cybercrime Prevention Act
41. Which of the following act supervises the legal production of cigarettes in the country?
a. Consumer Act c. Seat Belts Used Act
b. Anti- Drug and Drugged Driving Law d. Tobacco Regulation Act
42. Penalizes vehicle drivers who are under the influence of drug and alcohol
a. Anti- Drunk and Drugged Driving Law c. National Blood Services Act
b. Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act d. Anti- Hazing Law
43. Identifies scientifically proven herbs as medicinal plants.
a. Traditional and Alternative Medicines Act c. Seat Belts Use Act
b. Anti- Child Pornography d. Cybercrime Prevention Act
44. Which of the following Act provides for Criminal offenses committed online?
a. Traditional and Alternative Medicines Act c. Seat Belts Use Act
b. Anti- Child Pornography d. Cybercrime Prevention Act
45. Which of the following penalizes vehicle users who will not wear safety belts while on the road?
a. Traditional and Alternative Medicines Act c. Seat Belts Use Act
b. Anti- Child Pornography d. Cybercrime Prevention Act
46. What Republic Act that promulgates “policies and prescribing measures for the prevention and control of HIV?/AIDS in
the Philippines.
a. R.A. 8504 b. RA 10354 c. RA 8423 d. RA. 7394
47. It is a Republic Act that aims to protect people against hazards to health and safety, and deceptive and unfair sales acts
a. R.A. 8504 b. RA 10354 c. RA 8423 d. RA. 7394
48. This Act promotes environmental awareness through environmental education.
a. R.A 8949 or the anti-Hazing Law c. R.A 7719 or the National Blood Services Act of 1994
b. R.A 9512 or the National Environmental Awareness and Education Act of 2008
d. R.A. 8750 or the Seat Belts Use Act of 1999
(Second Quarter)
GENERAL DIRECTION: Read each item carefully. Select the correct answer then write it in your answer sheet.
Write True if the statement is true and False if the statement is false.
1. The most important form that was developed during the classical era and usually the form of the first movement of
a sonata or symphony is Symphony.
2. Concerto is a musical work with different movements for an instrumental soloist and orchestra.
3. Nowadays, people listen to current and new musical genres such as pop,rock, R & B, and other 20th century
music and are unaware of the music of the past.
4. It is on the 1st movement of the concerto where usually in a form of rondo, resembling the last movement of the
symphony and usually a short cadenza is used.
5. Ludwig Van Beethoven is one of the most prominent composers of the classical period., where his life is described
as a “ rags-to –riches” story.
6. The composer who bridged the late Classical era and the early romantic era is Franz Joseph Haydn.
7. A multi- movement work for orchestra, the symphony is derived from the word “ Sinfonia” which literally means” a
harmonious sounding together.”
8. Classical music refers to the period from 1750-1820. It is also known as the “Age of Reason” or “Age of
Enlightenment” because reason and individualism rather than tradition were emphasized in this period.
9. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart is a child prodigy and the most amazing genius in musical history, he experimented in
all kinds of music and composed over 700 works.
10. The Opera Seria (serious opera) from Italy made use of everyday characters and situations, and typically
employed spoken dialogues, lengthy arias and was spiced with sight gags, naughty humor and social satire.
11. A section of the sonata allegro form where the themes are introduced is Exposition.
12. The music of the Classical era has a lighter and clearer texture. It is mainly polyphonic.
Match column B with column A. Write the letter which corresponds to the correct answer.
13. In Italian, a polite form of address originating as Madonna-similar to Maam,
Madamme or My Lady in English a. The Last Supper
14. It means , irregularly shaped pearl or stone b. Transfiguration
15. Seated Madonna holding Christ’s body in her arms c. Pieta
16. The most reproduced religious painting of all time d. Mona
17. He was one of the finest masters of composition and one the most important
painters of the Spanish Golden Age e. Baroque
18. The painting was conceived as an altarpiece for the Norbonne Cathedral in Franc e f. Renaissance
19. The period of economic progress, an era of great artistic and intellectual achievement g. Michaelangelo
20. An Italian painter and architect of the High Renaisance period. h. Leonardo da Vinci
21. He was the greatest Baroque sculptor and architect and made a sculpture of “DAVID” i. Raphael
22 .Known for his paintings of mythical and figurative subjects, his commissioned works
Were mostly religious subjects, history paintings of magical creatures and hunt scenes j. Donatello
23. Two of his best known works, the Pieta and David were sculpted before he turned 30 k. Gian Bernini
24. He is known as the ultimate “ Renaissance man” l. Diego Velasco
m. Peter Paul Rubens
Read each item carefully. Write the letter which corresponds to the correct answer.
25. The following are reasons why fitness is a universal concern EXCEPT ONE:
a. We face different challenges everyday so we have to keep ourselves fit all the time to overcome them
b. Everyone needs to be physically fit to meet daily physical challenges
c. One can influence the community fitness consciousness effectively if he or she fosters fitness and well-being
d. To be a good athlete or player in a certain sport
26. Which of the following, aside from fitness, can be developed if one engages in social dancing activities?
a. respect b. sense of community c. courtesy d. all of them
27. The following are dance etiquettes that should be considered in a social dancing activity EXCEPT ONE:
a. Wear appropriate dancing attire
b. Insist in executing difficult dance steps including aerial combinations with your partner
c . Ask someone promptly if you wish to dance with him or her
d . Always follow counterclockwise as line of direction social dancing
28. How do social dances contribute to one’s fitness and well-being?
a. They help make one physically engaged and active preventing lifestyle diseases
b. They cure lifestyle diseases
c. The help prevent sedentary lifestyle-related diseases
d They develop one’s talent in dancing
29. How would you best use the knowledge and skills learned in social dancing to enhance your community’s fitness?
a. I will render an intermission number with my partner during fiestas
b. I will make social dancing my lifetime fitness activity
c. I will share my skills by teaching community folks, young and old, about social dances
d. I will coordinate with community officials in conducting a social dancing program for the community
30. Which of the following best describes social dances?
a. Social dances are for pairs only
b. Social dances can be competed
c. Social dances are dances that improve social skills and fitness
d. Social dances are dances that entertain people in attendance to a social function
31. Social dancing can prevent some diseases caused by sedentary lifestyle, if regularly performed. Which of the following
does NOT belong to the group?
a. diabetes b. lung cancer c. obesity d. weight gain
32. Which of the following is a term used to refer to dances primarily intended to get to know other people in a certain formal
or semi-formal occasion?
a. ballroom dances b. dancesport c. festival dances d. social dances
33. In what way will our knowledge and skills in sports officiating skills help our community?
a. Save money during sports competition
b. Train youth in sports related activities like as athletes and sports official.
c. Reduces the case of delinquent youth in the communities.
d. All of the above
34. What is the general term referring to the DOs and DON’Ts in social dancing?
a. behavior b. character c. dance demeano d. dance etiquette
35. Social dances are of two classifications namely, Latin American and Modern Standard Dances. Which of the following
is an example of Modern Standard Dances?
a. cha-cha-cha b. jive c. rumba d. tango
36. “It takes two to Tango.” What does this quote mean?
a. A Tango requires two individuals to dance
b. One cannot exist without the other
c. It takes two to make any endeavor work
d. There should always be two individuals dancing the Tango
37. The condition of the body to adapt to the effects of substances to the body thus requiring an even larger amount of
the substance to experience the same physiological and mental effect experienced when taking the smaller dosage.
a. drugs of abuse b. drug dependence c. drug misuse d. Drug tolerance
38. Any substances or chemicals which when taken into the body have psychological, emotional, and behavioral effects on a
a. Drugs of abuse b. Drugs c. gateway drugs d. drug misuse
39. Stimulants, depressants, hallucinogens, narcotics and inhalants are classified as?
a. Drugs of abuse b. Drugs c. gateway drugs d. drug misuse
40. The following are the Short- Term Effects of Inhalants EXCEPT:
a. Loss of hearing b. Slurred speech c. Poor coordination d. Delusions
41. Which of the following is a long term effects of Hallucinogens?
a. Euphoria b. Inability to sleep c. Psychosis d. Nausea
42. It is known as “ painkillers”.
a. Depressants b.Stimulants c. Narcotics d. Inhalants
Supply the missing words
• Commonly abused drugs in the Philippines are __ (43) __(44) __, and(45) __.Filipino (46) __ are most vulnerable in
experimenting and abusing drugs. (47) __ are any substances or chemicals which when taken into the body have psychological,
emotional and behavioral effects on a person. Cigarettes and alcohol are classified under __ (48) __ because smokers and
drinkers have a tendency to use drugs of abuse.
(Second Quarter)

GENERAL DIRECTION: Read each item carefully. Select the correct answer then write it in your answer sheet.
1. The oldest name given to Mindoro
a. Mina de Oro b. Min’oro c.Oro d. Mina Oro
2. The general term for the people who live in the mountainous region of Mindoro
a. ambahan b. Mangyans c. hanunuo d. Oros
3. Which of the following is the traditional poetry of the Hanunuo Mangyans of Oriental Mindoro?
a. ambahan b. Mangyans c. hanunuo d. Oros
4. The largest province in the Philippines and is home to several indigenous ethno-linguistic group.
a. Mindoro b. Palawan c. Visayas d. Mindanao
5.A group of indigenous Filipino people that resides in the northeast portion of Palawan described as the “ mountain people” in
a. Palawenos b. Tagbanua c. Batak d. Taaw’t Bato
6. Which of the following is the Palawan letters?
a. Kulial b. Alphabet c. Alibata d. Alabata
7. A song to send a child to sleep.
a. Ballads b. Folk song c. Pop song d. Lullaby
8. A Cuyunon folksong, a song about people’s activity and is also known as Composo.
a. Ballads b. Folk song c. Pop song d. Lullaby
9. Type of bamboo flute that are played with either the nose or the mouth and vary in size.
a. Subing b. Lantoy c. Batungtong d. Palupakan
10. The following are examples of the musical instruments of Palawan under Aerophones EXCEPT:
a. Kudyapi b. Beberek c. Tipanu d. Aruding
11. Which of the vocal music from The Visayas is accompanied with guitar/ Rondalla instruments?
a. Pastores b. Lullaby c. Ballad d. Balitao
12. The following are the examples of Visayan folksongs EXCEPT:
a. Si Felimon b. Matud Nila c. Usahay d. Leron Leron Sinta
13. This island is where the Queen city of the South can be found?
a. Cebu b. Bacolod c. Bohol d. Panay
14. This island is the home of Malmag and the Chocolate Hills.
a. Cebu b. Bacolod c. Bohol d. Panay
15. Ati-Atihan is a popular festival from what Visayan Island?
a. Cebu b. Bacolod c. Bohol d. Panay
16. In the Pre-Historic time, the island of Negros is called____, after the type of grass similar to sugarcane that grows abuntdantly in
the island.
a. Pakol b. Buglas c. Hambabalod d. Inagta
17. Famous pre-colonial secondary burial jar excavated from Manuggul Cave in Palawan, with two figures rowing a boat, signifying
belief in the journey of the soul to the afterlife.
a. Manunggul Jar b. Maitum jar c. Okir d. Sarimanok
18. What place is known for its shell decors?.
a. Aklan b. Iloilo c. Capiz d. none of the above
19. What municipality of Negros Oriental, where Sinamay weaving is known for?
a. Sibulan b. Valencia c. Bacong d. Dauin
20. Best example of weaving for culinary arts. It is made from glutinous rice wrapped in a carefully- woven young
coconut leaves( or talbos).
a. Bibingka b. puto c. Pu-so d. molido
21. The Waray term for bariw or romblon.
a. tikog b. banig c. basketry d. Kapis
22. The wrap around handwoven skirt of Visayans which has a checkered pattern.
a. Barong b. Patadyong c. Salugin d. Pinya
23. Panay is a Spanish term which literally means?
a. “paghahabol” b. “home” c.” there is food” d. “island”
24. Samar is known for its beautiful and colorful hand woven banig that are made from tikog leaves. This arts and crafts is?
a. torotot b. lotus c. burda d. Basey mat
25. A Filipino martial arts that can be performed individually or with a partner, using a single stick or a pair of sticks for striking and
a. Karate b. Taekwondo c. Arnis d. Sipa
26. What Republic Act declaring that Arnis is the National Sports and Martial Arts of the Philippine?
a. R.A 6789 b. R.A 9478 c. R.A 9850 d. R.A 8756
27. The thing that need to do before an activity.
a. warm-up exercises b. squat c. jogging d. walking
28. Knee hug, single leg, toe touch are classified as.
a. dynamic stretching b. general warm –up c. shuffle d. lunge
29. Hitting vital points of the body as targets by means of slashing, stabbing is.
a. attacking b. fighting c. striking techniques d. all of these
30. Placing the weapon hand across the chest
a. fighting b. pugay c. handa d. grip
31. When 70% of the body weight on the rear foot and 30% is placed on the front foot it means
a. backward stance b. forward stance c. both d. none of these
32. Wrist, finger stretch and over stretch are classified as
a. static stretching b. dynamic stretching c. both d. none of these
33. The following are the Basic Stance and Salutation in Arnis EXCEPT:
a. Pugay b. Handa c. Handa sa pPaglaban d. Grip
34. Which of the following Fundamental skills in Arnis where it shows the proper hold of the stick?
a. handa b. pugay c. fighting d. grip
35. Consists of those specific components that have a relationship with learning motor skills quickly and the ability to achieve a high level of
performance in school.
a. Health- related Physical Fitness b. Skill- related Physical Fitness c. physical fitness d. Exercise
36. A type of physical activity consisting of planned, structured and repetitive bodily movement.
a. Health- related Physical Fitness b. Skill- related Physical Fitness c. physical fitness d. Exercise
Match column B with column A. Write the letter which corresponds to the correct answer.


37. A unit of measure for energy in food a. Nutrition

38. A chemical substance in food that helps maintain the body b. Calcium
39. The study of how your body uses the food that you eat. c. Nutrients
40. helps in the growth and development of bone and muscles d. Calorie
41. units of heat that measure the energy used by the body e. Carbohydrates
Direction: On the blank provided, write True if the statement is true and False if the statement is false.

42. Teenagers who have eating disorders usually have a family history of weight problems, depression, or
substance abuse.
43. Malnutrition among adolescents is due to poor food choices and poor food intakes
44. Eating a variety of foods once a week is a good nutritional habit.
45. The fear of being overweight is too strong among anorexic people.
46. A bulimic person has dry skin, brittle hair and lost body fat.
47. Anorexia nervosa is characterized by compulsive eating.
48. Eating disorders are uncommon among adolescent girls.
(Second Quarter)

GENERAL DIRECTION: Read each item carefully. Select the correct answer then write it in your answer sheet.
1. Which of the following statement about changgo is correct?
a. It is a single-headed drum whose tone is altered by squeezing its laces.
b. I is a Japanese drum that has become the central instrument of the percussion ensemble.
c. It is large hanging drum.
d. It is an hour glass-shaped double-headed drum made from animal skin.
2. Which Japanese instrument is called the dragon flute?
a. shimobue b. hichiriki c. ryuteki d. shakuhachi
3. How is Chinese music described?
a. It is gentle and lyrical. c. It is slow in tempo and is very peaceful
b. It is meditative and highly ritualized. D. It is slow and melancholy
4. .4.Which Korean music category is traditionally associated with the lower class?
a. ta. ang-ak b. chong-ak c. sog-ak d. a-ak
5. .5. How is the Arirang song classified?
a. welcome song b. love song c. . song for spring d. parting song
6. . 6. What melody is used in the folk song Mo Li Hua?
a.. melodic b. pentatonic c. diatonic d. harmonic
7. What meter is used in the Japanese song Sakura?
a. quadruple b. triple c. duple d. compound
8.Traditional Korean music represents a world of?
a. beautifully gentle and lyrical melody c. captivating rhythms and melodies
b. harmony of the universe d. meditative and highly ritualized
9. Which of the following Does not belong in the group?
a. tsuzumi b. odaiko c. taiko d. changgo
10. A classical Japanese dance-drama.
a. Kabuki b. Sakura c. Taiko d. Gagaku
11. A performance given extempore without planning or preparation, something improvised, especially a musical
passage or a dramatic skit.
a. Texture b. improvisation c. Timbre d. Tone color
12. The folksong of Japan.
a. Gagaku b. Kabuki c. Min’yo d. Arirang
Match column B with column A. Write the letter which corresponds to the correct answer.

13. “shadow and light” a. Calligraphy

14. Knot tying in Korea b. Origami
15. . Refers to the traditional Japanese art of paper folding c. Yin-Yang
16. Highest form of Chinese painting d. China
17. The art of “ beautiful handwriting” e. maedeup
18. Best known and most popular style of Japanese art f. ukiyo-e
19. Considered to have the largest international Kite festival on Earth g. T’al
20. Korean masks h. Jianzhi
21. The legendary inventor of Chinese writing i. Landscape painting
22. First type of paper cutting design and is referred to Chuang Hua j. Woodblock printing
23. A Technique for printing text, images, or patterns used widely k. Art
Throughout East Asia
24. The visual arts which cover the creation of images or objects in fields l. Cangjie
m. Crane
25. Playing field in baseball/softball is called
a. diamond b. round c. oblong d. square
26. An Englishman who devised the first set of rules in baseball.
a. Babe Ruth b. James Smith c. Alexander Cartwright d. JB Watson
27. Basketball was invented in December 1891 by the Canadian clergyman, educator, and physician named
a. James Naismit b. James Newhum c. Kurt Russel d. Kobe Byant
28. A pass that travels between players without hitting the floor.
a. Assist b. Air pass c. Dribbling d. chest pass
29. A team sport wherein the objective is to shoot a ball through a basket horizontally positioned to score points while following a
set of rules.
a. Softball b. baseball c. Basketball d. Volleyball
30. 30. Which of the following is NOT a basic skills for basketball?
a. shooting b. passing c. catching d. rebounding
31. Tthe first British women’s softball league was established in ?
a. 1950 b. 1953 c. 1954 d. 1952
32. An unbecoming behavior of a player contributing to the disturbance or unusual flow of a game.
a. Offensive play b. misconduct c. foul d. substitution
33. How much score points will a team receive if they have a touchdown which means moving the ball to the end zone.
a. 7 b. 8 c. 3 d. 5
34. This is an offensive skill used to strike the pitched ball using a bat.
a. throwing b. pitching c. batting d. catching
35. An infraction or violation of the rules of a game.
a. . Defensive play b. Misconduct c. Referee d. Foul
36.A method of kicking in which it is a very powerful move in soccer and is ideal for long distances.
a. free kick b. corner kick c. instep kick d. flying kick
Identify the concept described in each item. Choose from the words inside the box below.

Marriage Courtship attraction Pregnancy

Parenthood Dating Breastfeeding Family
37. The ideal and traditional form of feeding an infant.
38. The smallest integral unit of a society.
39. Admiration for someone that may include the desire to get to know that person better.
40. The legal union of man and woman as husband and wife.
41. A period in a person’s relationship when one tells his/her intense feeling/desire to another
42. A social activity which involves two or more people generally assessing each others
suitability for a potential relationship.
43. The period when a new cell during fertilization grows and develops in a woman’s uterus.
Write True if the statement is true and False if the statement is false.
44. Family relations weaken when families enjoy recreation together.
45. Smoking and drinking liquor is healthy during pregnancy.
46. Parents must tolerate the mistakes of their children.
47. The palabas or magpasumbahi is a courtship style practices by the Tausug.
48.Having fewer children and proper spacing of birth are good for the health of the mother and the children.



1.a 1. d 1. False 1. True
2.b 2. c 2.True 2. False
3.a 3. b 3. True 3. True
4.b 4. c 4. False 4. True
5.c 5. d 5. False 5. True
6.c 6. a 6. False 6. True
7.d 7. c 7. True 7. False
8.a 8. c 8. True 8. False
9.b 9. d 9. True 9. True
10.a 10. a 10. False 10. False
11.d 11. b 11. True 11. False
12. d 12. c 12. False 12. False

13. a 13. c 13. d 13. a
14. c 14. e 14. e 14. f
15. d 15. b 15. c 15. c
16. b 16. i 16. a 16. h
17. a 17. a 17. l 17. b
18. c 18. f 18. b 18. i
19. b 19. d 19. f 19. e
20.c 20. g 20. i 20. j
21.a 21. l 21. k 21. d
22.b 22. h 22. m 22. l
23. c 23. j 23. g 23. g
24. d 24. k 24. h 24. k


25.c 25. a 25. d 25. d

26. c 26. c 26. d 26. d
27. a 27. a 27. b 27. c
28. a 28. b 28. a 28.c
29. c 29. c 29. c 29. d
30. b 30. c 30. c 30. b
31. a 31. d 31. d 31. a
32. a 32. b 32. d 32. c
33. d 33. c 33. d 33. d
34. d 34. c 34. d 34. d
35.b 35. d 35. d 35. b
36.d. 36. a 36. c 36. c


37.d 37. breastfeeding 37. d 37. d

38. c 38. Family 38. b 38. d
39.a 39. Attraction 39. a 39. b
40.b 40. Marriage 40. a 40. a
41.e 41. courtship 41.c 41. d
42. True 42. Dating 42. c 42. a
43. True 43. Pregnancy 43. shabu 43. a
44. False 44. False 44. marijuana 44. d
45. True 45. False 45. inhalants 45. c
46. False 46. False 46. Teenagers 46. a
47. False 47. True 47. drugs 47. d
48. False 48. True 48. Gateway drugs 48. b

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