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Group No.

: Group 4 BSIT 4-1

System Name: Bank Courier Delivery Management System

Polytechnic University of the Philippines

College of computer and information Sciences
Sta. Mesa Manila

The development team aims to build and implement Bank Courier Delivery Management System
for the FasTrack Courier Delivery Services. Specifically, it will seek to answer the evaluation of the
students, faculty and client in terms of:

Table 1: ISO 9126-1 Software Quality Model Instrument

Characteristics Sub-Characteristics Definition
Functionality Suitability This is the essential
Functionality characteristics and
refers to the appropriateness of
the functions of the software.
Accurateness This refers to the correctness of
the functions.
Interoperability A given software component or
system does not typically
function in isolation. This sub-
characteristics concerns the
ability of a software components
to interact with other
components or systems.
Compliance Where appropriate certain
industry laws and guidelines
needs to be complied with, i.e,
SOX. This sub-characteristics
addresses the compliant
capability of the software
Security This sub-characteristics relates to
unauthorized access to the
software functions.
Reliability Maturity This sub-characteristics concerns
frequency of failure of the
Fault Tolerance The ability of the software to
withstand (and recover) from
component, environment, failure
Recoverability Ability to bring back a failed
system to full operation,
including data and network
Usability Understandability Determines the ease of which the
systems functions can be
understood, relates to user
mental models in Human
Computer Interaction models.
Learnability Learning effort for different
users, i.e novice, expert, casual
Operability Ability of the software to be
easily operated by a given user in
a given environment.
Efficiency Time Behavior Characterizes resources used.
Resource Behavior Characterizes resources used.
Maintainability Analyzability Characterizes the ability to
identify the root cause of a failure
within the software
Changeability Characterizes the amount of
effort to change a system
Stability Characterizes the sensitivity to
change of a given system that is
the negative impact that may be
caused by system changes.
Testability Characterizes the effort needed
to verify a system change
Portability Adaptability Characterizes the ability of the
system to change to new
specifications or operating
Installability Characterizes the effort required
to install the software
Conformance Similar to compliance for
functionality, but this
characteristic relates to
Replaceability Characterizes the plug and play
aspect. That is how easy is it to
exchange a given software
component within a specified

User Acceptance Test Form

Date: Time:
System Name: Bank Courier Delivery Management System
Faculty-in-Charge: Prof. Ria A. Sagum
Respondent’s Profile
Respondent’s Name:
o Client
o Faculty
o Student
Direction: Please put a check on the criteria of your choice.
5 – Strongly Agree, 4 – Agree, 3 – Either Agree or Disagree, 2 – Disagree, 1 – Strongly Disagree
Functionality 5 4 3 2 1
1. The Delivery management system is precise in its results
2. The delivery management system is precise in executing the
function (Accuracy)
3. The Delivery management system has all the function for its
execution (Adequacy)
4. The Delivery management system interacts with the specified
modules (Interoperability)
5. The Delivery management system complies with standards,
business rules, laws etc. (Conformity)
6. The Delivery management system has secure access through
passwords (Secure Access)
Reliability 5 4 3 2 1
1. The Delivery management system has no frequent failures
2. The Delivery management system reacts appropriately when
failure occurs (Fault Tolerance)
3. The Delivery management system is capable of recovering data
in the event of failure (Recoverability)
Usability 5 4 3 2 1
1. The Delivery management system is easy to perform its
function (Intelligibility)
2. The Delivery management system is easy to understand the
concept and application (Intelligibility)
3. The Delivery management system is easy to learn how to use
4. The Delivery management system is easy to operate and
control (Operability)
Efficiency 5 4 3 2 1
1. The Delivery management system’s response time is
appropriate (Time)
2. The Delivery management system’s execution time is
appropriate (Time)
3. The resources used by the Delivery management system are
appropriate (Resources)
Maintainability 5 4 3 2 1
1. The Delivery management system is easy to modify and adapt
2. Changes in the system are easy to test (Testability)
3. There is no risk when changes are made (Stability)
4. The Delivery management system is easy to find a failure,
when it occurs (Analyzability)
Portability 5 4 3 2 1
1. The Delivery management system is easy to adapt to other
environments (Adaptability)
2. The Delivery management system is easy to install in other
environments (Capability to be installed)
3. The Delivery management system is in environment with
portability standards (Conformity)
Usefulness 5 4 3 2 1
1. The Delivery management system helps me be more productive
2. The Delivery management system saves me time when I use it.
3. The Delivery management system makes the things I want to
accomplish easier to get done.
4. The Delivery management system helps me be more effective
5. The Delivery management system meets my needs
Satisfaction 5 4 3 2 1
1. I am satisfied with the system
2. The Delivery management system works the way I want it
3. The Delivery management system is recommended to use
Ease of Learning 5 4 3 2 1
1. I learned to use the Delivery management system quickly
2. I easily remember how to use the information quickly
3. I quickly become skillful with the Delivery management
Comments and Suggestions


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