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Table of Contents
Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 3

Identification of ethical values: Reasoning for violating law ......................................................... 3

Analysis of ethical issues: Bodyguard’s right to privacy................................................................ 3

Discussion of findings: Jon’s right for knowing bodyguard’s activity ........................................... 5

Conclusion ...................................................................................................................................... 5

References ....................................................................................................................................... 6


As the communication and technologies are developing, ethical concern is also increasing among
people. Using ICT technologies for any purpose of human welfare or good of organization and
individual might disrespect these ethical concerns. In such a violation of ethical concern, serious
issues of confidentially and data mining can be taken place. In this case of Jon Kiggwe, this
violation of ethical concern has been taken place which has been evaluated systematically.

Identification of ethical values: Reasoning for violating law

In the current context, two significant ethical values can be incorporated such as Freedom from
unauthorised access to private data as well as inappropriate use of these data. This is information-
intensive and technology driven a complex as well as necessary framework due to its
multidirectional demand. Jon has violated the ICT law by placing a video camera without the
concern of their bodyguard's rooms. The bodyguards are living at his place in separate settings to
protect Jon. However, the full house is surrounded by surveillance cameras, although, without their
knowledge, the cameras were placed in the bodyguard's house. As opined by Kizza (2010), the
communication security measures state points to access logs and audit trails. Along with this, the
personal security is affected by the inclusion of surveillance cameras without any notice. For this
reason, Jon has violated the Privacy Act 1988 by collecting personal information of bodyguard
(oaic.gov.au, 2019). This does not comply with the Australian Privacy Principles. As per the APP
12, the personal incorporation access without request is a breach of law. In this case, Jon has
created a serious threat to accessing personal information. In the current situation, the cyberspace
issues has been taken place and computer ethics has been completely breached. According to
Capurro (2018), this is influencing people's knowledge over computer ethics and violated their
role in human conduct. In the case of Jon, he could ask this bodyguard for conducting the activity
without proper concern of people. In this way, the bodyguard might felt disrespected and exposer
of their private knowledge without prior concern.

Analysis of ethical issues: Bodyguard’s right to privacy

As per the right to privacy act, Privacy Amendment Act 1990 (Cth) has been addressed
(oaic.gov.au, 2019). As per the Theory of Deontology by Immanuel Kant, the duty of a moral
agent is to act with moral judgement under the rules of a certain lawsuit. The credit providers and

credit reporting agencies can amend this act to amend Bodyguard's right which can be established
from the Deontological duties. Therefore, they can inform the police or take legal steps for the
breach of privacy. As per the Information Privacy Principle, the rules of conduct need to be
established for acknowledging disclosure, use, correction, access, retention, and collection of
personal information. According to Lunnay et al. (2015), these disclosure, use, correction, access,
retention and collection is the main institution of the Privacy act which is necessary for avoiding
data breaching and confidentiality issues. As for this reason, the Bodyguards can take legal steps
against Jon for accessing their information, intruding on privacy and storing their information
without their concern. With the help of this aspect, the bodyguards may seek legal guidance and
assistance for taking action against Jon. On the other hand, The Social Contract Theory according
to John Locke is showing, when people are not getting moral or ethical support, then they have the
right to make their own judgement and care of taking laws in their own hand. This makes Jon to
take righteous decision about incorporating surveillance cameras in bodyguards’ room. The
personal incorporation access without request is a breach of law. In this case, Jon has created a
serious threat to accessing personal information. Along with this, the bodyguards can ask the
assistance of the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission and its Privacy Commissioner
in order to ask privacy protection measure. In terms of any conciliated complain, the commissioner
will investigate and can provide legal advice or steps according to that. Miller and Blackler (2017)
stated that this is the way to establish IPP guidelines in Federal court for acknowledging ICT
ethical concern.

Figure 1: The Social Contract According to John Locke

Discussion of findings: Jon’s right for knowing bodyguard’s activity

Freedom of Information Act 1982 (Cth) (FOI Act) is another extension of the Privacy Act 1988
which can be incorporated in this case (oaic.gov.au, 2019). Jon has the right to access his
bodyguard’s activity. However, Monshipouri et al. (2017) opposed that, without the concern of
any person or group of persons and without taking their consent, any personal information cannot
be accessed. Therefore, in order to avoid the breach of contract, Jon could ask and provide a
consent letter to his bodyguards for knowing their consent about accessing their privacy. Along
with this, Kizza (2010) supported and commented that, accessing the information in private places
and intimate condition cannot be done using any lawful activities also. For this reason, to maintain
the lawful activities, Jon could place the cameras in the common places except the private rooms
of bodyguards. This right can be established by Jon which could eradicate the scope of ethical
beaching and violation of privacy act. the confidentiality issue breaching could be mitigated by
effective inclusion of FOI and Privacy act principles of ICT ethics.


Henceforth, it can be concluded that breaching ethical principles of ICT could lead a serious
misconduct of policy. This unlawful activity may cause serious legal issues and judgment like
imprisonment as well as monetary punishment. Jon can incorporate effective strategic measures
for including bodyguard’s permission for using surveillance devices within their living places.
Otherwise, he could avoid lacing such devices in the living places of bodyguards and can use other
types of security devices in the com on place for understanding the activities of bodyguards. Thus,
it can be stated that, taking concern and consent of people can lower ethical dilemma and


Capurro, R., 2018. Intercultural information ethics. In Localizing the Internet (pp. 19-38).
Wilhelm Fink Verlag.

Kizza, J.M., 2010. Computer Crimes. In Ethical and Social Issues in the Information Age (pp. 187-
206). Springer, London.

Lunnay, B., Borlagdan, J., McNaughton, D. and Ward, P., 2015. Ethical use of social media to
facilitate qualitative research. Qualitative Health Research, 25(1), pp.99-109.

Miller, S. and Blackler, J., 2017. Ethical issues in policing. Routledge.

Monshipouri, M., Welch, C.E. and Kennedy, E.T., 2017. Multinational corporations and the ethics
of global responsibility: Problems and possibilities. In Human Rights and Corporations (pp. 123-
147). Routledge.

oaic.gov.au (2019), Security cameras, Available at: https://www.oaic.gov.au/privacy/your-

privacy-rights/surveillance-and-monitoring/security-cameras/ [Accessed on: 20 August 2019]

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