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Laguna Sports Complex, Santa Cruz, Laguna

A.Y: 2015-2016




Rina D. Degocina
Sherlyn M. Aguilar
Christhel Joy M. Berwega
Lara Krystel F. Bonifacio

A Thesis
Presented to the
Communication Department of
Sta. Cruz, Laguna

In Partial Fulfillment
Of the Requirements for the Degree

June 2018
Laguna Sports Complex, Santa Cruz, Laguna
A.Y: 2015-2016




Information and communications technology or simply ICT refers to

technologies that enables users to access, store, transmit, and manipulate
information or receive information electronically in a digital form. It is an extended
term for information technology but primarily focuses on communication
technologies. This includes telephone lines, wireless signals, computers and
necessary enterprise software, middleware, storage, and audio-visual systems.
However, ICT has no universal definition for the concepts, methods and applications
involved in ICT are constantly evolving on an almost daily basis.

Today, in this Information Age or simply Computer or Digital Age continues to

change over time as new technologies, user devices, methods of interaction with
other humans and devices enter the domain of research and development. And
according to Acut (2016) it is changing everything it touches, and the field of
education is no exception. Thus, it became more central to teaching and learning
(Burton, 2010).

The researchers believe that Information Age has influenced students the most,
especially college students. The constant need to acquire information in the fastest
way resulted to their dependence on technologies and internet. Moreover, youth
today are more curious, explorative and wanted to constantly expand their
knowledge in every possible way. However, the risk of misuse and extreme use of
technologies should not be overlooked for its effects. The availability of gadgets and
purposes are also to be considered. More access in knowledge through the proper
Laguna Sports Complex, Santa Cruz, Laguna
A.Y: 2015-2016


handling of technologies for academic purposes can lead to a better academic

Background of the Study

Technology has been argued as having a positive impact on the way of

thinking. Steve Johnson (2005), posited that technology is making people more
intelligent due to means of obtaining, interpreting, and processing information.
Many studies have discussed how technology affects our brains and impacts how
much its use affects the way that we think and perform.

Jingco (2015) says that with the advent of the 21st Century comes with its
technological advances like smartphones, laptops, Ipads, and other gadgets that are
very affordable and accessible to the students. Higher education has undergone
profound transformation due to recent technological advancements. The use of
technologies became a need and at the same time an aid for their study and
research. But due to the level of availability and accessibility of these, the level of
usage also differs. Thus, affecting their academic performance. However, we cannot
say that technology is all good in itself. It is a two-edged sword and we have to see to
what extent it has really helped improved people's standard of living. There are
many possible effects on using it. And it depends only on the way the users used it.
They have to know how to use it for their benefit and should not abuse its use. It
should be properly used rather than rely on it totally.

It was this situation that the researchers became motivated on conducting a

study to determine the effects of using information and communication technologies
specifically, laptop, smart phones, and computer with or without internet access as
the helpers in study for better academic performance for this are the top three (3)
gadgets students are using in Laguna University.
Laguna Sports Complex, Santa Cruz, Laguna
A.Y: 2015-2016


The researchers focused on how students should interact to these

technological devices in order to attain learning with the help of it. Further to this,
the researchers found it necessary and worthwhile to contribute additional
knowledge and insights for better understanding of this condition.

Statement of the Problem

The main inquiry of the study was to analyze the effects of information and
communication technologies as the helpers in study for better academic
performance of selected Laguna University students in Santa Cruz, Laguna.

Specifically it sought to answer the following questions:

1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of:

1.1. Age;

1.2. Gender;

1.3. Program; and

1.4. Gadget(s) owned?

2. What is the degree of dependence according to the purpose of usage?

3. What are the negative effects of common information and

communication technological devices to the academic performance of
selected Laguna University students?

4. What are the positive effects of common information and

communication technological devices to the academic performance of
selected Laguna University students?
Laguna Sports Complex, Santa Cruz, Laguna
A.Y: 2015-2016


5. Is there a significant relationship between using information and

communication technological devices and the academic performance of
selected Laguna University students?
Theoretical Framework

The theoretical framework that was used in the study was the Input-
Process-Output. According to, Marshall McLuhan for his statement “the medium is
the message” as he believes that how the media modifies or disrupts the message
when it is conveyed.

Medium theory is a set of approaches used to convey the difference in

meanings of the message conveyed with regarding to the different channels used to
communicate it. The core assumption is that the media as we consider is not just a
channel were the communication takes place but they are diverse set of setting or
environment that enable the communication to happen and it may vary the meaning
and sense of the information that it is been transferred. Here the features of each
media are being taken into consideration and how they differ discretely. By
understanding features of these Medias (which can be classified into audio, video
and print) the researchers will be able to examine the efficiency of communication
through these mediums and also to compare it while communicating

The theory explains how a media is influenced in propagating information

physically and psychologically. So it can be useful in comprehending about various
Medias and how each media can be beneficial in distributing information. Like the
saying” a picture can convey 1000 words” not every message has to be expressed
through words or pictures, through proper analysis and application of this theory
relevant media can be designated and can be used appropriately.
Laguna Sports Complex, Santa Cruz, Laguna
A.Y: 2015-2016


Conceptual Framework

The foregoing theoretical framework is the basis for the present researcher
to design a conceptual guide in a form of research paradigm given below.

The said paradigm is an application of holistic approach in the effects of

information and communication technologies to the academic performance of
selected students of the Laguna University.

Independent Variable Intervening Variable Dependent Variable


Profile of the Information and

Respondents: Communication
1.1 age; Academic
1.2 gender; (laptop, smartphones, Performance
1.3 program; and computer, others)
1.4 gadget(s) owned

Frame 1 Frame 2 Frame 3

Laguna Sports Complex, Santa Cruz, Laguna
A.Y: 2015-2016


In Frame 1, it included the independent variables fused as input in terms of

age, gender, program, and gadget(s) used.

As reflected in Frame 2, it covered the process, the transformation process in

converting input into output. This process was the intervening variables fragmented
into the effects of communication technologies to the academic performance of
selected students of the Laguna University.

As shown in Frame 3, it has bearing on the dependent variables in terms of

output relative to the significant level of academic performance the more
technologies using.

As there is a low relationship established between the profiles of the

respondents and communication technologies, thus will be evaluated in the form of
feedbacks for adjustment or indicator in order to effectuate the relationship
between and among the input, process and output.

Significance of the Study

This study was designed to determine the effect of information and

communication technologies to the relationship between the students of Laguna
University and their academic performance.

The outcome of the findings will be beneficial to the following:

College Students. This study will provide the students information about the
effects of continuous technology use to the relationship to academic performance.
They will be more aware on using information and communication technologies to
Laguna Sports Complex, Santa Cruz, Laguna
A.Y: 2015-2016


enhance their academic performance and to avoid the misuse of it.

Faculty of Laguna University. This study will serve as support material for
the professors in the next years to come and to provide better understanding and
improve the same study for future students.

Laguna University Administrators. This study will serve as a written

material that can help the school administrator in assessing and understanding the
students and how these factors effects to their academic performance at the school.

Future Researchers. This study will provide additional information and new
insights on any topic related to the effects information and communication
technologies to the academic performance of the students. The findings of this study
may serve as data bank for future researchers to conduct studies of similar in order
to strengthen further the findings of this present research undertaking.

Scope and Limitations of the Study

This study was conducted in Laguna University to analyze the effects of

information and communication technologies to the academic performance of the
students. The respondents of this study were college students of Laguna University.

The respondents were randomly selected students from Bachelor of Arts in

Communication, Bachelor of Secondary Education, Bachelor of Elementary
Education, Bachelor of Science in Accountancy, Bachelor of Science in
Entrepreneurship, Bachelor of Science in Computer Science, Bachelor of Science in
Information Technology, Bachelor of Science in Tourism Management, and Bachelor
of Science in Mechanical Engineering were enrolled during the first semester of
Laguna Sports Complex, Santa Cruz, Laguna
A.Y: 2015-2016


academic year 2017-2018 at Laguna University regardless of their gender and age.

The researchers did not include the Health Care Services it is a vocational
program. The researchers also specified the top three gadgets available students
possess which are laptop, smartphones, and computer with or without internet
access. So the analyzed effects were focused on these top three gadgets.

Objectives of the Study

This research aimed to analyze the effects of information and communication

technologies as the helpers in study for better academic performance of selected
Laguna University students in Santa Cruz, Laguna.

Specifically it sought to answer the following questions:

1. To identify the profile of students in terms of age, gender, program, and

gadget(s) owned;

2. To determine the degree of dependence according to the purpose of usage;

3. To present the negative effects of common information and communication

technological devices to the academic performance of selected Laguna University

4. To present the positive effects of common information and communication

technological devices to the academic performance of selected Laguna University
students; and

5. To determine the significant relationship between using information and

communication technological devices and the academic performance of selected
Laguna University students.
Laguna Sports Complex, Santa Cruz, Laguna
A.Y: 2015-2016


Hypothesis of the Study

The following hypotheses is null:

ΗΟ - There is no significant relationship in the profile of respondents, the degree of

using communication technologies, and the effect of using technologies to the
academic performance was established between the foregoing variables.

Definition of Terms

For a better understanding of this study, the following terms are operationally

Academic Performance. Directly disposed with the students’ examination, 10

class participation, and quizzes.

Effectiveness. Scale to the students’ increase of academic performance e.g.

examination, class participation, and quizzes during class discussion through
instructional technologies.

Laguna University. Academic Institution located at Laguna Sports Complex,

Brgy. Bubukal, Santa Cruz, Laguna.

Information and Communication Technology. ICT refers to technologies that

enables users to access, store, transmit, and manipulate information or receive
information electronically in a digital form.

Smartphone. A smartphone is a mobile phone with highly advanced features. A

typical smartphone has a high-resolution touch screen display, WiFi connectivity,
Web browsing capabilities, and the ability to accept sophisticated applications.
Laguna Sports Complex, Santa Cruz, Laguna
A.Y: 2015-2016


Laptop. Also known as notebooks are portable computers that you can take
with you and use in different environments. They include a screen, keyboard, and a
track pad or trackball, which serves as the mouse. Because laptops are meant to be
used on the go, they have a battery which allows them to operate without being
plugged into a power outlet. Laptops also include a power adapter that allows them
to use power from an outlet and recharges the battery.

Computer. An electronic device for storing and processing data, typically in

binary form, according to instructions given to it in a variable program.

Negative Effects of ICT. The factors that the researcher believes, technological
devices degrade the learning performance of the students.

Positive Effects of ICT. The factors that the researcher believes, technological
devices improves and enhance the learning performance of the students.

Communication. The act or process of using words, sounds, signs, or behaviors

to express or exchange information or to express your ideas, thoughts, feelings; to
someone else and a message that is given to someone: a letter, telephone call, etc.
and also the ways of sending information to people by using technologies.



Foreign Literature
Laguna Sports Complex, Santa Cruz, Laguna
A.Y: 2015-2016


Smartphones Popularity

The cell phone is one of the most rapidly growing new technologies in the world
(Rebello, 2010). In 2001, cell phone subscriptions were less than a billion worldwide
with the majority of the subscriptions from the developed countries. At the end of
2010, however, cell phone subscriptions had reached five billion worldwide with
subscriptions from developing countries outnumbering that of the developed
countries (Kelly, 2009; Rebello 2010). Cell phones have become quite popular in a
short time among the younger generations.

Influence of Smartphones

Some of the participants in the study reported very strong attachment to their
cell phones; they felt as though their cell phones were part of them. In another
qualitative study, Bond (2010) examined children's cell phone use and concluded
that cellphones were fundamental tools with which the children maintain and
manage their relationships contributing to reinforced peer ties. Among the cell
phone users in romantic relationships, a higher number of voice calls was associated
with positive relationship qualities (Jin & Penñ a, 2010). Other studies reported that
the presence of cell phones provide a higher sense of security in potentially harmful

Whether strolling along on the beach, or eating dinner, or at the theatres, it

seems that cell phones find a way to interrupt the ambiance. Even in developing
countries cell phones are becoming more valuable than money as they are being
paid in minutes instead of money (Quinn, 2010). But has anyone stopped to ask and
answer if cell phones are detrimental to society? This is an interesting question to
consider because many of us might not see how cell phones could possibly pose any
Laguna Sports Complex, Santa Cruz, Laguna
A.Y: 2015-2016


harm. Yet it seems that since the conception of the cell phone many erroneous ideas
have been formed. Cell phones have been believed to cause physiological problems
such as nose bleeds and brain tumors yet no scientific studies have been able to
prove these malformed theories yet there are very real studies that show how cell
phones greatly impair one’s ability to drive and talk.

Local Related Literature

In the present time, the Philippines’ Digital Strategy (PDS) was formulated
strategically to make the country a “digitally empowered, innovative, globally
competitive, and prosperous society where everyone has reliable, affordable and
secure information access in the Philippines” (Philippine Digital Strategy, 2011).

UNESCO has initiatives related to the use of ICT in teacher education by

supporting existing teacher development communities of practice, multi-
stakeholder partnerships, capacity building of policy-makers and the development
of international standards on ICT competencies for teachers.

UNESCO’s ICT Competency Standards for Teachers (ICT-CST) overall objective is

to improve teacher practice. It is aimed to achieve it in a way that contributes to a
higher quality education system for a better informed citizenry and higher quality
workforce. It is hoped that as a result it advances the country’s economic and social
development. The intent of the UNESCO ICT-CST project is “to connect education
reform to economic growth and social development that can improve the quality of
education, reduce poverty and inequity, advance the standards of living, and prepare
a country’s citizens for the challenges of the 21st century”. (UNESCO, 2008)
UNESCO's Framework emphasizes that acquiring ICT skills and be able to teach
them to students is not enough for teachers. Teachers need to be able to mold
Laguna Sports Complex, Santa Cruz, Laguna
A.Y: 2015-2016


students become collaborative, problem-solving, creative learners through using ICT

so they will be effective citizens and productive members of the workforce. The
Framework addresses all aspects of a teacher's work such as understanding ICT in
education, curriculum and assessment, pedagogy, ICT, organization and
administration, and teacher professional learning (UNESCO, 2011; 2008).

Valid sustainable strategy (Hickey & Whitehouse, 2010); promote changes in

attitudes, behavior and values, as well as in the cognitive and perceptive processes
(Carvalho de Sousa, Sevilla-Pavoó n, Seiz-Ortiz, 2012); and among others. In contrary,
among the obstacles that teachers encounter in integrating ICT in the teaching of
environmental science and education are insufficient knowledge, outdated
equipment, lack of time and lack of technical competency (Hus, 2011).

Despite of the documented international and national guidelines of ICT

competency standard for teachers, there are only few published works focusing ICT
in education in the Philippines. Presumably, there are some unpublished theses and
dissertations focusing ICT in education at specific domains, context, target, coverage
and scope. When searched at Yahoo, the search engine provides 35 results for the
phrase "ICT in education in the Philippines" as of August 2, 2012. Top in the list of
the search result is the website of UNESCO Bangkok’s ICT in Education-Philippines.
In the website, it listed substantive information about ICT in education in the
Philippines including those case studies, projects and training in the previous time
highlighting ICT in the basic education both primary and secondary schools.
Likewise, Scopus provided 0 search results for “ICT in education in the Philippines”
but 13 search results for keywords found in the phrase "ICT in education in the
Philippines". These studies include ICT in other fields such as in the basic education
(Espinosa, Caro, 2011), school guidance (Vinluan, 2011), out of school youth (Kamei,
2010), nursing (Bernal, Tolentino, Gavino, Fontelo, 2008), distant education (Ramos,
Laguna Sports Complex, Santa Cruz, Laguna
A.Y: 2015-2016


Nangit, Ranga, Trinñ ona, 2007), and engineering mathematics (Carbonell, Tabamo,
Guevara, Javier, 2003). Another study on the use of ICT in schools is the study of
Rodrigo (2005) about the quantification of the digital divide that existed between
schools in Metro Manila and schools in other countries. Although Rodrigo’s study
focuses on students but her conclusion provides a picture of how Metro Manila
schools are challenged by the digital divides. Students in Metro Manila are among
the digital poor because of its limited access to computers, software, and the
Internet, described by Rodrigo. On the same manner, the dissertation by Marcial
(2010) on the prioritization and implementation of information technology in the
higher education institutions in the Philippines analyzes the landscape of
information technology in the country. The components included in the analysis
were adopted from the top ten information technology issues as published by
EDUCAUSE in 2010 (Ingerman, Yang and the 2010 EDUCAUSE Current Issues
Committee, 2010).

Local Related Studies

Moreover, the study of Tan (2011) concludes that “HEIs should try to capitalize
on 21st century tools and technologies to address 21st century issues and
challenges”. These technologies include computers, the Internet, broadcasting
technologies, and telephony that enable people to work together, and combine to
form networks every corner of the globe. ICT, as defined by UNDP (2001), is
basically a various set of applications, goods and services. It allows teachers and
students to produce, share, connect, and comment on their own knowledge and that
of others (UNESCO, 2011). Similarly, the Philippines’ Commission on Information
and Communications Technology defined ICT as the totality of electronic means for
end-users such as computer systems, office systems and consumer electronics, as
well as networked information infrastructure, the components of which include the
Laguna Sports Complex, Santa Cruz, Laguna
A.Y: 2015-2016


telephone system, the Internet, fax machines and computers. ICT tools are evolving
and so implementation strategies have changed to better align on the current needs.
A good illustration of the evolution of ICT in education is the Singapore’s ICT Master
Plan in Education (cited in UNESCO, 2011). It has three high-level goals of ICT in
Education. Year 1997-2002 described the stage of shifting from acquisition mode of
learning to one that engages higher order thinking like application, synthesis and
evaluation. The Internet, email and videoconferencing tools were among the
example tools used. Year 2003-2008 described the shift learning from information
receiving to information processing and knowledge creation. Integration of ICT into
the curriculum and leveraging ICT for formative assessment and summative
assessment are among the implementing tools on this stage. Lastly, 2009-2014 it
aims to have better integration of ICT right from the planning of curriculum and
assessment, and calls for teachers to consider pedagogical applications of ICT
starting from lesson design and planning stage. The results of the benchmarking
phase of this study will be benchmarked also to the Singapore’s master plan.

Among the many useful tools for teachers is the learning management system
(LMS). In the last decade, there has been an enormous acceleration in the use of
learning management systems for teaching and knowledge sharing dissemination
across the Web (Cueó llar, Delgado and Pegalajar, 2011). LMS is featured in
UNESCO’s ICT in Education online resources. According to UNESCO Bangkok’s
website, LMS is a software package that helps teachers and educators to manage
learning content and resources, and to deliver them to students. Usually an LMS is
web-based so that students can access learning content anywhere and anytime. An
LMS enables teachers to manage large numbers of students, instructors and courses,
and provide online forums. All of these features can be found in Moodle, short for
Modular Object Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment, is a free learning
Laguna Sports Complex, Santa Cruz, Laguna
A.Y: 2015-2016


management system that has become very popular among educators around the
world as a tool for creating online dynamic web sites for their students. It is web-
based that can be used in large and multiple classes either fully online courses or
blended learning infused with the social constructionist tradition and standard
Sharable Content Object Reference Model, known as SCORM, packages. According to
Moodle’s website, there are 65,160 currently active sites that have registered from
215 countries. This data implies that pedagogical integration in the software has
made significant acceptance among the registered users. 297 of the 65,160 sites are
coming from the Philippines and the Silliman Online University Learning, known as
SOUL, is one in the list. SOUL ( was customized using Moodle
and launched in 2007 as used in the blended learning in Silliman University. Because
most of the learning management system like Moodle is web-based, it created issues
in the accessibility and utilization (Paragina, Jipa, Savu & Dumitrescu, 2011). Schools
need to have at least reliable Internet connections. Consequently, Mission Aviation
Fellowship (MAF), whose vision is to provide pastors and church leaders in isolated
areas with access to training for life and ministry using ICT, found a solution of this
another situation of digital divide. MAF promotes portable online education. The
learning management system they promote to solve the disparity of Internet
accessibility is called Poodle, stands for portable Moodle. According to the website of
MAF, Poodle runs Moodle courses without an Internet connection. It mounts Moodle
on portable drives such as USB sticks, memory cards, HDD's and among others. It
works with a collection of included and optional portable applications. It is the hope
in this study to customize a portable learning management system for free in the
higher education institutions offering teacher education program where Internet is
an issue.

Another emerging ICT tool in education is the mobile technology. Mobile

Laguna Sports Complex, Santa Cruz, Laguna
A.Y: 2015-2016


technology devices range from basic mobile phones to tablet PCs, and include PDAs,
MP3 players, memory sticks, e-readers, and smartphones. (UNESCO, December
2011). Mobile technologies refer to a combination of hardware, operating systems,
networking and software including content, learning platforms, and applications.
Particularly, a mobile application (or mobile app) is a software application designed
to run on smartphones, tablet computers and other mobile devices. They are
available through application distribution platforms, which are typically operated by
the owner of the mobile operating system, such as the Apple App Store, Google
Play, Windows Phone Marketplace and BlackBerry App World. Some apps are free,
while others are not. Usually, they are downloaded from the platform to a target
device, such as an iPhone, BlackBerry, Android phone or Windows Phone 7, but
sometimes they can be downloaded to less mobile computers, such
as laptops or desktops (Siegler, June 2008). The majority of mobile projects
identified by (Dykes and Knight, 2012) are aimed at supporting instruction, both in
and outside of classrooms. Most of the said projects tend to be targeted primarily at
students and usually involve mobile technologies that students use semi-
independently in a classroom or after-school setting to supplement or enhance
teacher-led instruction. While none of these projects are focused on teachers
explicitly, many include a teacher-training component to help educators incorporate
mobile learning into their curricula and guide students through the learning
process. Classroom management, information sharing, collaboration, grade control
are issues and topics that appeal most to teachers. listed some
features of a mobile app that teachers would want to have, these are: taking
attendance, collecting data, reading scholarly articles, recording notes, and using
textbook tools. Table 1 lists some of the available mobile apps for teachers that are of
related or having similar features of the proposed mobile app.
Laguna Sports Complex, Santa Cruz, Laguna
A.Y: 2015-2016


Although there are many mobile apps for teachers available in the market, but
there is no existing and available app that specifically designs for teachers in the
education program. Likewise, most of the applications are very specific on a single
purpose and does not offer if not complete, comprehensive services for teachers in
the education program. The proposed mobile application will contain several
features that will integrate some of the related features found from individual
mobile applications listed in table 1. On top on these features, the proposed mobile
app will be unique because it will include a vocabulary of terms in the teacher
education and training will serve as a handy and quick guide for teachers in the
education program.


The aforementioned literature and studies provided much information related

to the study ‘effects of communication technologies to the academic performance of
selected students of Laguna University’. An Assessment: Aggregating all the above
statements from the related literature and studies, both Foreign and local, the
researchers were informed about different interpretations of the terms used in the
study such as the smartphones, laptop, and computer with or without internet.

The different literature presented in this chapter justifies that learning more
about the will help improving the cellular phone, e-tablet, laptop, and television.
While the studies stated and used in this chapter identifies the uses, advantages and
importance of the communication technologies.
Laguna Sports Complex, Santa Cruz, Laguna
A.Y: 2015-2016




Research Design

The researchers used the descriptive survey method in gathering and treating
the data for the foregoing areas of investigation. In employing this method, the
researchers did two things: first, independent variables which are the technologies
such as cellular phone, E-tablet, laptop, and television; second, The dependent
variables which is the Academic performance indicated in the students examination,
class participation, and quizzes. They will make a careful record of what will
observe, so that, having made observations, they can come back to the record that
they have of them and study that record carefully in order to discover the meaning of
what they have observed.

Thus, in the employment of the said research design, the researchers

observed the following: the descriptive survey method deals with a situation that
demands the technique of observation; the population of the study must be carefully
chosen, clearly defined, and specifically delimited in order to set precise parameters
for ensuring the discreteness of the population; data in descriptive survey research
are particularly susceptible to distortion through introduction of bias into the
research design and therefore particular attention should be given to safeguard the
data from the influence of bias; and those data must be organized and presented
systematically so that valid and accurate conclusions maybe drawn from them. From
the procedure discussed above, they believe that descriptive survey method is
absolutely essential for this kind of research undertaking.
Laguna Sports Complex, Santa Cruz, Laguna
A.Y: 2015-2016


Research Locale

This research was conducted at Laguna University, Sta. Cruz, Laguna. The
Laguna University is located at Laguna Sports Complex in Brgy. Bubukal, Santa Cruz
Laguna. Laguna University is one of the government universities in Laguna.

The Provincial Government of Laguna is committed to pursue a constitutional

provision under Article 2 Section 17 to establish a University and promote the rights
of all Laguenses to quality education to all levels. It is also aware of its obligations to
give the less privileged but talented and gifted students of the province of Laguna
the opportunity to develop their potentialities.

By virtue of Provincial Ordinance No. 1 s. 2006, the Laguna University was

established on February 15, 2006. The incumbent governor was elected President
and Chairman of the Board of Regents under Resolution No. 198. The Laguna
University was founded to serve as a Provincial University in cooperation with local,
regional, national and global networks of colleges and universities, as well as with
scholarly and professional associations in the Asia-Pacific region and around the

Population Of The Study/Sampling Design

Simple randomized sampling was employed in this study as this is the least
sophisticated of all sampling procedures. This kind of sampling consists of having a
population whose texture is either homogenous or homogenously conglomerate.
The fact that the target respondents are selected students of the Laguna University
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A.Y: 2015-2016


and the use of simple random sampling is rationalized.

In order to assure the validity and reliability of the actual sample, Sloven’s
sampling formula will be employed.
Sampling formula is:
N = N
1 + Ne2
n = sample size
N = population size

e2 = error of estimate squared

Research Instruments

Only one set of questionnaire will be issued to the actual respondents of this
study. The items in the questionnaire will be based on the problem areas
investigated for objectivity, relevance, suitability to the basic questions raised and
probability of favorable reception and return from the said respondents. To avoid
guesswork and to obtain reliable data and information from the actual respondents
representing the devotees of the effects of communication technology to academic
performance of the Laguna University five (5) Likert scale type of optional answers
will be itemized as follows:

Scale Weight Description

5 4.5 – 5.0 always
4 3.5 – 4.4 usually
3 2.5 – 3.4 sometimes
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2 1.5 – 2.4 rarely

1 0 – 1.4 never

The tentative draft of the questionnaire will be submitted to the thesis adviser
for judgmental corrections after which three authorities will be consulted to
improve further contents and organization. The improved draft will be tried out on
10 dry –run subjects who will not be included as actual respondents of this study
using the Standard deviation formula to ensure the validity and reliability of the

Standard deviation equation for an entire population:


= population standard deviation

= sum of...
= population mean
N= number of scores in sample.

Standard deviation equation for a sample of a population:

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A.Y: 2015-2016



s = sample standard deviation

= sum of...
= sample mean
n = number of scores in sample.

Random interviews of ten (10) selected students will be made in order to enrich
further the data and information which will be gathered through the major

On the spot observations of the actual conditions of the students will also be
made by the researchers to cross-check the information to be gathered through
questionnaire technique relative to the problem areas to be investigated

Data Gathering

The distribution and retrieval of one set of questionnaire will be done

personally by the researchers in order to clarify questions which will be found
highly in nature by the said respondents.

In data gathering, the researchers will be using survey questionnaires to gather

data from the respondents. In survey, the researchers will be using a questionnaire.
The questionnaire consists of questions that are related to the study; determining
the effects of communication technologies to the academic performance of selected
students of Laguna University A.Y 2015-2016 in terms of cellular phone, e-tablet,
laptop and television.
Laguna Sports Complex, Santa Cruz, Laguna
A.Y: 2015-2016


Treatment of Data

The responses of the students will be tabulated to determine the frequencies

and equivalent percentages using the following formulas:

Percentage formula:
% =

% = percent
= sum of frequencies

N = number of cases

Weighted mean formula:

WM =

WM= weighted mean
= sum of scale and frequency

N = number of observations
To determine the correlational level between and among the independent and
dependent variables, Pearson product – moment correlation coefficient formula will
be used.
Pearson r formula:
Laguna Sports Complex, Santa Cruz, Laguna
A.Y: 2015-2016


r = n -

] [n 2
–( )2]

r = pearson r
x = independent variables
y = dependent variables
n = number of cases

The following will be the basis in determining the correlational level between
paired variables.

Values Description
.81 - 1.00 very high correlation
.51 - .80 marked correlation
.41 - .50 substantial correlation
.21 - .40 low correlation
.20 - .00 negligible correlation

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