ROR Report 1

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ROR Report

Name: SR
Age: 32 years old
Sex: Female
Marital Status: Married
Date of Administration: 23rd September 2019.
Test Administrator: NP, DS
Date of report: 25th September 2019.

The client was comfortable while taking the test. it was observed that client knew the purpose of
the test. The client kept saying that she is normal.

ROR is a projective technique and it taps on reality testing. The client was referred by


The client seems to be consider various options before acting, trust internal evaluation than
external feedback, avoid being swayed by emotions, & is logical.(Step 1.potential finding 1).
Despite having ideational approach, the emotions play major role in decision(step 2.potentail
finding 1). Feelings usually merge with thinking, but emotions can be sidelined by considering
various options.(step2; potential finding2). The attitudes & beliefs of client are likely to be
fixed((step 3. Potential Finding 2,3).

Positive HVI signifies the trait like feature in conceptual thinking. Hypervigilence is likely where
constant preparedness is likely. Also mistrust is towards environment. This could be because past
experience of failed attempts of predicting response of significant others. The expectations about
closeness are less likely, but the suspicion towards others advances is more likely. Thinking is
likely to be illogical & paranoid like.


Processing is normal like other people(step 1.potential finding 1). There has been more likely
the effort has been put in processing (step 2.potential finding 2a).
The responses seem to be fairly consistent (step 3.potential finding 1). Processing habits are
regular & predictable, i.e. tendency to work hard on novel stimuli is not present (step 3.potential
finding 2). The client is likely trying to achieve more than the current capacities.

Failure can cause frustration(step 4.potential finding 1). Scanning ability of client falls in normal
range(step 5.potential finding 1). The processing quality is adequate but it is more conservative
& economical than usual (step 7.potential finding 5).


Client likely to have sturdy tolerance to stress & have less problems with loss of control(step
1.Potential finding 3) . it is also called d indicator for tolerance.(step 2.potential finding 4). There
can be issues in adj D.(Step 3). Adj D is probably a good indicator (step 4).

Self perception

The client obtained a positive HVI A positive HVI signals the presence of a preoccupation with
vulnerability. It is a general rather than specific preoccupation, stems from a mistrusting attitude
toward the environment. They are very concerned with safeguarding their personal integrity and
tend to attribute the causes for difficulties or failures to external forces, regardless of the realities
of a situation. The client’s sense of uncertainty about the actions and reactions of others fosters a
heightened concern about being prepared to ensure that her own behaviors will be appropriate
and that she will avoid being degraded or manipulated. The hypervigilant person is not very
flexible about this state of guardedness and invests considerable energy to maintain it. When
circumstances cause the hyper vigilance to intensify, the ideation of the individual becomes
noticeably marked by paranoid features. (step 1)

The client obtained the value for reflections greater than zero, which indicates an exaggerated
self-involvement, and an inflated sense of personal worth that tends to dominate the individual's
perceptions of the world. This characteristic is a basic personality feature that is highly
influential in decisions and behaviors because of the need for frequent reaffirmation or
reinforcement of the exaggerated sense of personal pride. The client often finds it difficult to
establish and maintain deep and meaningful interpersonal relations. In some instances, this
provokes self-examining and, if that occurs, internal conflict can arise, involving a struggle
between the high value attributed to the self and some awareness that it may not be valid. (Step
The client obtained the value for the Egocentricity Index below average, which indicates that
its reasonable to assume that the individual's estimate of personal worth tends to be negative.
Such individuals regard themselves less favorably when compared to others. This characteristic
is often a precursor to depression. This finding is uncommon in records containing reflection,
answers. Since, the Egocentricity Index is below average in a protocol containing a reflection, it
indicates that the person is in serious conflict regarding self-image and self-value. The likelihood
of mood fluctuations is substantial and behavioral dysfunction is likely. (Step 3. Potential
Finding 3)

Anatomy responses are not very common in most protocols and X-ray answers occur far less
frequently. Thus, the value is expected to be zero, or one at most. (step 5)

The client obtained the value of 1 which indicates that, client might have some serious
adjustment problems. (step 7a)

There is one minus response about how it is some pattern. It is just common verbiage. (step
8a).There are no MOR responses (step 8b). There is one human movement response which
includes response like they are a reflection of each other and dancing together and being
cooperative (step 8c). There are 3 FM response and 2 m responses. The 2 FM responses are
popular responses which include response on card 5 (autumn leaves) and card 8 (some pattern ).
They are common response. There are 2 m response which includes card 9 (burning fire, moving
upwards) which s a vague response and card 10 ( color fountain) upon inquiry client reflected
that it is splashing water everywhere. It’s a very unusual response. (step 8d)

Interpersonal Perception.

The client obtained HVI positive, it indicates a tendency to be overly cautious and conservative
in relations with others. They tend to feel quite vulnerable, and they formulate and implement
behaviors very cautiously, They are preoccupied with issues of personal space and are very
guarded in their interpersonal relations, Typically they do not have sustained close relationships
unless they feel in control of the interactions. They do not expect closeness and often become
very suspicious about gestures of closeness by others. While this feature is not necessarily
pathological, exacerbations of it often produce paranoid like manifestations. (step 2

The value for dimension is expected to be zero. (step 4)

The client obtained a value of for shading texture , which usually suggests that the person tends
to acknowledge and/or express his or her needs for closeness in ways that are dissimilar to those
of most people. It does not mean that the person fails to have such needs. Instead, it indicates
that the individual is more conservative than might be anticipated in close interpersonal
situations, especially those involving tactile exchange. They tend to be overly concerned with
personal space, and much more cautious about creating or maintaining close emotional ties with
others. (step 5. Potential Finding 2)
The client is an introversive person and obtained less then half of sum of human content value , it
is reasonable to assume that the individual is as interested in others as most people, but probably
does not understand them very well. The client have a tendency to misread people, and
frequently misinterpret social gestures. Sometimes, persons such as this have greater
expectations for their own relationships than are reasonable. In other instances, their lack of
understanding leads to social blunders that have the potential for alienating others. (step 6.
Potential finding 2)

COP responses convey the notion that interpersonal exchanges will be positive. The client
obtained value one for COP and the value for AG, it is reasonable to assume that the person
usually anticipates positive interactions among people and is interested in participating in them.
The specific patterns of interaction ordinarily will be defined by other features of the person,
especially coping styles and self-image. (step 8. Potential finding 3)

The Isolation Index of the client is 1. it is likely that the person is more socially isolated. This
finding does not indicate a pathological kind of withdrawal from social intercourse. It merely
signals that, for any of a variety of reasons, the person does not connect well with others and
often finds himself or herself relatively void of rewarding relationships. (Step 10.Potential
finding 2)


The client had an introversive style. So, it can be assumed that the person usually prefers to keep
feelings at a more peripheral level during problem solving and decision making. They avoid
trial-and-error behaviors whenever possible and rely more on internal evaluations rather than
external feedback in formulating judgments. They are prone to be less tolerant of problem-
solving errors than no introversive people and, because of this, usually exercise more caution in
decision making than do others. While they are willing to display feelings openly, they also are
likely to be more concerned about modulating or controlling those displays. (step 2.potential
finding 6)

The client is introversive and the value obtained is less than 2.5, it should be postulated that
although client typically uses an ideational style involving delay while keeping feelings in
abeyance be fore reaching a decision, instances will often occur in which feelings are permitted
to merge more directly with thinking and contribute significantly to decisions. (Step 3. Potential
Finding 3).

No specific Hypothesis can be warranted (step 4)

The value for the Affection ratio is 0.42. it indicates a marked tendency to avoid emotional
stimuli, are quite uncomfortable when dealing with emotions. As a result, they often become
more socially constrained or even isolated. (Step 6. Potential finding 4) Intellectual Index values
of less than 4 have no interpretive meaning. (step 7)
The client obtained value greater than zero, it signifies that the individual often denies the
presence of irritating or unpleasant emotion or emotional stimulation by substituting an
inappropriately positive emotion or emotional value to the situation. This is a hysteroid-like
process that disregards or violates reality. Typically, feel very uncomfortable about their ability
to deal adequately with negative feelings and often have problems in modulating their own
affective displays. Consequently, are prone to bend reality to avoid dealing with perceived or
anticipated harshness in the environment. This form of defensiveness is often quite transparent
and people who use it frequently tend to find themselves being judged by others as being
emotionally superficial. (step 8)

The client obtained value of colors and color-form response greater then color-form responses , it
indicates some potentially serious modulation problems, are often overly intense in their
emotional displays and frequently convey impressions of impulsiveness. This problem could be
the product of control difficulties, however, it is equally possible that it reflects a less mature
psychological organization in which the modulation of affect is not regarded as being very
important. However, this finding is extremely unusual among introversive subjects regardless of
age. it is reasonable to hypothesize that the efficacy or integrity of the ideational style is impaired
and often is "short circuited" by other psychological operations. (step 9. Potential finding 8)

The client’s value is in the average range in relation to the style reflected by the EB or Lambda,
it can be assumed that the level of psychological complexity is not unlike that of others who have
a similar stylistic orientation.(step 12. Potential finding 1)

The client gave more color-shading responds regardless of style, it can be assumed that some
uncertainty or confusion about feelings does exist that probably is the result of situationally
related events, The presence of this type of confusion tends to be somewhat more disruptive to
introversive. (Step 15. Potential finding 3).


The client reality testing was intact. There are some things which has been found for which
needs further assessment.

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