Rashmi R Jaitapkar

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• A hydrogen bond is a partially electrostatic attraction between a hydrogen (H) atom
which is bound to a more electronegative atom such as nitrogen (N), oxygen (O), or
fluorine (F), and another adjacent atom bearing a lone pair of electrons

• This makes them somewhat stronger than a van der Waals interaction, and
weaker than fully covalent or ionic bonds.

• This type of bond can occur in inorganic molecules such as water and in organic
molecules like DNA and proteins.

• Intermolecular hydrogen bonding is responsible for the high boiling point of water .
• When hydrogen is covalently bonded to a highly electronegative atom, such as fluorine,
chlorine, oxygen, or nitrogen, the H atom has a partial positive charge, written Hδ+.
• Hδ+ is physically very small, so the density of charge on it is unusually high

• Imagine another negative or electronegative atom, eg oxygen(O) approaches the Hδ+; there
will be mutual attraction, resulting in a particularly strong dipole-dipole attraction. This
attraction is called a hydrogen bond
There are two types of H bonds, and it is classified as the following:
❖ Intermolecular hydrogen bonding –
It is a H bond between 2 molecules( molecules maybe alike or different). Due
to it molecules are bound to each other, as a result it increases the boiling
point of the substance.
E.g. H bonds in water and alcohol molecules ,etc.

It is a H bond within a molecule.(molecule forms a H bond with itself.) Due to it the

interaction of molecule with its surrounding molecules decreases , and as a result it
lowers the boiling points of such substances.
E.g. H bond in o-nitrophenol, salicylaldehyde, etc

Eg. H bond in o-nitrophenol, salicyladehyde, etc

• A hydrogen bond is a bond of hydrogen between two electron negative atom only. It
never involves more than two atoms (excluding H-atoms).
• Bond energy of H-bond is in the range of 3-10 Kcal/mole while that of normal covalent
bond is in the range of 50-100 Kcal/mole. The difference in energy between A-H and
H…..B bond indicates that these have different bond lengths which in turn shows that H-
atom in A-H…..B is never midway between the two atoms in A & B, it is rather always
nearer two atom A which is covalently bonded to H atom. H atom has more energy than
Vander Waal's forces C=1 Kcal/mole.
• The formalities of a H-bond does not involve any sharing of electrons pairs. It is,
therefore quite different from a covalent bond.
• The tendency of formation of a H- bond increases with the increase in the
electronegativity value. This tendency clearly explains that hydrogen bond formation
increases in order of:
F-H > N-H > O-H
• Without hydrogen bonding water would have existed as a gas like H₂S. In that case no life
would have been possible on this globe.
• Hydrogen bonding also exists in all living organism whether of animal or vegetable
kingdom. It us tissues, organs, skins & bones in animal life.
• It plays an important role in determining structure of proteins which are also essential for
• Hydrogen bonding plays an important role in making wood fibres, more rigid & thus
makes it great utility of housing furniture.
• The stickness of glue or honey is also due to hydrogen bonding between the OH or other
such groups.
• Most of our food material also consists of hydrogen bonded molecules i.e. sugar &
• The vander waal’s forces are very short lived inter-molecular attractive forces which are
believed to exist between all kind of atoms, molecules and ions when they are sufficiently
close to each other.
• Vander waal’s forces are very weak compared to other bond forces.
• They exists in neutral molecule, ions and atoms of inert gases or solid elements.
• Alike the atoms of molecules like N2, O2, Cl2, P4 etc. in which the valence orbitals are either
use in normal bonding or are occupied by non-bonding electrons are rather firmly held
together in liquid or solid state by vander waals force or bonds.
• Types of vander waal’s force :
➢ dipole–dipole interaction
➢ Ion-dipole interaction
➢ London force
▪ It is well known that polar molecules are attracted towards ions .
▪ The negative end of dipole is attracted towards cation while positive ends towards
anion. This type of interaction is known as ion-dipole interaction.
▪ Ion dipole interaction have been used to explain dissolution of NaCl in H2O
▪ When NaCl is added in H2O it dissolved in it since, negative end of water molecule
dipoles aggregates around Na+ ions and positive ends around Cl - ions .
▪ These forces are found in polar molecules having permanent polarity in them.
▪ It is known that polar molecules separate Centre of positive and negative charge and
posses permanent dipole moment.
▪ When polar molecule are brought near each other they orient themselves in such a way
that positive end of one dipole attracts negative end of another dipole and vice-versa.
▪ This forces are strongest between all other types of vander waals force.
▪ The figures show two arrangements of polar iodine monochloride (ICl) molecules that
give rise to dipole-dipole attractions.
▪ The London dispersion force is the weakest intermolecular force.
▪ These forces are found in non-polar molecules such as H2, N2, O2, etc. as well as
monoatomic Nobel gases like He,Ne etc.
▪ This force is sometimes called an induced dipole-induced dipole attraction.
▪ Attractive forces that arise between temporary dipoles and induced dipoles in atoms or
▪ Dispersion forces are present between any two molecules (even polar molecules)
when they are almost touching.
Inorganic Chemistry by James E House


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