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Chezka and Bea: A, B, C, D, 1, 2, 3.

This is the talk

show for you and me.
Chezka: Good morning everyone! It’s the time of the day
for ABC Talk Show, the show you can count on!
Bea: Yes, good morning. Here we are again for another
interview but first let’s introduce ourselves.
Chezka: I am Chezka Malig…
Bea: And I’m Bea Santos…
Both: And this is the ABC Talk Show!

Chezka: So let’s introduce our guests for today…

Bea: We have two guests with us and they are Kalvin
Mallari and Czarina Adajar.
Kalvin and Czarina: Good morning, thank you for having
us today.
Bea: So today we are going to talk about gender
Chezka: We are just going to ask you questions and you
will give your opinion about it.

Bea: First question is “What do you think of gender

Czarina: I think gender equality requires equal
enjoyment by women and men of socially-valued goods,
opportunities, resources and rewards.
Chezka: Thank you for that answer, next question is
“Why is gender equality important?”
Kalvin: For me, the importance of gender equality is to
have a society in which women and men enjoy the same
opportunities and rights.
Chezka: For you, Czarina… “Why do you think men
underestimate women?”
Czarina: Men underestimate girls because they are
considered to be “homemakers” while men are the ones
who work and go to jobs.
Bea: What about you, Kalvin? What do you think?
Kalvin: I have the same opinion as her and also because
men are considered to be stronger and better at
physical things than women.
Bea: Okay… Next question, “How can you promote gender
Czarina: I think I can promote gender equality by
educating others about it and using social media to
spread knowledge.
Chezka: Okay, Kalvin. For the last question, “Do you
believe in gender equality?”
Kalvin: No, I don't believe in gender equality but I
believe in equity. Men and women are different, their
behaviors are different. They are different in each and
every aspect anatomical, physiological and
Bea: Thank you for all your answers…

Czarina and Kalvin: And that concludes the end of our

talk show for today…
Czarina: A, B, C, D, 1, 2, 3. This is the talk show for
you and me.
Kalvin: Once again, this is the ABC Talk Show, the show
for everybody. Just count 1, 2, 3.

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