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The Insecticidal Potencial of Extracted Lemon Balm leaves (Melissa Officinalis)and Citrus Fruit

against Cockroaches.

A Science Investigatory Project of

Mherell Joy M. Perez


Academic Year 2019-2020


Cockroach is a scavenging insect that resemble a beetle, having long antennae and legs
typically a broad flattened body. Several tropical kinds have become stablished worldwide as
household pests; It is harmful because it can carry some serious diseases such as Salmonella
Typhi which causes typoid has been also found in these insects . They can also cause Dysentery
,a disease that may include bleeding and swelling of the body parts bitten by this insects.

Lemon Balm is perennial herb from mint family. It grows usually near the sea and has the
maximum height of 70-150 cm .The citric fruit might do wonders for human health, but
certainly not for the cockroach. This research project use the following materials because those
materials are found from the sea and farms of Sablayan, anytime this research project can be
experimented because the materials are not seasonal plant. This research project aimed to
produce less cost cockroach killer containing no chemical.
Statement of the Problem

The main problem of this project is to determine if Lemon Balm (Melissa Officinalis) leaves
extract and Citrus Fruit is feasible as cockroach killer. This Research project also wants to
answer the following questions;

1.What is the average time to kill cockroach between the mixture of extracted Lemon Balm
and citrus fruits ;commercially available cockroach killer.

2. What is the average time to kill cockroach to kill cockroach between the mixture of extracted
Lemon Balm leaves and Citrus fruits; commercially available cockroach killer.

3. Is there a significant difference between Lemon Balm Leaves extract and Citus fruits in terms

A. Average time to kill cockroach?

b. Average number of cockroaches killed?


1. Mixture of Extracted leaves of Lemon balm and Citrus fruits can kill cockroach faster
than commercially available cockroach killer.
2. Mixture of extracted leaves Lemon balm and Citrus fruits can have larger average
number of cockroaches killed than commercially available.

3. There is a significant difference between Lemon balm leaves extract as cockroach killer
and commercially available cockroach killer in terms of
a. Average time to kill cockroach.
b. Average number of cockroaches killed.

A. Preparation of Materials

This research project will utilize materials such as;Lemon balm leaves extract and Citrus
fruits to be used for the experimentation.

B. Preparation of Set-ups

This research project will prepare the following set-ups ;Set-up A, Lemon balm leaves
extract and Set-up B is the commercially available cockroach killer.

C. Experimentation this research project will put Lemon balm leaves in a container/jar and
will put 25ml of boiled water and leave it for 24hours , after that day the material will
filtered using cloth to extract and to make sure the liquid substance is clear out of exra
peelings. It will be measured 65ml to be added in 35ml of citrus frut extract .The citrus fruit
will be squessed and remove the seeds, then the mixture will be kept in a spray container.
The data will be recorded in the table below.
No. of dead cockroach
Set-ups Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3 Trial 4
Set –up

Time to kill cockroaches
Set-ups Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3 Trial 4
Set –up


D. Data Gathering
The effectiveness of Lemon balm leaves extract will be determined by the average time
and number of cockroaches killed, it will be determined using the two set-ups.

E .Data Analysis

This research project will use the T-Test. The mean of the data gather will use to determine if
Lemon balm leaves extract and Citrus fruits is effective as cockroach killer and also to
determine the average time and number of cockroach killed and if there is a significant
difference on the average time and number of cockroach killed using 2 set-ups namely; Set –up
A Lemon balm leaves extract and citrus fruits and Set-up B commercially available cockroach
Flow Chart

Preparation of Materials

This research project will gather and prepare the materials that are needed for this experimentation such as;
Lemon balm leaves and citrus fruits.

Preparation of Set-ups

This research project will hve two different set-ups namely; Set-up A Lemon balm leaves extract and citrus fruits
and Set-up commercially available cockroach killer.


The two different set-ups will be sprayed in one place where cockroach lived,and will be observed for the data.

Data Analysis

The T-test will be used to determined the average time and number of cockroached killed.


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