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David Perlmutter, MD: The Dynamic Brain

Interview by Craig Gustafson

Facilitated by The Institute for Functional Medicine Annual International Conference, to be held June 1 to 3, 2017, in
Los Angeles, California.

David Perlmutter, MD, is a board-certified neurologist and operative when nerve cells communicate with each other
fellow of the American College of Nutrition. He received his that allows them ultimately to connect. He proposed the
MD degree from the University of Miami School of Medicine, theory that, paraphrased, states: “Neurons that fire
where he was awarded the Leonard G. Rowntree Research together wire together.” Basically, the more that you do
Award. He has published extensively in peer-reviewed something, the more it will ultimately form a more
scientific journals, including JAMA Neurology, indelible relationship between neurons and neural
Neurosurgery, and the Journal of Applied Nutrition, and networks.
he is a frequent lecturer at symposia sponsored by such
medical institutions as Columbia University, Scripps IMCJ: Then if this groundbreaking work was done more
Institute, New York University, and Harvard University. He than 60 years ago, why has clinical practice been so slow to
serves as an associate professor at the University of Miami catch up with the accepted evidence?
Miller School of Medicine.
Dr Perlmutter has been interviewed on many nationally Dr Perlmutter: I think that clinical practice really focuses
syndicated television programs, including 20/20, Larry King on interventional types of things: “What can we do to
Live, CNN, Fox News, Fox and Friends, The Today Show, make things better?” for example. I think that Dr Hebb,
The Oprah Winfrey Show, The Dr Oz Show, and the CBS being a psychologist, was more involved in the research,
Early Show. He is the recipient of the Linus Pauling Award trying to understand how it is that neurons ultimately
for his innovative approaches to neurological disorders. He connect in what is now called Hebbian learning. He wrote
is also the recipient of the 2006 National Nutritional Foods a book back in 1949 called The Organization of Behavior,
Association Clinician of the Year Award and was awarded and, in that, he proposed this theory whereby these factors
the Humanitarian of the Year award from the American conspire to allow neurons to connect to each other.
College of Nutrition in 2010. In 2015, Dr Perlmutter was Your question, I think, deals with clinical interventions
awarded both the Media Award from the American College to perhaps enhance that process and understanding how
of Nutrition and the Healthy Living Award from the that activity might influence cognition, for example. I
Invisible Disabilities Association. think that has been only a relatively recent development,
Dr Perlmutter is a 4-time New York Times bestselling which, to a significant degree, parallels the science of
author, and his books have been published in 27 languages. neurogenesis, the growth of new brain cells. Interestingly,
His 2013 bestseller, Grain Brain: The Surprising Truth About the same trophic factors are involved in both neuroplasticity,
Wheat, Carbs, and Sugar,1 has more than 1 million copies in the connection of neurons, and the development of new
print. Other New York Times bestsellers include Brain neurons, which we call neurogenesis.
Maker: The Power of Gut Microbes to Heal and Protect Certainly what is getting the most attention these
Your Brain—For Life,2 and his latest book, The Grain Brain days is brain-derived neurotrophic factor, or BDNF, as at
Whole Life Plan,3 published in November 2016. least one of the components of the nervous system that
enhances the activity both of the genesis of new brain cells,
Integrative Medicine: A Clinician’s Journal (IMCJ): This as well as the way that they connect. These days, certainly,
year’s Annual International Conference is focused on the the person who is well-deserving of the title the “father of
dynamic brain and neuroplasticity, so let’s start off with: neuroplasticity” is Michael Merzenich, PhD. And he is, in
When did the modern theory of neuroplasticity become fact, one of the speakers at The Institute for Functional
verified by the literature? Medicine conference this year.

Dr Perlmutter: The first real landmark work came from IMCJ: You mentioned that neurogenesis as being a more
Donald Hebb, PhD, a Canadian researcher. He was puzzling recent concept. How did the validation of that theory
over what it is that allows brain cells to connect. He is the change the game for neurology?
one who, 68 years ago, postulated that some factor is

22 Integrative Medicine • Vol. 16, No. 2 • April 2017 Perlmutter—Presenters

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Dr Perlmutter: There was a huge reluctance to accept the laying down and retrieving information and there were
fact that growth of new brain cells could occur in humans. clearly brain changes associated with that. Right?
There are many reasons that that was the case, but at the
time, it was ultimately discovered and published by Peter IMCJ: Right, and they found that the taxi drivers had
Eriksson, MD, PhD.4 This idea—published in November larger hippocampi than the bus drivers that they attributed
1998 in the journal Nature Medicine, volume 4, issue 11— to the fact that the taxi drivers had to learn the entire city
had been well proven in rodents and in primates. But there and divine what the specific route was going to be for a
was almost a religious rejection of the notion that we given fare at a given time of the day, versus the bus drivers
could grow new brain cells as humans. who had a set route that they drove consistently.
Dr Eriksson, working with Fred Gage, PhD, at the
Salk Institute in California, in a very clever way was able Dr Perlmutter: That is right. The study that you are
to demonstrate neurogenesis in humans. There were a referring to was published, actually, in a journal that is
group of patients being followed who had squamous cell called Hippocampus. The study was done in London. It
carcinoma of the face. They were being given a chemical was published, actually, quite a while ago, in 2006,5 and
that marks cells in division, BRDU, bromodeoxyuridine, they did indeed demonstrate that there were patterns—
which labels cells during the process of mitosis—which is changes in the patterns of hippocampal gray matter seen
obviously upregulated in cancer. in taxi drivers. It really brings to mind the question, “Now
Several of these patients died, and Dr Gage and what is happening?” Because none of us is really in a
Dr Eriksson looked at their brains, specifically at the area position of needing to learn directions anymore because
where neurogenesis had been found in primates—the we have apps, like Waze and Google Maps, that basically
hippocampus, the brain’s memory center. Lo and behold, take the guesswork out. We do not have to remember
they found cells labeled with BRDU in humans of various phone numbers, addresses, or how to get anywhere
ages—well into adulthood—showing active genesis of new anymore because your iPhone is going to tell you where to
cells, essentially stem cells being formed in the go. I think that clearly there are changes that might not
hippocampus. This was revolutionary. necessarily be positive now that we have off-loaded so
As a matter of fact, he wanted to publish this much of our brain power.
breakthrough finding but was rejected by multiple peer-
reviewed journals, again, who just basically dug in their IMCJ: What potential do these theories of neuroplasticity
feet because they could not accept this change in paradigm; and neurogenesis hold as a clinical tool to support health
that neurogenesis does occur in humans. Ultimately, he and well-being?
not only demonstrated that neurogenesis is occurring in
humans, but that these newly formed neurons actually Dr Perlmutter: I think it is a question that needs a lot of
develop and differentiate into fully functional neurons, by attention because, in the recent work of Kirk Erikson, PhD,
doing a special type of staining called TUJ staining. This they demonstrated what we have known for a long time—
was landmark, groundbreaking research that went directly that physical exercise has a dramatic effect in terms of
against the teachings that formed many of my upregulating the transcription of BDNF, relating to
contemporaries’ training in terms of medical school and increased serum level of BDNF, increased size of the
in residency—this notion that brain cells are terminally hippocampus, and improved cognitive function to the
differentiated and we do not gain any new population of extent that his recent publication and editorial that
brain cells. Nothing could be further from the truth. followed it indicated that people who regularly engage in
Now we fully understand that, and we have come to aerobic exercise may have as much as a 50% reduced risk
the point where we do get right back to the clinical arena for developing Alzheimer’s disease.
and recognize that this process, this incredible process of That is profound in the context of (1) the fact that we
neurogenesis, can be enhanced by making simple lifestyle have no meaningful treatment for that disease, (2) that
changes. That is the part that really lends itself wonderfully 5.4 million Americans are already affected by that, and
to those of us who are working with patients and trying to (3) that the number is projected to triple by the year 2050.
change their ability to influence their health destiny as it Here is a powerful intervention that costs nothing and
relates to their brains. nobody is talking about. What we see on the evening news
are commercials for medications, cholinesterase-inhibiting
IMCJ: With regard to neurogenesis, you mentioned the medications or NMDA-receptor antagonists that do not
hippocampus, in particular. I was recently reading an work. That is what people think they need to do: Basically
article that referred to a study where they compared cab live their lives, come what may, and then hope that
drivers versus bus drivers… medical science has developed a cure for this disease,
which we now recognize is highly preventable between
Dr Perlmutter: Exactly, and they found significant engaging in aerobic exercise on a daily basis and keeping
differences in that these individuals did appear to be both your blood sugar low or not becoming a type 2 diabetic.

Perlmutter—Presenters Integrative Medicine • Vol. 16, No. 2 • April 2017 23

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These 2 factors alone have a profound effect in terms of antagonism, anticholinesterase therapy based on the
lowering an individual’s risk for becoming an Alzheimer’s so-called acetylcholine hypothesis that deficiencies of
patient regardless of their APOE status. acetylcholine lead to brain degeneration—which I think
we all recognize now is basically absurd—and, third, the
IMCJ: What role might environmental toxins play in notion that the approximate cause of cognitive decline in
Alzheimer’s risk? the Alzheimer’s brain or even prior to the diagnosis is this
accumulation of beta-amyloid plaque.
Dr Perlmutter: We are just beginning to look at why that I think we now recognize that this is not a disease that is
might be an event. When you understand the Functional caused by a single variable. Multiple issues conspire to
Medicine Matrix, you realize it is sort of like a carousel and ultimately lead to the decline in cognitive function that we
that you can jump onto that carousel at multiple points. then call dementia. Now, reversing that is, in fact, possible,
We have genetic predisposition, we have early life factors, but not by pharmaceutical means as yet. Dale Bredesen, MD,8
and we have triggering events. Many of these triggering and his work published in the journal, Aging in 2014,
events, I think, are things that people are becoming much demonstrated actual reversal of full-blown Alzheimer’s
more aware of. disease in 9 of 10 patients, not by providing one
For example, a new understanding is that even the air intervention, but by using, ultimately, as many as
we breathe might significantly increase a person’s risk for 36 different leverage points including change in diet,
cognitive decline and even full-blown Alzheimer’s disease. increase in aerobic activity, optimizing vitamins and
A study6 that was published just in January of this year in nutrients including vitamin D and DHA, going on a
the journal Science looked at the risk for developing gluten-free diet, and stress reduction. Multiple factors
dementia in relationship to how close somebody lived to a allowed those patients to actually recover, many of whom
busy street. When you live near a busy street, you are were able to return to gainful employment.
exposed to what are called PM2.5. What that means in Now, as it relates to mild cognitive impairment, there
scientific jargon is particle size of around 2.5 micrometers are multiple studies that demonstrate significant
or less. These are things that are strongly associated with improvement in cognitive function just by introducing an
oxidative stress and we know that these particles are exercise regimen to the extent that the Mayo Clinic
associated with other inflammatory issues like asthma, proceedings several years ago indicated—that physical
lung cancer, and coronary artery disease. Now new exercise should be considered as a therapeutic prescription
research indicates that through multiple mechanisms, in the treatment of cognitive decline. It is really taking us,
these same particles are associated with a dramatically I think, significantly away from this notion of looking for
increased risk for developing dementia. and needing a pill, but, rather, recognizing that there are
The Lancet reported a study7 indicating that those some lifestyle issues that are critically important.
people who live within 50 meters of a major roadway have Again, what the Mayo Clinic published was the idea
a 10-fold increased risk of dementia compared with those that moderate-intensity physical exercise should be
people who live at least 150 meters away from a busy considered as a prescription for lowering risk for cognitive
roadway. This was looking at a population of around decline and slowing cognitive decline across the age
6.6 million subjects, basically all of those living in Ontario, spectrum. That was published in the Mayo Clinic Proceedings
Canada. It was a really incredible study that builds on back in September of 2011.9 When there is an Alzheimer’s
Harvard research that looked at the Framingham data and drug or a drug that has utility in treating mild cognitive
showed significant shrinkage or decline in brain volumes, impairment, to get back to your question, I am going to be
again, in individuals who have had this PM2.5 exposure. thrilled. That will be wonderful. However, this should be a
We add this to the list that includes exposure to very inclusive approach as opposed to being an approach
environmental mercury, other heavy metals, and now the that just focuses on monotherapy. I think that even
very air that we breathe as being a potent environmental Dr Bredesen’s approach does, in fact, welcome the utility of
risk factor for cognitive decline and risk for dementia. I pharmaceuticals as part of a more wide-ranging spectrum
would say, “Who knew?” but we had to suspect that. in dealing with, and even averting, brain-function decline.

IMCJ: Earlier you mentioned that at the moment there is IMCJ: You mentioned that Dr Bredesen’s approach has
not a recognized cure for Alzheimer’s, but there has been 36 different access points in the protocol. If I understand
some significant progress in mild cognitive impairment it correctly, there is a tipping point. A patient incorporates
and moderate cognitive impairment and the ability to enough of the access points and there will be a point at
actually reverse that, hasn’t there? which things begin to go the other way. So a given patient
does not have to adhere to all 36 access points.
Dr Perlmutter: Well, not from a pharmaceutical
perspective, no, there has not. By and large, pharmaceutical Dr Perlmutter: That is right. Beyond that, there is some
approaches have focused on 3 areas: NMDA receptor degree of personalization of the program by, really, all of

24 Integrative Medicine • Vol. 16, No. 2 • April 2017 Perlmutter—Presenters

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us who are involved in Functional Medicine. That is Neurology.10 When we see that information, it tells us that
“What might that person specifically need based upon his doing our very best to control blood sugar is going to go a
or her biometrics, his or her genetic predisposition?” for long way to keeping the brain from degenerating. There
example. I think, again, one of the primary tenets here is are multiple other mechanisms that are involved with
to not lock into a specific recipe for a specific medical sugar metabolism that have a role to play in the brain, not
problem. Be very open to the notion that these protocols the least of which is the role of insulin, but, that said, I
need to be very malleable and very much personalized think that my opinion is: We can certainly explain this
with reference to the uniqueness of the individual patient. dramatic increase in Alzheimer’s incidents based upon a
correlation with increased incidents of type 2 diabetes.
IMCJ: Is there a difference between approaches for As an Alzheimer’s preventative approach, it is
remission of conditions or repair of an injury versus incumbent to keep blood sugar levels in a range that is
something that is more targeted toward prevention and good for the body and good for the brain. I think that the
wellness? so-called normal levels of blood sugar need to be reassessed
through the lens of what is an optimal level. We let people
Dr Perlmutter: I was once criticized online by somebody get away with a blood sugar of 100 when clearly we see
indicating that I have extrapolated between those 2 ideas: published in the New England Journal of Medicine in
that prevention versus intervention should be considered September of 2014 an article aptly entitled “Glucose Level
very different approaches. I tend to reject that because I and Risk for Dementia” demonstrating that even a level of
think that we are trying to undo these processes and target 100, which is considered normal, is already associated
these mechanisms preemptively in the preventative with increased risk for developing dementia.11 We need to
protocol and interventionally when dealing with really revise that and pay close attention to those
established diseases. However, the processes are, in fact, biomarkers because they have implications not just for the
the same. development of type 2 diabetes, but for inflammatory
Ultimately, from a broad mechanistic perspective, diseases across the spectrum, which do, in fact, include
they are inflammatory and mediated through the action of Alzheimer’s as well as coronary artery disease, obviously
oxyradicals and nitrogen radicals. Oxidative stress and diabetes, and even cancer.
inflammation are indeed the cornerstone mechanisms
that can be targeted in both a preventive scheme and also IMCJ: It really is amazing that we allow that threshold to
from an interventional perspective once disease has be so high.
manifested. Having said that, we need to take a step back
and ask, “What is it in our physiology that enhances this Dr Perlmutter: Well, we look at normal ranges that are
feed-forward inflammation and oxidative stress that developed from large numbers of people. Our norms are
ultimately leads to the penultimate event in an extrapolation of averages. That does not take lab work
neurodegeneration and mitochondrial dysfunction and/or and bring it into the clinical arena in terms of what is best.
failure?” The ultimate event, of course, being what is It is time that we look not at normal levels but at optimal
induced by this mitochondrial dysfunction, and that is levels. Then, from an interventional perspective with an
apoptosis or actual loss of brain cells. established patient, someone who already is manifesting
We can get to that endpoint through multiple channels, disease—what then should we do based upon just the
and I think we’ve got to address what those common simple notion of blood sugar being detrimental to the
channels are that both lead to disease and also help to brain? And that is a far more aggressive approach. By
propagate it once it has manifested. That takes us back to placing that patient on a ketogenic diet, powering the
lifestyle issues. We know that, for example, glycation of brain with fat as opposed to carbs, the result is far more
proteins is a seminal event in initiating both oxidative stress efficient production of ATP, far less production of free
as well as inflammation. This relates, then, back to diet and radicals associated with oxidative phosphorylation, and,
other lifestyle issues. It is why, for example, type 2 diabetes ultimately, amping up of the body’s production and
is associated with as much as a quadrupling of the risk for availability of beta-hydroxybutyrate. This is far more than
developing Alzheimer’s disease. That is, by and large, a a cellular fuel, but actually a messenger molecule
preventable condition based upon lifestyle choices. It is why stimulating G-protein receptors that augment antioxidant
we focus so heavily on diet and on lab parameters like protection, reduce inflammation, and also act as what we
hemoglobin A1c, fasting insulin, fasting blood sugar, and call a histone deacetylase inhibitor, which has some very
fructosamine as giving us some sense as to where this powerful effects in a positive way in terms of viability and
individual might be on the risk scale. preservation of brain cells.
We see strong correlations that demonstrate, for
example, a very powerful relationship between a person’s IMCJ: In the very first interview I ever did in this field, I
A1c and the degree of atrophy of their hippocampus. That talked to a gentleman about insulin sensitivity, glycation,
is a powerful relationship published in the Journal of and related issues. He said, “Even at the blood glucose

Perlmutter—Presenters Integrative Medicine • Vol. 16, No. 2 • April 2017 25

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level of 90, you have got damage going on in your body. It’s Dr Perlmutter: Well, my opening key note is going to take
just not good.” a very broad overview of where we are in the neurosciences
today, the challenges we face in terms of the sheer numbers
Dr Perlmutter: Well, that is right. We have seen well across multiple disease spectrums, and what the notion of
beyond cognitive impairment, even Parkinson’s disease, prevention is all about as it relates to the brain. I am then
which is considered a motor event, be profoundly affected going to introduce, by way of their presentation, each of the
by the intervention of placing people on a hyperketonemia speakers and talk about what they are going to present and
diet—actually pushing them into ketosis. This is not news. how their specific topic uniquely fits into the Functional
The first report of this was published way back in 2005 in Medicine Matrix. Then I am going to explore a little bit
the Journal of Neurology.12 What we know is that in further the notion of neurogenesis and neuroplasticity and
Parkinson’s, for example, the mitochondrial defect is in ultimately a talk about how just thought in and of itself,
what we call complex one of the electron transport chain. even without action is able to change the brain in terms of
It is why, for example, coenzyme Q10, which can bypass its network and also in terms of its functionality. I am doing
that defect, has been so heavily investigated. a workshop, as well, which is where I will do more
We also know that ketone metabolism, using ketones discussion about the role of the microbiome.
as a mitochondrial fuel, might actually bypass that
mitochondrial defect. The first study done back in 2005 IMCJ: Research in that area, the gut-brain connection, has
was actually very small. It involved only 5 patients, exploded in recent years.
Parkinson’s patients on medication, and they were placed
on a very strongly ketogenic diet for a 28-day period. They Dr Perlmutter: That is for sure. It is like we have just come
measured a bunch of parameters that make up what is upon this, but, truthfully, medicine has lived in a world of
called the Unified Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale. That is reductionism, of looking upon the body and its constituent
a common scale used by neurologists to measure how a parts as basically a machine, as described by Descartes.
Parkinson’s patient is doing, looking at things like That is: The brain is the computer and the lungs are the
mentation and mood, activities of daily living, motor bellows and the heart is the pump. But now we recognize
function, and whether there are any complications from that this integrative view, this holistic view of the human
the treatment that they might be receiving. body, is really going to give us the most powerful leverage
The study was really quite dramatic because it points to be aggressive and successful in keeping people
demonstrated improvements pretty much across the healthy, but also in reversing disease. We are just beginning
board—dramatic improvements—in these parameters, to see gut-targeted therapies that have profound effects in
especially in terms of motor function. Over the brief terms of brain function as it relates to mood, as it relates to
study—28 days—the participants achieved an average cognition, and even as it relates to motor activity.
reduction of 43% in their UPDRS or Unified Parkinson’s Beyond that, we are just beginning to fully appreciate
Disease Rating Scale rating with one patient having an that the mitochondria within each and every neuron—and
81% decline on the UPDRS scale, which is far better than there are thousands of mitochondria in every nerve cell—are
what you can typically achieve with medication. This was really deeply involved in regulating cellular or neuronal DNA
just by placing them on a diet that cut their carbs, cut their expression. It is a very humbling notion that the mitochondria
sugar, and favored healthful fat. are actually involved, for example, in regulating the nuclear
Now, these days we would want to amp that up, of genes that deal with whether a cell will live or die. Mitochondria
course, by adding coconut oil and MCT oil, and being very regulate the action of what are called caspase enzymes, which
strict on the carbs. It is so unfortunate that there is still such are involved in cellular apoptosis.
a reluctance to embrace anything nutritional. Here this was To a significant degree, we have to look upon the
published in the Journal of Neurology, which is arguably the mitochondria as wielding the Sword of Damocles,
most well-respected neurology journal on the planet. It is determining who lives and who dies. We are now
actually the journal published by the American Academy of understanding—in recent research, published last week—
Neurology. This was 12 years ago, and no one has paid any that ultimately autism may be, in fact, a mitochondropathy,
attention to it since that time. But now we are seeing all a mitochondrial event, and that there may be some
kinds of work that is really starting to popularize ketosis. A influence upon neuronal mitochondria from things going
recent comprehensive book by Thomas Seyfried, PhD,13 on in the gut whereby, for example, changes in gut bacteria
looking at the metabolic basis of cancer, is one example. that may have been induced by the herbicide, glyphosate,
We are really seeing a lot of new information that is going may ultimately relate to mitochondrial changes within the
to be difficult for mainstream medicine to turn its back on. brain. This correlation could well explain why autism is
increasing so dramatically in its incidence worldwide.
IMCJ: What topic will you be focusing on in your For more information on the Institute for Functional
presentation at the conference? Medicine 2017 Annual International Conference, visit

26 Integrative Medicine • Vol. 16, No. 2 • April 2017 Perlmutter—Presenters

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1. Perlmutter D. Grain Brain: The Surprising Truth About Wheat, Carbs, and
Sugar. Boston, MA: Little, Brown and Company; 2013.
2. Perlmutter D. Brain Maker: The Power of Gut Microbes to Heal and Protect
Your Brain—For Life. Boston, MA: Little, Brown and Company; 2015.
3. Perlmutter D, Loberg K. The Grain Brain Whole Life Plan. Boston, MA: Little,
Brown and Company; 2016.
4. Eriksson PS, Perfilieva E, Björk-Eriksson T, et al. Neurogenesis in the adult
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Perlmutter—Presenters Integrative Medicine • Vol. 16, No. 2 • April 2017 27

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