Human Interest

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The cat walked across the narrow ledge on our dirty kitchen walls carrying her little

kitten. The cat was white in color with orange markings in her back. The kitten, flailing
helplessly in its mother’s jaw, was also white with orange and balck markings covering
its ears and body.

The mother cat looked down on the kitchen surface. I think she is about to jump. That
shouldn’t be too hard for her considering she was able to climb that high carrying her
young in her mouth.
As she looked down, her kitten almost fell down. She managed to save it by a hair’s

The second time, the kitten wasn’t so lucky. It fell down from the ledge to the kitchen
surface with an audible thud. The mother cat immediately jumped after. The kitten was
motionless, except for the rise and fall of its chest. The kitten was only about two weeks
old, the only survivor of its three siblings.

Its mother lied beside the kitten’s body, occasionally tapping its body with her paw. After
a few moments, the kitten’s body arched and it moved closer to its mother. The mother
put her paws around the kitten in a protective mother and they cuddled. I was glad it

In those moments, I realized that life indeed is a fragile thing. At any given moment
anything could happen. That’s why we must cherish all the moments in life that is given
to us. We must not take anything for granted.

YOLO, we might hear this from people. It doesn’t literally mean that we should do
everything we want carelessly. It means that we should just enjoy our everyday lives.
Take every opportunity. Make careful risks. It means appreciate everyday that you are
given and enjoy it, rather than let is pass you by while you are worried about all the little
things that might be bothering you at the moment.

We should always look at the bigger picture. Sometimes people dwell in the past,
sometimes people break down because of problems. We shouldn’t let these things
preoccupy us. Like Mark Twain once said, “Twenty years from now you will be more
disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off
the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails.”

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