The Differences Between Theory, Construct, Variable, Dimension, and Indicator

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Name : Venesa Hafid El Haq

Student Number : 120110170119

Class :A

Lecturer : Mr. Citra Sukmadilaga

The Differences between Theory, Construct, Variable, Dimension, and Indicator


 According to Hedriksen (1992), theory is an arrangement of hypothesized hypothesis,

concepts, and principles that form a general framework of reference to a questionable field.
 According to Kerlinger (1973), theory is the concepts related to each other that contain a
systematic view of a phenomenon.


A Construct is a specific type of concept that is in a higher degree of abstraction than a concept
and is created for a specific theoretical purpose. The construct can be interpreted as a concept
that has been restricted by its (element, characteristic, and nature) so that it can be observed
and measured.


 According to Sugiyono (2009), the research variables are essentially everything that is
shaped by researchers to learned so that information about it, then withdrawn the
 According to Kumar (1999), variable is a concept that can be measured and has a variation
of measurement results so that it can be said that the variable is the operationalization of
the concept So they can be assessed and measured.
 Types of Variables:

Independent and Dependent Variables

In general, experiments purposefully change one variable, which is the independent variable.
But a variable that changes in direct response to the independent variable is the dependent

Intervening and Moderator Variables

Intervening variables link the independent and dependent variables, but as abstract
processes, they are not directly observable during the experiment.

Constant or Controllable Variable

Sometimes certain characteristics of the objects under scrutiny are deliberately left
unchanged. These are known as constant or controlled variables.

Extraneous Variables

A well-designed experiment eliminates as many unmeasured extraneous variables as

possible. This makes it easier to observe the relationship between the independent and
dependent variables. These extraneous variables, also known as unforeseen factors, can
affect the interpretation of experimental results. Lurking variables, as a subset of extraneous
variables represent the unforeseen factors in the experiment.


Dimensions are indicators and variables that are examined in a study aimed at providing guidance
on measurements. In simple, the dimensions in the study are the variables that are important in
the research and the variables have a relationship with other variables.


 According to Green (1992), the indicator is a variable – variables that can indicate or indicate
to the user about a certain condition, so that it can be used to measure the changes happen.
 The indicator is a variable – variables that can indicate or indicate to the user about a certain
condition, so that it can be used to measure the changes Happen.
 There is also a saying that indicators are characteristic, traits or sizes that indicate changes
occurring in a particular field. Therefore, the indicator can be used in evaluating the state. It
is also possible to measure the changes occurring from time to time.

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