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Org and Management Case Study

By Bianca Lacanienta

The person running the business was named Andy Davis. His restaurant was called the Golden
Bow and he started this business a year ago. His business was perfect, as mentioned in the
article, his décor was tasteful, the location of the place was perfect and customers who come in
and out were generous towards them. He contacted some students from a local college to work
for him as servers in the restaurant. Davis seems to have everything in under control, but there
was only one thing left though, the dishwasher.

His problem at first were the workers, he had to find people who were suitable and qualified
enough for the job. Fortunately, he was able to do so but the only problem he has now is the
dishwasher. He can’t pay them any more that $4 an hour. Fortunately he was able to find
someone willing enough to wash the dishes in the restaurant for them, Eddie, despite the low
amount of pay. Even though this guy has experience he seemed to act slow. This is an issue
indeed because if the dishwasher does not clean the dishes immediately during work hours
then they would have delayed everything in the restaurant. The food ther e is essential of
course, but also are the utensils and plates. You can’t serve food without putting them on a
platter first, will you just lay the food on their tables and expect them to eat it? Of course not.
Davis had to find a way to resolve this dishwashing problem.

What did Davis do exactly? He offered Eddie $28 for a complete job every night and that his
hours would be cut shorter so that he wouldn’t have to work so late. Eddie was excited about
this that he started to improve his work. I’d say that Davis thought of this situation pretty well.
He gave Eddie a goal to reach for, he gave him motivation to work harder and better. Which
benefitted them both at the same time, providing Eddie the money that he needs and Davis’
business not going to a flop.

I’d recommend a few things actually, in a business you can’t just get into it immediately. There’s
a process to follow when you get into the business. First is “Research”, through research you
can acquire the knowledge you need for the business. From knowing what kind of business you
want and what you need for it is important information to have. You need to know what kind of
people you need, what kind of resources you are in need of. Second, “Connections”, like in his
situation he was able to contact people from a local college, where he was able to get workers
for his business. It’s important to know a lot of people because they can be very helpful and
providing things you need example, people or resources. Third, “Observation,” this will help
with the location of the place, location is a very important aspect to consider because through
location you are able to see the amount of people around that area, the spot you picked is
easily seen or people are immediately attracted to it and etc. Fourth, “Organizing”, you need
this to keep everything in order in your business. Organizing doesn’t just apply through the
material objects but it can also apply to people or your workers. You assign them to what they
are good at or have more experience in (which you will know if you let them undergo an
interview). Through that you will be able to train them as well depending on their assigned jobs.
There are other aspects to consider as well but I believe this are one of the main things you
need to remember all the time.

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