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Course Prefix/Number: CEN4516

Course Title: Computer Networks
Course Website:
( login and select CEN4516)
Course Credit Hours: 3
Instructor Name and Contact Information:
Dr. Sharon Simmons
Building 79, Room 115 Phone: 473-7349 Fax: 857-6056
Computer Science Department Department: 474-2542

Office hours: MW 12:30 - 3:30 and by appointment

Prerequisites: CDA 3100 and COP4601
Course Description:
Theories and techniques to address the increasing demand for digital communications
between computers and users are investigated. An analysis of the state of the practice
design and configuration schemes is performed. Among these are protocol standards,
major transmission components, public and private carriers, management are engineer-
ing concerns, data security, error control and network topologies. The International
Standards Organization’s Open Systems Interface (OSI) model will be used as the dis-
cussion platform, although other models will be discussed.

Student Learning Outcomes:

Students who successfully complete this course will be able to:

• Describe in detail
– the OSI and the Internet protocol stack
– switching technology
– application layer services
– transport layer services
– network layer services
– link layer services
– the network topologies and the interconnection
• Calculate metrics concerning performance of network, such as
– delays (transmission, queuing, propagation)
– round trip estimates and timeout
• Write socket-based network programs for
– application layer application such as a Web server
– reliable data transfer
– routing datagrams

– modeling hardware functionality

Topics Covered:
1. Foundation material
(a) protocol stack and peer entities
(b) clients and servers
(c) connection-oriented and connectionless service
(d) circuit and packet switching
(e) packet forwarding
(f) physical media
(g) ISPs and internet backbones
(h) delay and loss in packet switched networks
2. Application Layer
(a) principle of application layer protocols
(b) HTTP
(c) FTP
(d) STMP
(e) DNS
(f) socket programming UDP and UDP
(g) web caching
3. Transport Layer
(a) multiplexing and demultiplexing
(b) connectionless UDP
(c) protocols for reliable data transfer
(d) connection-oriented TCP
(e) principle of congestion control
(f) TCP congestion control
4. Network Layer and Routing
(a) datagrams and virtual circuit technology
(b) link state routing
(c) distance vector routing
(d) hierarchical routing
(e) IP details
(f) Internet routing
(g) router details
(h) IPV6
(i) multicast routing
(j) mobility
5. Link Layer and LANS
(a) data link layer

(b) error detection and correction
(c) multiple access protocols
(d) LAN addresses and ARP
(e) Ethernet
(f) hubs, bridges, switches
(g) wireless LANs
(h) PPP
(i) ATM
(j) Frame Relay
6. Multimedia Networking

Required texts:
Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach Featuring the Internet, 3rd
J. Kurose and K. Ross
Addison Wesley
ISBN: 0-321-22735-2

Midterm 30%
Comprehensive Final 30%
6 projects 40%

Grading scale
A 92 - 100 %
A- 90 - 91.9%
B+ 88 - 89.9%
B 82 - 87.9%
B- 80 - 81.9%
C+ 78 - 79.9%
C 72 - 77.9%
C- 70 - 71.9%
D+ 68 - 69.9%
D 58 - 67.9%
F 0 - 57.9%


Special Technology Utilized by Students:

Expectations for Academic Conduct/Plagiarism Policy:
Academic Conduct Policy
Student Code of Conduct

Students with special needs who require specific examination-related or other course-
related accommodations should contact Barbara Fitzpatrick, Director of Disabled Stu-
dent Services (DDS),, (850) 474-2387. DSS will provide the student with
a letter for the instructor that will specify any recommended accommodations.

Work Submission:
All assignments must be submitted through the eLearning web site. Assignments will
not be accepted via e-mail.

You are responsible for checking your e-mail and the course website regularly, preferably
once a day, to keep up with important announcements, assignments, etc.

Withdrawal from course:

The last day of the term for withdrawal from an individual course with an automatic
grade of W is November 5th , 2007. Withdrawals done after that date will result in
a grade of WF or withdrawal failing. Applying for an incomplete or I grade will be
considered only if: (1) there are extenuating circumstances to warrant it, AND (2)
you have a passing grade and have completed at least 70of the course work, AND (3)
approval of the department chair.

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