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Manual Therapy 9 (2004) 77–82

Original article
The initial effects of a Mulligan’s mobilization with movement
technique on dorsiflexion and pain in subacute ankle sprains
Natalie Collins, Pamela Teys, Bill Vicenzino*
Department of Physiotherapy, The University of Queensland, St. Lucia, Brisbane, QLD 4072, Australia
Received 17 December 2002; received in revised form 25 July 2003; accepted 21 August 2003


Physiotherapists frequently use manipulative therapy techniques to treat dysfunction and pain resulting from ankle sprain. This
study investigated whether a Mulligan’s mobilization with movement (MWM) technique improves talocrural dorsiflexion, a major
impairment following ankle sprain, and relieves pain in subacute populations. Fourteen subjects with subacute grade II lateral ankle
sprains served as their own control in a repeated measures, double-blind randomized controlled trial that measured the initial effects
of the MWM treatment on weight bearing dorsiflexion and pressure and thermal pain threshold. The subacute ankle sprain group
studied displayed deficits in dorsiflexion and local pressure pain threshold in the symptomatic ankle. Significant improvements in
dorsiflexion occurred initially post-MWM (Fð2;26Þ ¼ 7:82; P ¼ 0:002), but no significant changes in pressure or thermal pain
threshold were observed after the treatment condition. Results indicate that the MWM treatment for ankle dorsiflexion has a
mechanical rather than hypoalgesic effect in subacute ankle sprains. The mechanism by which this occurs requires investigation if we
are to better understand the role of manipulative therapy in ankle sprain management.
r 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Manipulation; Ankle; Pain; Movement

1. Introduction acute stage, but also in the subacute stage (Yang and
Vicenzino, 2002).
The lateral ligament complex of the ankle, described Early physiotherapy intervention consists of rest, ice,
as the body’s ‘‘most frequently injured single structure’’ compression, elevation (RICE) and electrotherapy
(Garrick, 1977), is mechanically vulnerable to sprain modalities to control inflammation, as well as manip-
injury. At extremes of plantarflexion and inversion, ulative therapy and therapeutic exercise techniques to
influenced by the shorter medial aspect of the ankle address impairments of movement and strength (Wolfe
mortise, the relatively weak anterior talofibular ligament et al., 2001; Hockenbury and Sammarco, 2001). Green
(ATFL) and calcaneofibular ligament (CFL) are prone et al. (2001) investigated the impact of combining non-
to varying grades of rupture, often via minimal force weight-bearing talocrural anteroposterior (AP) passive
(Hockenbury and Sammarco, 2001). mobilisations, believed to restore dorsiflexion range,
Immediate inflammatory processes produce acute with the RICE protocol in the treatment of acute ankle
anterolateral pain and oedema, with avoidance of sprains. The experimental group ðn ¼ 19Þ demonstrated
movement and weight bearing (Wolfe et al., 2001). a more rapid improvement in pain-free dorsiflexion and
Subsequent losses of joint range, particularly dorsiflex- function than the control group ðn ¼ 19Þ who were
ion, and muscle strength results in significant gait treated solely with RICE. This provides important
dysfunction. Recent data from our laboratory highlights evidence substantiating the role of passive joint mobi-
the presence of a dorsiflexion deficit not only in the lizations in an acutely injured population.
The mobilization with movement (MWM) treatment
approach for improving dorsiflexion post-ankle sprain
*Corresponding author. Tel.: +61-7-3365-2781; fax: +61-7-3365- combines a relative posteroanterior glide of the tibia
2775. on talus (or a relative anteroposterior glide of the talus
E-mail address: (B. Vicenzino). on the tibia) with active dorsiflexion movements,

1356-689X/$ - see front matter r 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
78 N. Collins et al. / Manual Therapy 9 (2004) 77–82

preferentially in weight bearing (Mulligan, 1999). ligament with mild laxity and instability (and) slight
Claims of rapid restoration of pain-free movement are reduction in functiony’’ (Safran et al., 1999); A
associated with MWM techniques generally (Mulligan, minimum pain-free dorsiflexion asymmetry of 10 mm
1993, 1999; Exelby, 1996). Through examination of the on weight-bearing measure (Vicenzino et al., 2001),
effects of MWM on ankle dorsiflexion in asymptomatic anterolateral ankle tenderness, and full pain free weight-
mildly restricted ankle joints, Vicenzino et al. (2001) bearing capacity were also required. Acute ankle sprains
found that both the weight bearing and non-weight- were excluded due to the potential for exacerbation of
bearing variations of the dorsiflexion MWM technique pain with repeated testing on the outcome measures.
produced significant gains in dorsiflexion range. How- Exclusion also occurred if fracture or intra-articular
ever, weight-bearing treatment techniques are widely ankle effusion were clinically detectable, or if there was a
believed to be superior to non-weight-bearing techni- recent history of other lower limb or lumbar spine
ques, as they replicate aspects of functional activities conditions. Physiotherapists and physiotherapy students
(Mulligan, 1999). Acute ankle sprains, whilst having were excluded to remove a potential source of bias from
marked reduction in dorsiflexion range of motion, are the participants.
frequently painful in full weight bearing, and weight- Ethical clearance was obtained from the relevant
bearing techniques are not clinically indicated. The Institution Review Board for ethics at the University of
subacute ankle sprain is characterized by significant Queensland, and all participants provided informed
residual deficits in dorsiflexion (Yang and Vicenzino, consent.
2002) and the capacity to fully weight bear, making it a
good model on which to study the initial effects of 2.2. Outcome measures
weight-bearing MWM on dorsiflexion.
The mechanism of action of manipulative therapy has 2.2.1. Dorsiflexion
been the focus of several reports in recent times, Weight-bearing dorsiflexion (DF), found to have
however spinal manipulative therapy appears to be the excellent inter- and intra-rater reliability (Bennel et al.,
common subject of research. A synopsis of current 1998), was measured using the knee-to-wall principle.
evidence for the initial mechanism of action of The participant stood in front of a wall, with the test
manipulative therapy indicates in part a neurophysiolo- foot’s second toe and midline of the heel and knee
gical basis (Vicenzino et al., 1996, 1998, 2000). maintained in a plane perpendicular to the wall. The
Manipulative therapy treatment techniques studied have participant slowly lunged forward into talocrural dorsi-
exhibited non-opioid hypoalgesia to mechanical but not flexion until the knee contacted the wall, and progres-
thermal pain stimuli (Vicenzino et al., 1995, 1998). sively moved the foot back to the point where the knee
The primary objective of this study was to test the could just touch the wall with the heel sustained on the
hypothesis that application of Mulligan’s MWM tech- ground. This represented end of range dorsiflexion, and
nique for talocrural dorsiflexion to subacute lateral the distance between the wall and second toe was
ankle sprains produces an initial dorsiflexion gain, and measured in millimetres using a tape measure. The
simultaneously produces a mechanical but not thermal examiner ensured maintenance of heel contact via verbal
hypoalgesia. instructions and manual contact with the calcaneum.
Vicenzino et al. (2001) found this measure to be more
sensitive in detecting treatment effects than an angular
2. Methods weight-bearing measure and a non-weight-bearing
The double-blind randomized controlled trial incor-
porated repeated measures into a cross over design, in 2.2.2. Pain
which each participant served as their own control. Quantitative measures of pain were obtained via
pressure and thermal pain threshold. Pressure algome-
2.1. Participants try, which has demonstrated reliability (Pontinen, 1988),
was used to measure pressure pain threshold (PPT) at
Sixteen participants, eight males and eight females three lower limb sites: (1) over the proximal third of the
aged 18–50 (average 28.25 years and standard deviation tibialis anterior muscle belly; (2) directly distal to the
9.33 years), were recruited through the University lateral malleolus over the CFL; (3) directly anterior to
Physiotherapy Clinic, local physiotherapy practices the lateral malleolus over the ATFL. A digital pressure
and sporting clubs, and University advertising. The algometer (Somedic AB, Farsta, Sweden) was used to
primary criterion for inclusion was a grade II ankle measure the pressure applied to the test site by a rubber-
lateral ligament sprain that was sustained on average 40 tipped probe (area 1 cm2), which was positioned
days (724 days standard deviation) prior to testing. We perpendicular to the skin. The pressure was applied at
defined this sprain as ‘‘an incomplete tear of the a rate of 40 kPa/s. Activation of a button by the
N. Collins et al. / Manual Therapy 9 (2004) 77–82 79

participant at the precise moment that the pressure anterior joint line. The other hand was positioned
sensation changed to one of pain and pressure, signalled anteriorly over the proximal tibia and fibula to direct the
cessation of pressure application, and froze the mea- knee over the second and third toes to maintain a
surement onscreen for manual recording. consistent alignment of the distal leg and foot. The glide
The Thermotest System (Somedic AB, Farsta, was sustained during slow active dorsiflexion to end of
Sweden) measured hot and cold thermal pain threshold pain-free range, with the seatbelt kept perpendicular to
(TPT). A rectangular contact thermode was manually the long axis of the tibia throughout movement, and
positioned over two sites: (i) the proximal third of the released after return to the starting position. Three sets
tibialis anterior muscle belly, and (ii) over the ATFL, of 10 repetitions were applied, with one minute between
extending from the anteroinferior border of the lateral sets (Exelby, 1996). Pain experienced during treatment
malleolus toward the toes at an angle that allowed resulted in immediate cessation of the technique and
maximal contact with the foot contours. The hot or cold exclusion from the study.
stimuli were increased at a rate of 1 C/s from a baseline The placebo condition replicated the treatment
of 30 C. Participants pressed a button at the precise condition, with the following exceptions. The seatbelt
moment that the thermal sensation changed to one of was placed over the calcaneum, and only minimal
pain and heat for heat pain threshold, and one of pain tension imparted to take up the slack. One hand
and cold for cold pain threshold. At this point, remained on the proximal tibia and fibula, however
stimulation ceased and the temperature reached was the other hand was positioned across the metatarsal
manually recorded. Automatic cut-off points of 52 C bases. Instructions were given to produce a small inner
and 2.5 C were adopted to ensure safe stimulus range dorsiflexion while the seatbelt was maintained
application. perpendicular to the tibia. An identical number of
repetitions, sets and interval period were used.
2.3. Treatment conditions In the control condition, the participant assumed the
same relaxed stance position as for treatment and
Three treatment conditions, consisting of MWM for placebo, and maintained this for five minutes. No
dorsiflexion, placebo and a no-treatment control, were manual contact occurred between the therapist and
studied. During the treatment condition, the dorsiflex- participant.
ion MWM technique was performed on the sympto-
matic talocrural joint, as described by Mulligan (1999). 2.4. Procedure
With the participant in relaxed stance on a bench, a non-
elastic seatbelt was placed around the distal tibia and A preliminary session, during which a clinical
fibula and the therapist’s pelvis, with foam cushioning examination and the three outcome measures were
the Achilles tendon (Fig. 1). A backward translation by performed on both ankles, was conducted initially to
the therapist imparted tension on the seatbelt and a determine the participant’s suitability for inclusion. This
posteroanterior tibial glide, while the talus and forefoot session also served to familiarize participants with
were fixated with the webspace of one hand close to the testing procedures. Suitable participants returned for
three testing sessions within one week of the initial
appointment. These were scheduled at similar times of
the day to prevent diurnal variations in joint range and
pain, and allow a 24-h interval for wash-out of any
treatment effects. Testing was conducted in an environ-
ment-controlled laboratory, with constant temperature
and humidity.
Each testing session began with the asymptomatic
then symptomatic ankles undergoing each of the three
outcome measures. With the participant in side lying, a
splint was applied to the testing ankle to maintain a
standardized 10 of plantarflexion. PPT and TPT
measures were then conducted in an order randomized
by the toss of a coin, followed by weight-bearing
dorsiflexion. Three repetitions of each measure were
taken. The examiner then left the laboratory while the
therapist then entered and applied one of the treatment
Fig. 1. The weight-bearing mobilization with movement technique in conditions (MWM, placebo, control) to the sympto-
which the therapist applies a posteroanterior force to the distal leg matic ankle. Following treatment, outcome measures
through a treatment belt while manually stabilizing the foot and talus. were repeated on the symptomatic ankle by the
80 N. Collins et al. / Manual Therapy 9 (2004) 77–82

Table 1 application. Any significant interaction effects were

Intraclass correlation coefficient (standard error of measurement) for followed up with tests of simple effects. Post hoc tests
the pressure, heat and cold pain threshold measures
of main effects were performed in the absence of
Pain stimulus ATFL CFL TA an interaction. A Bonferroni adjustment ðaadjusted ¼
Pressure 0.98 (5.57 kPa) 0.95 (8.93 kPa) 0.95 (12.00 kPa) 0:05=3 ¼ 0:017Þ was used to interpret results of the pair
Heat 0.99 (0.40 C) 0.97 (0.22 C) wise tests of simple effects and to adjust for any type I
Cold 0.98 (0.64 C) 0.99 (0.74 C) error resulting from multiple comparisons.

examiner to evaluate the effect of treatment. This

5. Results
procedure facilitated blinding of the examiner. The
participant was unaware of the aim of the study and
5.1. Pre-experiment deficits in outcome measures
which treatment condition was under investigation.
Over the 3 days of involvement in the primary study,
Pre-experiment values for dorsiflexion and pain
each participant experienced all three treatment condi-
measures of the affected and unaffected ankles are
tions in a randomised order as determined by the roll of
displayed in Table 2. Statistical analysis of side-to-side
a dice by the therapist.
differences revealed a deficit only for dorsiflexion (DF)
(t ¼ 5:689; Po0:001) and pressure pain threshold over
the anterior talofibular ligament (PPT ATFL)
3. Reliability
(t ¼ 2:570; P ¼ 0:025). No such deficits in thermal pain
threshold (TPT) were found.
Acceptable intrarater reliability was determined
through analysis of pre-treatment data from the three
testing sessions. The intraclass correlation coefficient 5.2. Primary study
(ICC) and standard error of measurement (SEM) data
for the pain measures are presented in Table 1. The ICC 5.2.1. Dorsiflexion
and SEM for the dorsiflexion measure were 0.99 and A significant interaction time by condition effect for
3.50 mm, respectively. The ICC for the pain measures the dorsiflexion outcome measure was detected by the
ranged from 0.95 to 0.99. The SEM for pressure pain ANOVA (Fð2;26Þ ¼ 7:817; P ¼ 0:002). The interaction
threshold ranged from 5.57 to 12.00 kPa, and the plot is shown in Fig. 2. Post hoc analysis revealed
thermal pain threshold SEM ranged from 0.22 to a significant treatment effect for dorsiflexion from
0.74 C. Note that both the size of the error (SEM) pre- to post-application (t ¼ 2:870; P ¼ 0:013). The
and the ICC are indicative of reliable measures. post hoc analysis for the pre- and post-application
data showed no significant differences between the
placebo (t ¼ 1:343; P ¼ 0:202) and control (t ¼ 1:324;
4. Data management and analysis P ¼ 0:208) conditions. Table 3 presents the dorsiflexion
Two independent variables were incorporated into the
research design; TREATMENT (MWM, placebo, con-
trol), and TIME of application (pre- and post-interven- Table 2
tion). Three dependent variables, measures of pressure Pre-experiment mean (standard deviation) values of the outcome
pain threshold (PPT), thermal pain threshold (TPT) and measures for asymptomatic and symptomatic sides
dorsiflexion (DF), were evaluated. Prior to analysis, Outcome measure Region Asymptomatic Symptomatic
triplicate DF, PPT and TPT data were averaged.
Dorsiflexion (mm) 100.93 (41.04) 58.57 (36.25)
Data pertaining to two of the participants were
Pressure pain ATFL 212.61 (73.52) 154.82 (55.89)
excluded from analysis; subject 4 who had a post-testing threshold (kPa)
MRI that revealed an osteochondral lesion of the talus CFL 348.28 (93.23) 323.46 (95.09)
and ankle joint effusion, and subject 7 who experienced TA 378.78 (115.46) 348.29 (107.93)
pain during the MWM technique.
Heat pain threshold ( C) ATFL 43.48 (2.45) 43.39 (3.57)
Pre-experiment differences between sides (sympto-
TA 43.83 (2.97) 44.26 (2.14)
matic–asymptomatic) were evaluated by paired t-tests
ða ¼ 0:05Þ: Cold pain threshold ( C) ATFL 10.74 (7.07) 11.07 (6.39)
A two-factor analysis of variance (ANOVA) was then TA 8.24 (8.30) 8.85 (7.59)
performed on each of the three dependent variables to Abbreviations: ATFL=anterior talofibular ligament; CFL=calcaneo-
test the hypothesis that MWM produced changes in fibular ligament; TA=tibialis anterior.
excess of placebo and control from pre- to post-  Denotes statistically significant difference ðPo0:05Þ:
N. Collins et al. / Manual Therapy 9 (2004) 77–82 81

5.2.2. Pain
The data for pain thresholds for pressure, cold and
heat stimuli are expressed as mean and standard
deviation in Table 4. Statistical analysis of the pain
related data revealed no interaction effects (see Fig. 2 for
plots). However, there were main effects for time for
PPT ATFL (Fð1;13Þ ¼ 6:401; P ¼ 0:025) and PPT TA
(Fð1;13Þ ¼ 9:17; P ¼ 0:010). Post hoc tests of simple
effects demonstrated significant pre- to post-differences
for PPT ATFL in the placebo condition (t ¼ 2:774;
P ¼ 0:016) (Fig. 3), but no significant change in PPT
TA. No significant time or condition effects were evident
for PPT CFL, or the TPT measures.

Fig. 2. The Treatment condition (MWM, Placebo, Control) by Time 6. Discussion

interaction plot for dorsiflexion (squares, significant interaction
Fð2;26Þ ¼ 7:817; P ¼ 0:002), pressure pain threshold (PPT) at the Application of the dorsiflexion mobilization with
anterior talofibular ligament (ATFL) test site (circles) and over the
movement (MWM) technique to patients with subacute
tibialis anterior muscle belly (Tib Ant) test site (triangles). Closed
figures (squares, circles and triangles) indicate pre-treatment condition
lateral ankle sprains produced a significant immediate
and open figures indicate post-treatment. The  indicates a significant improvement in dorsiflexion, but had no significant
difference after treatment when compared to before treatment initial effect on mechanical and thermal pain threshold
ðPadjusted o0:017Þ: measures. This dorsiflexion gain following manipulative
therapy parallels findings by Green et al. (2001) in acute
ankle injuries, and Vicenzino and colleagues’ (2001)
study of asymptomatic minimally restricted ankles.
Table 3
Mean and standard deviation for dorsiflexion (mm) under the three
Current and previous research findings suggest that
treatment conditions the predominant mechanism of action for the dorsiflex-
ion MWM technique is most likely mechanical, rather
Time MWM Placebo Control
than a direct hypoalgesic effect. An excessive anterior
Pre 57.27 (41.00) 60.17 (38.49) 58.29 (32.67) displacement of the talus is believed to occur during
Post 68.93 (45.44) 62.07 (38.97) 56.42 (33.48) plantarflexion/inversion injury and persist with residual
There were no significant differences between conditions in the pre- laxity of the anterior talofibular ligament (ATFL)
application data. (Mulligan, 1999). Denegar et al. (2002) reported
 Denotes significant change ðPo0:017Þ:
increased ATFL laxity and restricted posterior talar

Table 4
Mean and standard deviation for the pain measures under the three treatment conditions before and after their application

Stimulus Region Time MWM Placebo Control

Pressure (kPa) ATFL Pre 154.19 (48.64) 155.38 (68.69) 175.12 (89.03)
Post 166.74 (78.68) 179.05 (75.33) 187.66 (101.55)
CFL Pre 327.44 (83.15) 318.43 (96.31) 346.68 (148.70)
Post 335.04 (76.56) 341.13 (135.58) 325.28 (146.88)
TA Pre 371.85 (115.43) 372.43 (144.57) 385.55 (160.20)
Post 394.79 (147.81) 385.01 (144.12) 420.94 (185.79)

Heat ( C) ATFL Pre 43.14 (2.49) 43.20 (2.24) 43.78 (3.26)

Post 42.57 (2.29) 44.14 (3.36) 43.76 (2.61)
TA Pre 44.74 (2.46) 44.73 (2.40) 44.63 (2.43)
Post 44.46 (2.21) 44.14 (2.42) 44.77 (2.72)

Cold ( C) ATFL Pre 10.80 (5.87) 11.06 (6.13) 9.07 (5.41)

Post 9.86 (5.54) 10.77 (6.56) 8.93 (6.26)
TA Pre 8.25 (6.23) 8.18 (7.11) 7.25 (6.10)
Post 8.04 (5.85) 7.95 (7.19) 7.62 (6.72)

There were no significant differences between conditions in the pre-application data. Abbreviations: ATFL=anterior talofibular ligament;
CFL=calcaneofibular ligament; TA=tibialis anterior.
82 N. Collins et al. / Manual Therapy 9 (2004) 77–82

glide in twelve athletes who had sustained an ankle absence of hypoalgesia post-application suggests a
sprain 6 months earlier and had since returned to sport. predominant mechanical rather than hypoalgesic effect
The clinical rationale given for the anteroposterior glide behind the technique’s success. Further research using a
component of the weight-bearing dorsiflexion MWM larger sample is required to determine the exact
technique is to reduce any residual anterior displace- mechanism behind this.
ment of the talus (Mulligan, 1999). Mulligan (1993,
1999) proposed that correction of the restricted poster-
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