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A piezoelectric motor or piezo motor is a type of electric motor based on the change in
shape of a piezoelectric material when an electric field is applied. Piezoelectric motors
use the converse piezoelectric effect of piezoelectric sensors, in which deformation or
vibration of the piezoelectric material produces due to an electric charge. An electrical
circuit makes acoustic or ultrasonic vibrations in the piezoelectric material, which
produce linear or rotary motion.
One drive technique uses piezoelectric ceramics to push a stator. These piezoelectric
motors use three groups of crystals—two locking, and one motive that permanently
connects to either the motor's casing or stator (not both). The motive group, sandwiched
between the other two, provides the motion. These piezoelectric motors are
fundamentally stepping motors, with each step comprising either two or three actions,
based on the locking type. These motors are also known as inchworm motors. Another
mechanism uses surface acoustic waves (SAW) to generate linear or rotational motion.
A second drive type, the squiggle motor, uses piezoelectric elements bonded orthogonally
to a nut. Their ultrasonic vibrations rotate a central lead screw. This is a direct drive
mechanism. The direct drive piezoelectric motor creates movement through continuous
ultrasonic vibration.
Its control circuit applies a two-channel sinusoidal or square wave to the piezoelectric
elements that matches the bending resonant frequency of the threaded tube typically an
ultrasonic frequency of 40 kHz to 200 kHz. This creates orbital motion that drives the
screw. This motor can provide a maximum linear speed of approximately 800 mm per
second, or nearly 2.9 km/h.
A unique capability of piezoelectric motors is their ability to operate in strong magnetic
fields. This extends their usefulness to applications that cannot use traditional
electromagnetic motors—such as inside nuclear magnetic resonance antennas.
The maximum operating temperature is limited by the Curie temperature of the used
piezoelectric ceramic and can exceed +250C.
In short piezoelectric motors are special motors with unique characteristics with
applications in wide areas including MEMS, medical equipment’s, etc. And works on the
principle of inverse piezoelectric effect and convert the mechanical vibrations in piezo
crystals into smooth rotation or linear motion of rotor.


Chapter No. Topic Page No.

Cover Page



Abstract i

Contents ii

List Of Figures iii

List Of Graphs iv

List Of Abbreviations v

1 Introduction 1

2 Need 2

2.1 Present Scenario 2

2.2 Drawbacks Of EM 3

2.3 Beauties Of Piezo-Motor 5

3 Literature Survey 6

3.1 History Of Piezo-Motor 6

3.2 Structure 7

4 Concept Of Piezoelectric 8

4.1 What Is Piezoelectric Effect? 8

4.2 History Of Piezoelectric Effect 9

4.3 Piezoelectric Materials 10

4.4 Piezoelectric Effect Best-Suited Application 11

5 Working Principle Piezo-Motor 12

6 Overview Of Different Piezoelectric Motors 17

6.1 Ultrasonic Motors 18

6.2 Piezo-Walk Motors 19

6.3 Inertia / Stick Sleep Motor 20

7 Benefits 21

7.1 General Benefits Of Piezo-Motor 21

7.2 Benefits Compare To Conventional EM 22

8 Disadvantages 24

9 Application 25

9.1 Future Scope 27

10 Conclusion 28

11 References 29


Figure No Particulars Page No

3.2.1 Structure Of Piezomotor 16

4.1.1 Piezoelectric Effect 17

5.1 Polarization Of Ceramic Material 21

5.2 Characterize Crystal Performance 22

5.3 Different Motions Of Piezomotor 22

5.4.(A) Motor At Rest With Preload 23

5.4.(B) Motor At Applied Charge 23

5.4.(C) Motor At –ve Voltage 23

5.4.(D) Repeated Process Of Motor 23

6.2.1 Ultrasonic Motor 28

6.2.2 Piezowalk Motor 29

6.2.3 Inertia/ Stick Slip Motor 30


Graph No Particulars Page No

5.5.(A) Control Voltage Vs. Velocity 25

5.5.(B) Elapsed Time Vs. Displacement 25

5.6 Motor Speed As Function Of Time Without Load 26

5.7 Motor Speed As A Function Of Time With Load Of 3N 26

5.8 Amplitude Vs. Frequency 26

7.2.1 Efficiency Vs. Power 33


EM Electromagnetic Motor

SAW Surface Acoustic Waves

Hz Hertz

Sec Seconds

rpm Revolution Per Minutes

deg Degree

N Newton

V Volts

P.U. Per Unit

DC Direct Current

AC Alternating Current


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