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Elements involved in FoodTree Delivery Website business model.

Element in our food delivery are enabling restaurants to bring their menus online and
extend their customer base. By using our food delivery website it can analysis and also can
generated recommendations for the users. Foodtree also can helps the selective restaurants
increasing their sales. Service culture, employee engagement, service quality and customer
experience are the content of the element that our Foodtree delivery website.

Service culture, this element built from leadership principles, norms, work habits and
vision, mission and values. Culture is the set of overriding principles according to which
management controls, maintains and develops the social process that manifests itself as
delivery service and gives value to customers. Once a superior service delivery system and a
realistic service concept have been established, there is no other component as fundamental
to the long-term success of a service organization as its culture. The employee engagement
includes employee attitudes activities, purpose driven leadership and also HR processes.
Even the best designed processes and systems will only be effective if carried out by people
with higher engagement. Engagement is the moderator between the design and the execution
of the service excellence model.

Next, this delivery service are simpler and convenience as a simple service attribute,
also deliver convenience across every customer touch-point. Base on the research there
specific opportunities for convenience technology to buy people time and save their effort.
Which decision, access, transaction, benefit and post-benefit. For the decision convenience
make easy and fast to choose also the customer can review the restaurant and the ranting of
the restaurant. Customers also can choose or decide where they want to order their food from.
Transaction by using the PayPal make it easy and fast for the customer to pay for the food.
Making it fast and easy to acquire. For example, meals are delivered to the customer within
15 or 20 minutes at the location by using the Google Maps it make more easier for the
customer to eat well wherever and wherever the customer hungry. From the post-benefit
convenience where it make easier for the customer to reorder by save their address and
payment details, also can bookmark their favourites.

Using the marketing tool to promote more about the food delivery website. Which is
offering the new restaurant for the delivery service. For example, include in application
coupons, offers and free delivery promotions. Other than that, introducing the new menu items
exclusive to delivery orders. By putting new and exciting food at the marketing process.
Focusing on the food rather than on the discounts, can give opportunities to position the
delivery, also engaging the customers in new ways that build preference and loyalty rather
than offering them ‘one-off’ discounts that might not improve repeat order or brand loyalty in
the long term. In this delivery service the competition between the restaurants will be intensify.
The restaurant need to be sure that their food quality are the best to make sure the customer
can be sure to repeat the request again. These principle should be at the core of the delivery
system that can build, scale and optimize the delivery process while delivering an exceptional
customer experience and growing a loyal base of satisfied.

Know the environment and localize solution for the food delivery service. Providing the
quality on the service includes strategies, processes and performance management systems.
The strategy and process design is fundamental to the design of the overall service
management model. It can help to fulfil the mission and supporting the organizational purpose.
For the environment base on the region that can be delivered which makes it difficult to
automate the order transmission process. For example, most European countries is one of
the main obstacle’s founders have to face in the last mile food delivery segment. The legal,
social and commercial environment of a start-up may have a direct impact on the operational
processes define to the company.

The sources of the financing, earn most of the delivery charge and also the advertising
of the food delivery. The main revenue come from most of the restaurant that collaborate
which is their given commission. Foodtree generate earn from the ordering charges. Which is
when the order have been place through the website 5 to 10 percent from the total price are
for the delivery service. From the advertising almost 10% of the profit displaying the ads.
Normally the charge of the advertisement came from the page served, ads unit served per
page and also directing to page. Foodtree also provide the part where the loyal customer can
accept coupon for their loyalty using Foodtree as their main food delivery service. The staff
especially the rider will also accept the bonus every month when they have the most delivered
food in the month. This can help the rider being more consistence doing their work for the
company and the customer for Foodtree.

Every element that involve in Foodtree are most likely same like others delivery
service. But Foodtree will try the best to make sure every element that provide will be receive
by the customer. Not only for their convenience but also for their happiness. Foodtree element
also take part for the staff wellbeing especially the rider for Foodtree that one of the source
financing of the company. They are need to in the best condition to make sure everything
smooth and make the customer satisfied with the service. Also can make the company more
success in the future ways.
Customer value propositions

Our value proposition is ensuring customer delight at every point in the food delivery
process. The spell out fact that anything one orders through the portal has already been
screened through stringent yardsticks of quality to ensure maximum satisfaction. Foodtree
going to put every delivery to the tester which means Foodtree going to be ensure every food
that going to be delivered in the best quality within the right times.

Based on the research every delivery going to have problem where the customer want
to cancel the order. For Foodtree, customer can make cancelation of the order are but
depends on the restaurant. By give call to the restaurant that customer make the order, if the
restaurants say it can be cancel so it can be but if it not customer does not have choice but to
accept the order. The cancelation of the order also have the time limit before 5 minutes after
the order can be cancel without having any contribution with the restaurant.

Foodtree food delivery, customer just only can order from one restaurant in the same
time many kind of food. Different from the other food delivery where the customer can order
more than one restaurant. Foodtree can offer the same service but the customer cannot
combine the food in one delivery and also one payment. Which is the customer need to pay
for the first order and after that pay for another food. The delivery also will be in the different
time. The customer also will be receive a confirmation email from Foodtree, where the email
stating that the order and the time will the food to be delivered to the customer. There also will
be a message stating or update the customer where are their food at after the restaurant
already make confirmation.

Redelivery is not possible, It happen when the receiver of the food are not that the
place state on the address. Also happen when the receiver is not at home at the time of
delivery. Foodtree will going to be update the receiver by email or message stating the time of
delivery and the customer can ask some else to accept the food when the delivery man come
by. It is the same ways like the confirmation email that customer accept after they make the
order. Same like other food delivery which is they state that redelivery food that have been
delivered and not accept by the customer are not possible. Unless it was reorder with the
same menu and restaurant are accepted.

Same like the when the customer not accept the food when the order have been sent.
The refund cannot be happen. Unless there are problem with the food, which is missing item
or there is other issues with food that have been delivered. Customer can contact Foodtree
customer service by saying that have a problem with the food that have been delivered. The
customer service will going to check customer order and find out where the problem. if it was
accepted which is reason make by the delivery man of the restaurant by itself, the customer
can choose other they still want the missing item to be deliver again or change the food into
coupon. The customer also can request the missing item as the money that will be credit into
customer account within 3-5 working days from the processing date. But if it was in the coupon
the total amount of the coupon are the same amount of the item that going to be credit into
customer account in the Foodtree.

In Foodtree, list of the menu divided into many type. Which is halal, non-halal, dessert,
fast food, and cuisines. This can give the customer more convenience where they can browser
food base on their choice. For example, customer just only want to find the halal food only
they just can click on the halal button on the website. Also same with the fast food, where
nowadays the simple food on the earth are fast food. Like most of the time the customer will
going to choose fast food as their favourite like KFC, McDonald, Pizza Hut and many more.
Customer also can search on the Foodtree what kind of food or restaurant that they want to
buy food.

This proposition not only for the satisfaction of the customer but also for the success
of every company not only in delivery service or customer service. Value of the restaurant also
make the most important role on the satisfaction of the customer and their own success. For
the key message of Foodtree is “Food is good when time also good”. Which mean that food
will taste good when the time of the food accepted is also in the best time. Food that came in
a good condition show how good the service of delivery and the restaurant. Although in a bad
day such as rainy days Foodtree will try to deliver food with the best condition and fast as

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