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CodeIgniter file upload validation of ppt and Ask Question

pptx files

$config = array(
'upload_path' => 'resources/lectures',
'allowed_types' => 'pdf|zip|doc|docx|ppt|pptx',
'remove_spaces' => TRUE,
'overwrite' => FALSE,
'max_size' => 0,

This is my config array for file upload,

and all files are uploading fine except
for ppt and pptx. I checked the error
message using the display_errors()
method, it said 'The filetype you are
attempting to upload is not allowed'.

php codeigniter file-upload


edited Dec 17 '17 at 1:31

14k 7 57 101

asked Jan 14 '15 at 16:15

Mubashar Abbas
1,928 14 26

1 Answer

This is a bug of Codeigniter.

Open application/config/mime.php

and replace line no 33 (probably)

with the following line:

'ppt' =>

and Join
add the following
Stack line to
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tion', 'application/zip',

answered Jan 14 '15 at 18:02

Anindya Dhruba
420 4 19

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