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BS Chemical Engineering

College of Engineering and Architecture

Department of Chemical Engineering

Cebu Institute of Technology – University, N. Bacalso Ave. Cebu City, 6000 Philippines

Evaporation is a procedure of concentrating a solution by vaporizing part or all of the

solvent – generally water or is the expulsion of solvent as vapor from a solution, slurry or
suspension of solid in a fluid. The average overall heat transfer coefficient obtained in the
experiment was 0.390. The point is to focus a non-unstable solute, for example, organic
compounds, inorganic salts, acids or bases from a solvent. Basically, evaporation might be thought
to be an uncommon instance of heat transfer in which heat is exchanged through metal divider
from condensing steam to a bubbling fluid. Common evaporation solutes are caustic soda, caustic
potash, sodium sulfate, sodium chloride, phosphoric acid, and urea. The most widely recognized
solvent in the vast majority of the evaporation frameworks is water. Evaporation contrasts from
alternate mass exchange activities, for example, refining and drying. In refining, the segments of
a solution are isolated relying on their distribution amongst vapor and fluid stages in view of the
distinction of relative volatility of the substances. Expulsion of dampness or moisture from a
substance in nearness of a hot gas stream to carry away the dampness leaving a solid residue as
the product is for the most part called drying. Evaporation is ordinarily ceased before the solute
begins to precipitate in the activity of an evaporator.
1. Introduction

Norbert Rillieux is famous for his development of the multiple effect pan evaporator found
in Figure 1.1 for sugar refining process in 1881. Rillieux was conceived in New Orleans, Louisiana
in 1806. He utilized the steam generated from one pan to warm or heat the sugar juice in the
following pan for energy efficient methods for water evaporation. His development was one of the
earliest advancements in chemical engineering and remains the premise of every cutting edge type
of industrial evaporation.

Figure 1.1 Rillieux evaporator

Evaporation implies essentially vaporization from the surface of a fluid. Vaporization of a

fluid below its boiling point is called evaporation. In this manner, no bubbling happens and the
rate of vaporization relies upon the dissemination of vapor through the limit layers over the fluid.
Subsequently a practical meaning of evaporation is the expulsion of fluid from a solution by
heating up the solution in a vessel and pulling back the vapor, leaving a concentrated fluid deposit.
This implies heat will be important to give the latent heat of vaporization and, when all is said in
done the rate of evaporation is controlled by the rate of heat transfer. Evaporators are composed,
along these lines, to give maximum heat exchange to the fluid, with the biggest conceivable region,
and an appropriate temperature slope.
Its mechanism is when heat is applied in a solution, the movement of atoms increase and
particles that are in display in the surface overcomes the surface pressure of the fluid and it
dissipates on the grounds that surface particles have less durable power or cohesive force than
others. There are factors affecting evaporation. These are the following: (1) Temperature, (2)
surface are, (3) agitation, (4) atmospheric aqueous vapor pressure, (5) atmospheric pressure on the
liquid under evaporation, (6) type of product required, and (7) economic factors. In any case, in
Geankoplis (1993), the processing factors of evaporation is very comparative with different
sources. Its elements are concentration in the liquid, solubility, temperature sensitivity of materials,
foaming or frothing, pressure and temperature and lastly, scale deposition and materials of

According to the book of Transport Processes and Unit Operations by Geankoplis. The
basic equation for solving for the capacity of a single-effect evaporator is in Equation 1.1 which
can be written as:
q = UA∆T Equation 1.1

Where q is the heat transferred, U is the overall coefficient, A is the heat-transfer area and ∆T is
for is the difference in temperature between the condensing steam and the boiling liquid in the
evaporator. This equation is not only useful for a single-effect evaporator but also in a multiple-
effect evaporator.
2. Materials and Methods

2.1 Apparatus and Materials

 Evaporator
 Condenser
 Steam trap
 Steam condensate tank
 Vapor condensate tank
 Water
 Steam

2.2 Methods
A feed was introduced into the evaporator through valve B to a predetermined level on
water gage C where the feed was measured by water meter A. Steam was introduced into the team
chest, and pressure – reducing valve D was set for the desired pressure. The steam condensate
from trap E was passed through a cooler and collected. When evaporation proceeded, the feed was
introduced continuously at a rate sufficient to maintain the desired level in the evaporator. The
evaporator was running for approximately 30 minutes to attain equilibrium conditions, and then
data was take over a 10 to 15 minute interval, during which time the following measurements were
 Quantity and temperature of water introduced
 Temperatures and pressures of the steam and vapor
 Weight of condensate from condenser
 Weight of steam condensate from trap

The experiment was repeated at various steam pressures and liquid levels. A separate series
of runs was made to determine the radiation losses from the steam chest. During these runs, the
evaporator was operated without introducing feed, and the heat losses were calculated from the
quantities of steam condensed at various pressures.
3. Results
3.1 Tables

Run Number
Symbol Item
1 2
Steam pressure
Ps 30 20
𝜽𝒎 40 40
Steam used
W1 33.45 18.22
Steam temperature
t1 100 100
Water evaporated
W2 19.95 11.10
Temperature of vapor
t2 34 34
Temperature of feed
t3 31 31
Heat supplied by
q1 30.92 30.78
steam [kW]
Apparent temperature
∆𝒕 56 56
Apparent over-all
U 0.397 0.383
[ 2 ]
m ∙K
kg water evaporated
E 0.63 0.63
per kg of steam used
Table 3.1 Tabulated Results of Evaporation
3.2 Calculations
Trial 1:
With the given data used during the experiment,
Ps = 30 psia
∅m = 40 minutes = 2400 sec

Obtaining data from Steam Table from Introduction of Thermodynamics by Van Ness,

@ 30 psia: Hs = 48.772

@ 100℃: hs = 7.5616

Solving for q,
q = S (Hs − hs )

33.45 kg 1 kmol 1000 mol

q= ( )( )( )
2400 sec 18 kg 1 kmol
(48.772 − 7.5616)

q = 31.91 or kW

Solving for U using the calculated q value,

q = UA∆T
A = 1.6072 m2
Tproduct = 87 ℃
31.91 s
1.6072 m2 (81 − 31)K
U = 0.397
m2 ∙ K
Trial 2:
With the given data used during the experiment,

Ps = 20 psia
∅m = 40 minutes = 2400 sec

Obtaining data from Steam Table from Introduction of Thermodynamics by Van Ness,

@ 20 psia: Hs = 48.4415

@ 100℃: hs = 7.399456

Solving for q,
q = S (Hs − hs )
32.4 kg 1 kmol 1000 mol
q= ( )( )( )
2400 sec 18 kg 1 kmol
(48.4415 − 7.399546)
q = 30.78 or kW

Solving for U using the calculated q value,

q = UA∆T
A = 1.6072 m2
Tproduct = 87 ℃
30.78. s
1.6072 m2 (81 − 31)K
U = 0.383
m2 ∙ K
4. Discussion

From the data obtained, it can be compared from trial 1 and 2 with different steam
pressure that almost all properties are different. With the same running time but different
pressure, the steam used vary a lot. With a pressure of 30 psia, the steam used is 33.45 kg. On the
other hand, 18.22 kg of steam was used with a pressure of 20 psia. Data obtained such as water
evaporated, heat supplied by steam, and apparent over-all coefficient vary with different
pressure. Where the trial that had a higher pressure, also has the higher measurements. It can be
concluded that those measurements are directly proportional to pressure. But there are also
measurements that remained the same such as the steam temperature.

5. Conclusions

The overall heat transfer coefficient obtained in the first and second trial was 0.397 and
0.383 respectively. In the first trial, a steam pressure of 30 psia was used and 20 psia for the second
trial. Based from the results, the higher the pressure of steam used, the higher the overall heat
transfer coefficient would be obtained. Thus, pressure and the overall heat transfer coefficient is
directly proportional to each other. Which means as the pressure increases, so thus the overall heat
transfer coefficient. According to Geankoplis (1993), using higher steam pressure, saturated steam
increases the change of temperature which decreases the size and cost of the evaporator. However,
the disadvantage of a high-pressure steam is more costly and also is often more valuable as a source
of power elsewhere rather in evaporation. Hence, overall economic balances are really needed to
determine the optimum steam pressures.

As indicated by McCabe (2001), a capacity is characterized as the quantity of kilograms of

water vaporized and the overall heat transfer coefficient is a measure of the overall ability of a
series of conductive and convective boundaries to heat transfer. The impacts of temperature drop
on the capacity of the evaporator is that if the feed to the evaporator is at the bubbling temperature
corresponding to the absolute pressure in the vapor space, all the heat transfer through the heating
surface is accessible for evaporation and the capacity is proportional to q or the rate of heat transfer.
In the event that the feed is cold, the heat required to warm it to its boiling point may be very large
and the capacity with respect to a given estimation of q is lessened as needs be, as heat used to
heat the feed isn't accessible for evaporation. On the other hand, if the feed is at a temperature over
the boiling point in the vapor space, a segment of the feed evaporates unexpectedly by adiabatic
equilibration with the vapor-space pressure and the capacity is more prominent than that
comparing to q.
The genuine temperature drop over the heating surface relies upon the solution being
dissipated, the difference in pressure between the steam chest and the vapor space over the
bubbling fluid, and the profundity of fluid over the heating surface.
As stated, the pressure is directly proportional to the overall heat transfer coefficient. Also,
pressure is also directly proportional to temperature. So, temperature is directly proportional to the
overall heat transfer coefficient. When there is a huge temperature drop, then the overall heat
transfer coefficient increases.

6. Recommendations

Human error is possible while taking reading. Care was handled with the reading on the
pressure because the pressure changes from time to time; a keen eye from the group member was
needed. Several parameters were significant and recorded including the pressure readings in order
to compute for the needed value such as the rate of heat transfer.
A different solvent should be used to further understand the process of evaporation and the
Duhring’s rule would be applicable. Water should not be the only source of solvent in evaporation
even if water is the most common solvent used in the industrial plant.
[1] Geankoplis, C.J. (1993). Transport Processes and Unit Operations. 3rd Edition. Englewood
Cliffs, New Jersey. Prentice-Hall International, Inc.

[2] Coulson, J.M. & Richardson, J.F. (2002). Particle Technology and Separation Processes.
5th Edition. Wildwood Avenue, Woburn, MA. Butterworth-Heinemann.

[3] J. March, Advanced Organic Chemistry, 4th ed., John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York,

[4] B. M. Trost and I. Fleming, eds., Comprehensive Organic Synthesis: Selectivity, Strategy
and Efficiency in Modern Organic Chemistry, Vol. 1−9,

[5] Zumdahl, S., Zumdahl, S. (2012). Chemistry: An Atoms First Approach, 2nd edition.
Boston, MA: Cengage Learning Inc.

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