Below Average 1 Pts Average 2 Pts Good 3 Pts Excellent 4 Pts

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Reading Fluency

Below Average Average Good Excellent

1 pts 2 pts 3 pts 4 pts
Expression & Volume Below Average Average Good Excellent

Boring and too quiet. Does not Some expression. A little quiet. Good expression and volume. Excellent expression and volume.
sound like natural speaking. Varies expression and volume to
match what is being read

Phrasing Below Average Average Good Excellent

Frequent word-by-word reading. Choppy reading; Fails to mark Mostly correct phrasing. Well phrased, mostly in clause and
Breaks at wrong places or no ends of sentences and clauses. sentence units, with good expression.
break where there should be one.

Smoothness, Accuracy Below Average Average Good Excellent

Long pauses, false starts, sound- Several “rough spots” mixed with Smooth with few breaks Smooth reading. Word problems are
outs, repetitions, and/or multiple good reading caused by problems with a few corrected quickly without help.
attempts. words.

Speed of reading Below Average Average Good Excellent

Very slow and hard to listen to. Uneven mix of too fast and too Steady, easy-to-listen-to pace. Good reading rate. Love to listen to
slow reading. Only a few pauses. this reader.

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