Papers: To Complete The Course Assignment by Mrs. Rr. Poppy Puspitasari, S.Pd. M.T., PH.D

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To complete the course assignment

by Mrs. Rr. Poppy Puspitasari, S.Pd. M.T., Ph.D

Complied by :
Putra Malindo August Yulianto (190514650023)
Risma Zainal Abidin (190514650012)


TABLE OF CONTENTS....................................................................................... i
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION........................................................................... 1
1.1 Background................................................................................................. 1
1.2 Formulation of the Problem........................................................................ 1
1.3 Purpose of the Problem............................................................................... 1
CHAPTER II DISCUSSION................................................................................. 2
2.1 Basic Principles of Dimensions in Engineering......................................... 2
2.2 The Meaning of Dimensions....................................................................... 2
2.3 Types of Dimensions.................................................................................. 2
2.4 Types of Giving Dimensions to Technical Drawings................................. 4
2.5 Showing Dimensions in Certain Case........................................................ 7
2.6 Dimension Component...............................................................................11
CHAPTER III CLOSING......................................................................................14
3.1 Conclusion..................................................................................................14
3.2 Suggestion...................................................................................................14
REFERENCE LIST...............................................................................................15

1.1 Background
At the Faculty of Engineering, State University of Malang, there are many
majors, one of which is the Department of Mechanical Engineering. And in
the Department of Mechanical Engineering has a Mechanical Engineering
Bachelor Program. In this study program we have "Engineering English"
course taught by Mrs. Rr. Poppy Puspitasari, M.T., Ph.D . In here we will
discuss about "Dimensions in Mechanical Engineering". Previously on
mechanical engineering there were many chapters to be studied, one of them
being technical drawing. Technical drawing is an image consisting of symbols,
lines, and upright writing that is assertive. Used to provide a complete
description of an object or construction, based on technical provisions and
standards agreed upon by the standardization body, both national and
international. Technical drawings related to techniques are also called
technical drawings. To explain a size in a technical drawing, we must give the
dimensions / size to the image to be made. For more details about the
dimensions, let's study this paper.
1.2 Formulation of the Problem
This paper has the following problem formulation :
1) What is meaning of dimensions?
2) What are types of dimensions?
3) What is the application of dimensions?
1.3 Purpose of the Problem
This paper has the following objectives :
1) To complete the course assignment of English Engineering Class.
2) To know the meaning of dimensions.
3) To know the types of dimensions.
4) To know the application of dimensions.

2.1 Basic Principles of Dimensions in Technical Drawing
Dimensions are information on the amount of images that are
generally needed so that the image of an object can be estimated in size.
For the production process is a reference which parts must be measured
and measured, so that the size is equipped with tolerances and adjustments
must be designed properly, because it will determine a product can be
assembled or function properly.
The principle of ordering dimensions is:
1. Function,
2. Manufacturing / machining processes,
3. Inspection / how to measure.
2.2 The Meaning of Dimensions
Dimension is a numerical value expressed in appropriate units of
measurement and used to define the size, location, orientation, form or
other geometric characteristics of a part. In other words, indicating on a
drawing, the sizes of the object and the other details essential for its
construction and function using lines, numerals, symbols, notes, etc., is
called dimensioning.
To construct an object its shape and size must be known.
Therefore, an engineering drawing, illustrating the shape, size and relevant
details most essential for the construction of the object. The dimensions
are given to indicate the sizes of the various features of the object and their
location. It is mainly used to know the object size, the name of parts and
diameter of the hole etc.
2.3 Types of Dimensions
Dimensions types are divided into two, they are Shape Dimensions
and Position Dimensions.

1. Shape Dimensions
Shape dimensions are dimensions that indicate the length and
width of an object, including the size of the diameter, radius, and others.
Examples of shape sizes: rectangular box objects will have length and
width shapes, circles will have diameter or radius shapes, triangles will
have length and height or length and angle shapes, etc.

Image 2.1 Shape Dimension

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2. Position Dimensions
Position dimension is a dimension that shows the distance of the
object from a particular reference midwife (datum). To give a position size
it is necessary to determine the datum position first. Datum is a reference
field. This datum can be a vertex, line or plane on an object.
The determination of this datum is based on the following:
 function of objects
 ease of workmanship
 ease of assembly

Image 2.2 Position Dimension

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Besides the two types above, there are other types, namely types of
dimensions based on function. There are three types of dimensions based
on function, there are:
1. Functional size:
The size required for the object to function properly, usually the
size associated with other components.
2. Not Functional Size:
Measures that indirectly affect the function of an object, this size is
not related to other components.
3. Auxiliary sizes:
Size provided as additional information.

Image 2.3 Dimension Based on Function

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2.4 Types of Giving Dimensions to Technical Drawings
Dimension designation can be done in several ways depending on needs,
following the type of designation dimension;
1. Designation of Chain Dimensions / Series.
Designation of dimensions that are continuous, because the distance of
each part is more important than the length of the workpiece as a whole.
The accumulated tolerance of each part does not affect the function of the

Image 2.4 Designation of Chain Dimension
Source from :
2. Designation of Parallel Dimensions.
Designation of dimensions by using one side / surface as the basis /
reference for each dimension, because the distance of each part refers to
certain sides that are considered important.

Image 2.5 Designation of Parallel Dimension

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3. Multi-Dimension Designation.
The designation of this dimension is very simple and quite clear. The
surface of the workpiece used as a base is marked with the number 0.
Basically this designation is a type of designation of parallel dimensions.

Image 2.6 Multi-Dimension Designation

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4. Designated Joint Dimensions.
Is a combination of the designation of a chain and parallel dimensions.

Image 2.7 Joint Dimension

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5. Designation of Coordinate Dimensions.
In certain cases, the system of designating this dimension will facilitate
and simplify administration. In principle, this designation is the
appointment of parallel dimensions.

Image 2.8 Coordinate Dimension

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6. Designation of Diameter and Radius Dimensions

Image 2.9 Diameter Dimension

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Image 2.10 Radius Dimension
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2.5 Showing Dimensions in Certain Case
Giving Dimensions Must Be In Accordance With The Rules That Have
Been Agreed (ISO Standards And Other Country Standards). But Sometimes
A Drafter Or Designer Must Give Dimensions To The Form Of A
Complicated Profile Or Need A Special Designation, Therefore A Required
Way To Show Size On Certain Profiles. Here Are Some Examples Of
Designation Of Dimensions In Certain Profiles / Cases, Among Others :
1. Designation of Outside and Inside Dimensions

Image 2.11 Outside Dimension

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Image 2.12 Inside Dimension

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2. Designation of Dimensions for Equal Distribution of Distances

Image 2.13 Dimensions for Equal Distribution of Distances
3. Designation of Dimensions With Inclusion Of Letters Or Numbers.

Image 2.14 Dimensions With Inclusion Of Letters Or Numbers

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4. Designation of Dimensions at Angular or Beradius Sections.

Image 2.15 Dimensions at Angular or Beradius Sections

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5. Designation of Dimensions for a View or Half Piece of a Symmetrical

Image 2.16 Dimensions for a View or Half Piece of a Symmetrical Image

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6. Designation Dimensions For Bowstring, Bows And Angles

Image 2.17 Dimensions For Bowstring, Bows And Angles

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7. Designation of Dimensions for Surfaces Further Done

Image 2.18 Dimensions for Surfaces Further Done

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8. Designation of Dimensions For Chamfer, Special 45 Degree Angles

Image 2.19 Dimensions For Chamfer, Special 45 Degree Angles

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9. Designation of Symmetrical Section Dimensions

Image 2.20 Symmetrical Section Dimension

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10. Designation of Dimensions in Profile Forms.

Image 2.21 Dimensions in Profile Forms

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11. Designation of Dimensions For Holes With Peg Flow.

Image 2.22 Dimensions For Holes With Peg Flow

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12. Designation of Dimensions for Threads.

Image 2.23 Dimensions for Threads

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13. Designation of Dimensions for Bolt Heads.

Image 2.24 Dimensions for Bolt Heads

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14. Designation of Dimensions for Tire and Climbing Forms.

Image 2.25 Dimensions for Tire and Climbing Forms

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2.6 Dimension Component
Another important thing in designating dimensions is the simplification
of dimensions, meaning that the designation of dimensions is made in such a
way that it does not take up much of the image area, which means making the
image more spacious and easier to read. In addition to the efficiency of
dimensions, images of objects displayed can be larger (scale), and readings
will be easier. Simplification may be done without reducing the function of
the dimension itself. Below are examples of dimensions simplification forms
that are standardized by ISO.
1. Basic Components in Dimension Marking

Image 2. 26 Basic Components in Dimension Marking

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- Dimension Line
Dimension line is a thin line with arrows at the tip (except in certain cases)
that is perpendicular to the auxiliary line or object line.
- Help Line
Help line is a thin line as an extension of a line of objects, functioning as
the boundary of a measure.
- Dimension Numbers
Dimension numbers is a number that indicates the size of the dimension.
- Initial Marker and End Marker
It is an arrow indicating the beginning and ending in a dimension. The
initial marker has provisions in the dimensions of the arrow.

Image 2.27 Arrow in Initial Marker and End Marker

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The ratio is 1: 3 and the size must be proportional to the working
drawings, not too small and not too big
2. Rules in Giving Dimension Lines.
Placement and distance between dimension lines:
- Generally placed outside the line of objects, except if you put it inside
will clarify.
- Must not intersect and try not to cross the auxiliary lines.
- The distance between the dimensions of the line depends on the size of
the image, generally more than 5 mm so that it is clearly legible and
uniformly spaced, and made arranged starting from the smallest size.
- Dimensions must be clear enough to be read easily
- It is included once in one of the views that is considered the most
informative of the dimensions given

- Each drawing must use the same unit for all dimensions, but without
showing the unit symbol.
3. Method of Marking Dimensions.
There are two methods in giving dimensions to mechanical engineering
drawings, including;
 Aligned System
Dimensions can be placed parallel to the dimension line, preferably
placed in the middle and above the dimension line. Dimensions are
possible to be written so that they can be read from the top or right
side of the image.

Image 2.28 Aligned System Dimension

Source from:

 Uni-Directional System
Dimensions are marked like this so they can only be read from the
front of the image. Horizontal lines are not interrupted by numbers
and numbers are placed in the middle. Giving a dimension to a
vertical or angular line then the center line will be interrupted by the
dimension number.

Image 2.29 Uni Directional System Dimension

Source from:

This paper has the following conclusions :
 Dimension is a numerical value expressed in appropriate units of
measurement and used to define the size, location, orientation, form or
other geometric characteristics of a part. In other words, indicating on a
drawing, the sizes of the object and the other details essential for its
construction and function using lines, numerals, symbols, notes, etc., is
called dimensioning.
 Dimensions types are divided into two, they are Shape Dimensions and
Position Dimensions
Dimensions for engineering drawings are already well used. But our
advice is for the standards in the world should be the same. all should use the
same standards, for example ISO standards or others.


- Dept of Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics of Drexel University. 2016.

Fundamentals of Computer Aided Design. United State of America. Drexel
- Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Republik Indonesia. 2013.
Gambar Teknik Kelas 10 SMK. Jakarta. Kementerian Pendidikan dan
Kebudayaan Republik Indonesia
- Zainnudin. 2018. Ukuran/Dimensi pada Gambar Teknik. (Online).
- Zainnudin. 2018. Jenis Pemberian Dimensi pada Gambar Teknik. (Online).
- Zainnudin. 2018. Penunjukkan Ukuran Pada Kasus Tertentu. (Online).


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