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1. Explain transshipment model for stream matching
2. Discuss approach used by Linhof and Hindmarsh for stream
matching at
3. What is pinch point? Explain its importance in heat exchanger
network synthesis giving step wise procedure to design heat
exchanger network using pinch design approach.
4. With suitable example explain the concept of breaking heat
loops to reduce number of heat exchangers in HEN.
5. Explain the concept of threshold approach temperature and
optimum approachtemperature.
6. Explain the terms minimum approach temperature, optimum
approach temperature and threshold approach temperature for
heat exchanger networks.
7. Explain role of GCC in design of HEN.
8. List out various methods to calculate MER targets. Explain any
one in detail with suitable example.
9. What is stream splitting? Explain how stream splitting can help
in getting better design alternatives.
10. Determine the minimum utility target for following stream data
:Take ΔT min=10 oC

11. Design heat exchanger network on hot side of pinch for

:Take ΔT min= 10oC, Hot pinch = 90 oC, Qhu= 80 KW

12. Design heat exchanger network on cold side of pinch for

following Take ΔT min= 10oC, Hot pinch = 90 oC, Qcu= 50

13. Draw the superstructure for one hot stream and two cold
14. Compare condensed transshipment model and expanded
transshipment model.
15. Describe the use of grand composite curve to select utility.

16. For min T 20 C , using temperature interval method, find
the minimum utility requirements and pinch point for a network
of heat exchangers involving the following streams:

17. Draw the stream matching diagram above pinch temperature by

considering pinch temperature in hot stream 125 C from the
data given as follows. Assume ΔTmin= 13 C
stream Source T Target MCp(KW/°C)
(°C) T(°C)
H1 175 45 10
H2 125 65 40
C1 20 155 20
C2 40 112 15
18. For the Heat Exchanger Network Synthesis (HENS) problem
following stream information is available:
Stream T in ºK Tout ºK FCp kW/ºK
Liquid, H1 430 340 15
Liquid, C1 310 395 7
Vapor, C2 370 460 32

Draw Composite Curve and find out minimum utility targets

and pinch
Point for ΔTmin = 20 ºK.

19. Prepare the table for HCC and GCC. Explain the significance of
GCC Curve with reference to utilities requirement. Show the
heat exchanger area calculation for steam(ST) and
C1region.Assume ΔTm=20 0K

stream FCp Tin,k Tout,k Q H(W/m2/k)

H1 10000 600 450 15,00,000 800
H2 10000 500 400 10,00,000 700
ST 650 650 5000
C1 15000 450 590 -21,00,000 600
CW 300 325 600
20. For the heat exchanger synthesis problem, following stream
information is available:
Find out minimum utility targets and pinch point for ΔTmin =
20K using temperature interval method.

Stream Tin (K) Tout (K) FCp
C1 310 395 7
C2 370 460 32
H1 430 340 15
21. For the data given below, carry out HENS and determine the
best alternative solution. Assume value of ∆T

Stream Tin(°F) Tout(°F) FCp(btu/ cost

100 580 1 -
100 580 2 -
600 200 3 -
steam 650 650 high
Hot water 250 >130 low
Cooling 80 <125 medium


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