Iulian Ababei 49 Woodfield Avenue Wembley Ha0 3Np: Pay Reconciliation: Unit Rate Amount

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Employee No.

Employee Name Process Date National Insurance Number

12956 IULIAN ABABEI 29.09.2017 SZ624891D

Payments Deductions Amount

Basic Pay 419.99 Tax 42.20

Holiday Pay 12.60 National Insurance 33.07

This Period Year To Date

IULIAN ABABEI Total Gross Pay 432.59 Gross Pay TD 2077.36

Gross For Tax 432.59 Gross For Tax TD 2077.36
49 WOODFIELD AVENUE Earnings For NI 432.59 Tax Paid TD 222.60
WEMBLEY Total Deductions 75.27 NI Earnings TD 2077.36
HA0 3NP Ees NI 33.07 Ees NI TD 164.58

Tax Code 1150L/X

Payment Method Bacs

M&S On Time Services Ltd

Net Pay 357.32
Tax Code: 1150L/X Dept: Tax Period: 25 Payment Method: Bacs

Pay Reconciliation : Unit Rate Amount

1) Receipt from Agency

Basic Pay 49.00 9.25 453.25

Cost to employ you ( Employers NIC & Apprenticeship Levy ) (2.16)
2) Company Margin (18.50)
Income Tax (42.20)
National Insurance (33.07)
Other Deductions -
Net Pay After All Deductions 357.32

1.Amount paid by the agency for service supplied by M&S On-Time Services Ltd from which M&S On-Time Services Ltd pays for the work you
have done in accordance with your contract of employment.
2.The gross profit made by M&S On-Time Services Ltd for the Supply of Services.

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