Cocontemptntempt Hearing

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1 29.6.18 W.P.C.R.C. 30 (W) of 2018

akb Moumita Boral
Shri Achintya Chakraborty

Ms. Ananya Neogi

Mr. Pradip Sanyal
Mr. Guddu Singh …For the Petitioner

Mr. Bhaskar Prasad Vaisya

Mr. Niloy Baran Mondal …For the Alleged Contemnor

Pursuant to issuance of contempt rule on May

18, 2018, alleged contemnor No. 5, Shri Achintya
Chakraborty, Chairman, District Primary School Council,
Burdwan, is personally present in Court today.
Mr. Bhaskar Prasad Vaisya, learned Advocate
representing the alleged contemnor submits that there is
some mis-communication between the State Authorities
and the Chairman, District Primary School Council,
Burdwan, as a result thereof the order dated September
07, 2016 could not be implemented in time.
However, the matter requires to be decided on
Let affidavit-in-opposition to the contempt
application be filed by the alleged contemnor within a
period of three weeks, rejoinder, if any, thereto may be
filed by the petitioner within a week thereafter.
Personal appearance of Shri Achintya
Chakraborty is dispensed with until further orders.
Let the matter appear in the list on August 03,
2018 under the heading ‘for hearing’.
Learned Advocate-on-Record for the petitioner
is directed to serve copy of this contempt application on
Mr. Bhaskar Prasad Vaisya in course of the day.

( Sahidullah Munshi, J.)

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