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Physics “XI” Chapter -2

Name: Time: 40 mints Marks: 25 Roll No:

Choose the correct answer:

1-The clockwise torques are taken as?

a) Positive b) Negative c) Zero d) None
2- If force produces linear acceleration then torque produce?
a) Instantaneous acceleration b) angular product c) average acceleration d) No acceleration
3-The dot product of two perpendicular unit vectors has?
a) Maximum value b) Minimum value c) No value d) Both a and b
4-If magnitude of the resultant vector Rx is negative and Ry is negative, then resultant lies in which
a) First b) Second c) Third d) Fourth
5- Unit vector is a vector that has magnitude?
a) Zero b) one c) two d) none

Short Questions:

1-Show that the sum and difference of two perpendicular vectors of equal lengths are also
perpendicular and of the same length?
2-Can the magnitude of a vector have a negative value?
3-Can a body rotate about its centre of gravity under the action of its weight?
4- Is it possible to add zero to a null vector?
5- If all the components of the vectors, A1 and A2 were reversed, how would this alter A1 x A2?

Long Question:

1- (a) What is a vector product, Write down the characteristics of vector product?
(b) What is the unit vector in the direction of the vector A=4 ̂ +3 ̂ ?

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