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Personal Information
Name : Asep Hakim Zakiran,S.H.
Gender : Male
Place and Date Birth : Kuningan, 14th May 1994
Blood Type : AB
Religion : Moeslem
Nationality : Indonesia
GPA Bachelor : 3.62
GPA Master : 3.75

Contact Information
Address : Jl. Veteran GG. Karanganyar 1 No. 146 Kuningan, West Java.
Telephone : 081222205860
E-mail :

My Internship Objectives is divided into two priorities, The First is Dedication interest for the company, my
first objective is based on my organization experiences. When give contribution to the company then company
will give me something, of course its not always money but something more valuable like mental forging, a lot
of experience, legal knowledge and also law insights. Therefore I have a desire to take part in realizing this
vision; and The Second is Academic Purposes, because I’m currently motivated when I was graduated from
Padjadjaran University and I need some reference for my further dissertation research to became expert in
Intellectual Property subject.

Academic Background (Formal Education)

(2016 - 2019) Magister of Law at Bussines Law Faculty at Padjadjaran University

(2012 - 2016) Bachelor of Law at Law Faculty Bandung Islamic University

(2009 - 2012) Baleendah 1 Senior High School

(2006 - 2009) Purwokerto 1 Junior High School

(2000 - 2006) Paminggir 4 Garut Elementary School

Academic Activities
A. Seminar
1. 2018 “ Seminar Nasional Kebijakan Modernisasi Pidana Mati”– Padjadjaran University
2. 2016 “Penanggulangan Adiksi Gadget pada Anak dan Remaja dari Sudut Pandang
Psikologi, Teknologi dan Agama” – Bandung Islamic University;

3. 2016 “Membangun Jiwa Kemandirian Intelek Muda untuk Kemajuan Bangsa

- Technofest Islamic University of Sunan Gunung Jati;

4. 2016 “Workshop in Collaboration with Capital Market Legal Consultants Association

About Legal Due Diligence anf Legal Opinion oleh Capital Market Legal
Consultants Association” – University of Indonesia;

5. 2016 Young Citizen Seminar “Mengumpulkan semangat kolektif yang tercipta untuk
menyelesaikan permasalahan bangsa” - Bandung Institute of Technology;

6. 2016 Guest of Honnor Invited by Financial Services Authority in “Seminar Pengenalan

Lembaga Alternatif Penyelesaian Sengketa Sektor Jasa Keuangan” - Financial
Services Authority (2016);

7. 2016 “Meningkatkan Mentalitas dan Kemampuan Mahasiswa untuk Berbicara di

Depan Umum” – Actualization Proficiency Law Forum Bandung Islamic

8. 2015 Public Consultation Seminar organized by the Secretariat of the Regional Auton-
omy Section Bandung District “Pelimpahan Wewenang Bupati kepada camat di
Lingkungan Kabupaten Bandung”;

9. 2015 “Study Tour, Indonesian Stock exchange and Financial Services Authority”
- Student Association of Private and Business Law Bandung Islamic

10. 2015 “Disharmonisasi Penegakan Hukum Tanah dan Tata Ruang di Kawasan Bandung
Utara dengan Investasi dan Pembangunan” - Student Association of Private and
Business Law Bandung Islamic University;

11. 2015 “Study Tour PT.Angkasa Pura in Air Law Subject” - International Law Student
Forum of Bandung Islamic University;

12. 2015 “Penegakan Hukum Indonesia Terhadap Pelaku Kejahatan Internasional”

- International Law Student Forum Bandung Islamic University;

13. 2015 “Seminar Mengenai Kajian Hukum Luar Angkasa” - LAPAN;

14. 2014 Silaturahmi Sabang 17 and General study “Kenaikan Harga BBM bersama Yuddy
Christnandi (Minister of State Apparatus Empowerment and Bureaucratic Reform
Indonesia)” - Islamic Students Association Bandung’s Branch;

15. 2014 “Kesiapan Undang-Undang Ketenagakerjaan dalam Meghadapai Masayarakat

Ekonomi Asean- Islamic Students Association Commissariat of Law Bandung
Islamic University
B. Training

1. WIPO Lecture on Intelectual Property International Legal Instrument”- University of Padjadjaran

collaborated with World Intelectual Property Organization (2016);
2. Pendidikan Khusus Profesi Advokat - Association of Indonesian Advocates cooperation with the
Faculty of Law, University of Pasundan (2016);
3. Basic Training Islamic student associations

C. Organizational Experience

1. (2015) Head of Division University and Students - Muslim Students Association Law
Commissariat Bandung Islamic University;
2. (2014-2015) Deputy Head of Internal Affairs Student Association of Private and Business Law
Faculty of Bandung Islamic University;
3. (2014) Deputy General Secretary of Division University and Students - Muslim Students
Association Law Commissariat Bandung Islamic University ;
4. (2013-2014) Deputy Head of Internal Law Faculty Student Executive Board of Bandung Isla
mic University ;

Non- Formal Education

1. (2015) LIA English Course;
2. (2014) BLCI English Course;
3. (2013) LPKIA English Course;
4. (2007) IEC English Course;

Personal Skills

A. Computer Skill
1. Microsoft Word : Good
2. Microsoft Excel : Good
3. Microsoft Power Point : Good
4. Internet Application and all Windows Version : Good
B. Public Speaking : Good
C. Personal Interaction : Good
D. Language
1. English : Good

Work Experience
1. 2015 Chief Executive Study Tour Indonesian Stock Exchange and the Financial Services
Authority organized by the Student Association of Private and Business Law Bandung
Islamic University;
2. 2014 Executive Committee members Exercise Kader II (Intermediate training) National
Islamic Students Association Bandung’s Branch;

3. 2013 Members of the Executive Committee of the Faculty of Law PPMB Bandung Islamic


1. Winner of Junior High School’s Marching Row Competition Intra Student Organizations
of Central Java (2008)
2. Winner of Student Exemplary Selection of SMAN 1 Baleendah (2011)
3. Winner of Law Faculty Debate Competition held by the Laboratory of the Faculty of Law Bandung
Islamic University (2013)
4. Students Researcher Special Guest of Indonesian Financial Services Authority at Introduction to
Alternative Institutions Seminar on Financial Service Sector Dispute Settlement (2015).


Best Regards,

Asep Hakim Zakiran

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