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Quisqualis indica L.
•Ni yog-niyogan, also known as l u bi-lubi or Rang oon cree pe r, ar e n o rmall y
found in tropical cli mate pl aces , like A frica, Philip pines, Vie tn am an d
Malaysi a
•its woody shrub can grow u p to 20f eet tall and produ ces differe n t co l o re d
flowers such as pink, whi te or red
•in some kinds i t can also prod u ce a f ig-li ke f ruit that gro ws u p to 4 cm lo n g

To make niyog-niyogan tea:
1. First, pound a tablespoon of the niyo-niyogan flowers
2.Then, add 2 cups of boiling water then wait for 10 mins. and starin
3. Let it cool, then drink
(recommended dosage of the tea are 2 or 3 times a day)
For the fruit and seeds - it is edible and eaten cooked or raw

•The plant, which contains deworming properties, can be used to eliminate
some intestinal parasites
•It is popular in order to heal ulcers, migraines, diarrhea or constipation,
fever, and painful urination
•It can also treat inflammation of kidneys and is said to have anti-cancer

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