Question Setup - Avionic

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Branch Name: B.E. – AERONAUTICAL ENGINEERING Date & Session: 09/10/19 & F.N / A.

Subject Code/Name: 15AE24703-AVIONICS LABORATORY Year/Semester: IV/ VII



1. a) Construct and Verify the functions of Full Adder using logic gates. (50)
b) Write an assembly language program for largest number and execute the program
using 8085 microprocessor kit. (50) 100
2. a) Construct and test the functionality of Serial-In Parallel-Out Shift register using
IC7474. (50)
b) Write an assembly language program for Sum of N elements in an array and execute
the program using 8085 microprocessor kit. (50)
3. a) Construct and test the functionality of Serial-In Serial-Out Shift register using
D-Flip Flop. (50)
b) Write an assembly language program for 16 bit addition and execute the program
using 8085 microprocessor kit. (50)
4. a) Construct and Verify the functions of Full Subtractor using logic gates. (50)
b) Write an assembly language program for an ascending order of a given number and
execute the program using 8085 microprocessor kit. (50)
5. a) Construct and Verify the truth table of 4:1 multiplexer. (50)
b) Write and execute an ALP for 8279 Seven-segment display interface using 8085
microprocessor kit. (50)
6. a) Construct and Verify the 2-bit magnitude comparator circuit using logic gates. (50)
b) Write an assembly language program for 8 bit subtraction and execute the program
using 8085 microprocessor kit. (50)
7. a) Construct and Verify the 4-bit magnitude comparator circuit using IC7485. (50)
b) Write an assembly language program for 24-bit addition and execute the program
using 8085 microprocessor kit. (50)
8. a) Construct and Verify the truth table of 1:4 De-multiplexer. (50)
b) Write and execute an ALP for Seven-segment display interface to display the string
“HOPE” using 8085 microprocessor kit. (50)
9. a) Construct and Verify the truth table of 8 to 3 encoder using logic gates (50)
b) Write and execute an ALP for ADC interface using 8085 microprocessor kit. (50)
10. a) Construct and test the 4-bit asynchronous timer/counter using flip flops. (50)
b) Write and execute an ALP for DAC interface using 8085 microprocessor kit. (50)
11. a) Construct and Verify the truth table of 2 to 4 Decoder using logic gates. (50)
b) Write and execute an ALP for Descending order using 8085 microprocessor kit. (50)
12. a) Construct and test the 4-bit synchronous timer/counter using flip flops. (50)
b) Write and execute an ALP to generate saw-tooth, triangle and square wave using
DAC interface. (50)
13. a) Construct and Verify the functions of Half Adder. (50)
b) Write an assembly language program for largest number and execute the program
using 8085 microprocessor kit. (50)
14. a) Construct and test the functionality of Parallel-In Parallel-Out Shift register. (50)
b) Write an assembly language program for Sum of 10 numbers in an array and execute
the program using 8085 microprocessor kit. (50)
15. a) Construct and test the functionality of Parallel-In Serial-Out Shift register. (50)
b) Write an assembly language program for 8-bit addition and execute the program
using 8085 microprocessor kit. (50)
16. a) Construct and Verify the functions of Full Subtractor. (50)
b) Write an assembly language program to sort the following hexa-decimal numbers
EF,AB,F2,FA,99,77 in ascending order and execute the program using 8085
microprocessor kit. (50)
17. a) Write and execute an ALP for 8279 Seven-segment display interface using 8085
microprocessor kit. (50)
b) Construct and Verify the truth table of 2:1 Data selector using logic gates. (50)
18. a) Write an assembly language program for 16 bit subtraction and execute the program
using 8085 microprocessor kit. (50)
b) Construct and Verify the 2-bit magnitude comparator circuit using logic gates. (50)
19. a) Write an assembly language program for Multi-byte addition and execute the
program using 8085 microprocessor kit. (50)
b) Construct and Verify the 4-bit magnitude comparator circuit using IC7485. (50)
20. a) Write and execute an ALP for Seven-segment display interface to display the string
“HELP US” using 8085 microprocessor kit. (50)
b) Construct and Verify the truth table of 1:2 Data distributor. (50)
21. a) Write and execute an ALP for ADC interface using 8085 microprocessor kit. (50)
b) Construct and Verify the truth table of 8 to 3 encoder using logic gates. (50)
22. a) Write and execute an ALP for DAC interface using 8085 microprocessor kit. (50) 100
b) Construct and test the 4-bit ripple timer/counter using flip flops. (50)

23. a) Construct and Verify the truth table of 2 to 4 Decoder using logic gates. (50)
b) Write and execute an ALP for Descending order using 8085 microprocessor kit. (50)
24. a) Write and execute an ALP to generate saw-tooth, triangle and square wave using
DAC interface. (50)
b) Construct and test the 4-bit synchronous timer/counter using flip flops. (50)


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