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M707 - Review Meeting

Attendees 12-Oct-19

1 Mr. K. Sulaiman
2 Mr. Mangesh Kumar Hatkar (MKH)
3 Mr. Shuklambor Chakrobarty (SC)
4 Mr. Vibhour Sharma ( VS)
5 Mr. Rishi Pawar (RP)
Brief Description Responsibility

Foundation Foundation is pending For T#33A T#33B. depends upon outage which is only RP
possible in outage season by installing ERS structures.

B) Portion XA -

Foundations Expected to be completed in the July month end.Except Location T#32,33 & 34 RP
which depend upon tapping of PXA &PXB.

C) Portion XB -

Foundation 9 locations pending due to ARAMCO pipeline & private land issues.Letters have RP/SC
alredy been submitted to the concerned departments waiting for approval.

Stringing Stretch affected due to T#44 (TR tower ) stub unavailibility & 9 Row
Stringing locations (4 locations inside ROW, 5 locations in close proximity with ARAMCO RP/SC

D) Portion XC -

T#2 (TA1N+E20+4) Extension not available at T#40 of P-XI will be dismantled which is same tower type(TA1N+E20+4) and will be RP/PK
present. used for XC T#2 to make the stringing stretch ready.

Erection Except T#45 -T#48 (MOT Highway Crossing) erection to be completed by end of July RP/PK

Portion X-C is most prioriy portion for client, Stringing stretch availabe from T#Start
Stringing to T#39 after erection of T#2,T#31 & T#32. initilaly Stringin is commenced in RP/SP
section b/w T#1 -T#18.
E) Portion I,II & IVA -

Route plan & Plan & Profile Route plan submitted in revision-03 is under review. Plan & profile to be submiited SC
immediatly after Route plan approval.

Material Relaease TT & HA tower after the final approval of the Route. Tower and Insulator SC
estimation is ready.

Construction Activities To be commenced after the approval of route. RP

F) Others
Overall stringing plan Overall stringing plan to be revised considering client priority requirement in RP
Portion X-C

Both Nawaj and Elangun team will be shifted to

Dammam in Aug month, accomodation for 45-50 Gopa / Rishi
persons to be arranged at store.

Mr. Vatrival will be shifted to Dammam by 15th Info


Sulaiman sir requeted Mangesh sir to exteend his Info

transfer to Dubai by 9th Aug instead of 1st Aug


Mr. K. Sulaiman (KS)

Mr. Mangesh Kumar Hatkar (MKH)

Mr. Rishi Pawar (RP)


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