2019 Unit 3 SEO Basic

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Search engine optimization (SEO)…….

Issues of Keyword Research, How Google works, Search Engine

Factors, On Page & Off Page Optimization, Meta Tags etc….

• Search engine optimization (SEO) is the art and science of driving targeted
website traffic to your website from search engines.

• Process of enhancing the visibility of the website by improving the ranking in

the Search Engine Results Page (SERP).

• Process of making the website more search engine friendly thus getting higher
positions in ‘organic’ or ‘natural’ or ‘unpaid’ search results.
Organic vs. Paid search result………………..
Why Is SEO Important?

As you can see, nearly 60% of all

traffic on the web starts with a
Google search. And if you add
together traffic from other popular
search engines (like Bing, Yahoo,
and YouTube), 70.6% of all
traffic originates from a search
Let’s assume that you run a party supply company. According to Google, 110,000 people
search for ‚party supplies‛ every single month.

• Considering that first result in Google gets around 20% of all clicks,
that’s 22,000 visitors to your website each month if you show up at the
The average advertiser for that search phrase spends about 1 dollar per click.
Which means that the web traffic of 22,000 visitors is worth roughly $22,000 a
• And that’s just for that search phrase. If your site is SEO-friendly, then
you can rank for hundreds (and sometimes thousands) of different
• In other industries, like real estate or insurance, the value of search
engine traffic is significantly higher.
Organic vs. Paid Results
Search engine result pages are separated into
two distinct sections: organic and paid results.
Organic Search Results
• Organic search results (sometimes referred to as ‚natural‛ results) are
natural results that rank based 100% on merit.
• In other words, there’s no way to pay Google or other search engines
in order to rank higher in the organic search results.
• Search engine rank the organic search results based on hundreds of
different ranking factors. But in general, organic results are deemed by
Google to be the most relative, trustworthy, and authoritative websites
or web pages on the subject.

• When we talk about ‚SEO‛, we’re talking about

ranking your website higher up in
the organic search results.
• Paid ads are completely independent of the organic listings.
Advertisers in the paid results section are ‚ranked‛ by how much
they’re are willing to pay for a single visitor from a particular set
of search results (known as ‚Pay Per Click Advertising‛).
How Search Engines Work…..Search Engine is a program designed
to retrieve or search information on the web.

Google (or any search engine you're using) has a crawler that goes out and
gathers information about all the content they can find on the Internet.
The crawlers bring all those back to the search engine to build an index.
That index is then fed through an algorithm that tries to match all that
data with your query. Search engine indexed data by identifying keywords
that best describe he page and assigning the page to keywords.
How Google works…
*Search engines are sites which index the content present on other
websites and make this content searchable for a user

• Use this web based presentation –



• YouTube –

© Dr. Abhinav P. Tripathi

Search Engines Market share….
SEO Phases……
Even though Google doesn’t make the inner workings of its algorithm public,
based on filed patents and statements from Google, we know that websites and
web pages are ranked based on……..
• Relevancy
– If you search for ‚chocolate chip cookie recipes‛, you don’t want to see
web pages about any thing else like …..truck tires.
– That’s why Google looks first-and-foremost for pages that are closely-
related to your keyword.
– However, Google doesn’t simply rank ‚the most relevant pages at the
top‛. That’s because there are thousands (or even millions) of relevant
pages for every search term.
– For example, the keyword ‚cookie recipes‛ brings up 349 million results
in Google:
• so now……it rely on three other elements of their algorithm:
No:02 after checking relevancy
Authority is just like it sounds:
it’s Google’s way of determining if the
content is accurate and trustworthy.

The question is: how does Google know

if a page is authoritative?

They look at the number of other pages

that link to that page:
(Links from other pages are known as
In general, the more links a page has,
the higher it will rank.
No:03 after checking relevancy & Authority

• Usefulness
• ……Content can be relevant and authoritative. But if it’s not useful,
Google won’t want to position that content at the top of the search
• In fact, Google has publicly said that there’s a distinction between
‚higher quality content‛ and ‚useful‛ content.
• Google measures usefulness largely based on ‚User Experience
• In other words: how users interact with the search results. If Google
sees that people really like a particular search result, it will get a
significant ranking boost.
Unorganized vs organized….
• Key Words…..the exact words and phrases (search queries) that
customers type into the search box.
In general, keywords tend to fall into two main buckets: keywords
people use to find what you sell (Product Keywords).
You also have keywords your target audience uses when they’re not
specifically looking for what you sell (Informational Keywords).
• …..While writing content, one should focus on building a theme
out of the content, which is formed through relationship between
concepts and group of keywords.
• …use of synonyms and related keywords help search engines to
learn better about the web page.
Keywords…….Main keyword , related keyword and
secondary keywords…

Write a web page about

President House…….
….so key word which we
Wish to optimise ‚President
……related one such as
New Delhi, Government and
Secondary like Ramnath Kovid
Key word search….
Long tail and short Tail Keywords and Search…. As the company grows,
SEO strategy should evolve from long tail keywords to short tail keywords.
© Dr. Abhinav P. Tripathi
Keyword Density…..frequency of use of keywords (normally 0.-5 to 2.0 % only) other wise
considered as search engine spam.

Number of Keywords……. Research shows that most domains rank high for only very few keywords

Number of times seen in top 20 rankings of 40 Number of subdomains

million Google US SERPs

1 9,947,070

2-10 9,502,927

11-50 3,045,119

51-100 502,121

101-500 463,392

501-1,000 66,244

1,001-10,000 66,493

10,001-50,000 6,408

50,001-100,000 777

100,000-50,000,000 722

This means 722 subdomains ranked for more

than 100K keywords of SERPscape’s 40 million.
Keyword Funnel….short tailed but high volume and more competition and less conversion.
• …..long tailed, having less traffic, less competition and more conversion.

Non-synonym Synonym
Page Segmentation………
Web-site Audit….
• …Basically the SEO process begins when business conduct an
audit for a reality check so that they know where hey stand.
Website Audit… some of the mail elements of SEO are….

1. Keyword position
2. Sitemap
3. Browser, Operating Systems, Devices compatibility
4. Backlink Checker
5. Domain Authority
6. Keyword Cloud
7. Speed audit
Site-map……..architecture of the site ( tool is
• Website…like a tree and…. home page is like the trunk…category pages are like
branches…..product pages like sub-branches.
• A sitemap is a file where you can list the web pages of your site to tell Google
and other search engines about the organization of your site content.
• Search engine web crawlers like Googlebot read this file to more intelligently
crawl your site.
• Unfortunately, this is not uncommon, mostly web designers are often focused
on the design, which of course is important, but don’t pay too much attention
on what’s needed to get traffic to the site.
© Dr. Abhinav P. Tripathi
• Sitemap can be generated from tools in either XML or HTML
• An ideal way to put sitemap is on the root location like
• Content refers all the information contained in any web page which is displayed
in the form of text, hyperlinks, images, audio, animation or videos

For optimizing the content:

• Write easy-to-read text
• Organize your content around a topic
• Create fresh and unique content

Tools to check….content and plagiarism:


© Dr. Abhinav P. Tripathi
Meta Tags….
© Dr. Abhinav P. Tripathi
Black Hat and White –Hat SEO
© Dr. Abhinav P. Tripathi
On-Page Optimization…..
• Site Performance…is about page speed (<2sec)
– https://developers.google.com/speed/pagespeed
• Bounce rate…. Bounce rate is the percentage of single page visits (or web
sessions). It is the percentage of visits in which a person leaves your website
from the landing page without browsing any further. Google analytics
calculates and report the bounce rate of a web page and bounce rate of a
• Title, description, Meta and keywords…. URL link should be better.
• If few HTML tags are missing then correct it….HTML checker
• Shift to https: from http….
• Load time minimization….
– https://gtmetrix.com/
– https://developers.google.com/speed/pagespeed/insights/

• Minimize the error page links or broken link….

• More CTR…
Off-Page SEO…..
• Link Building…get referred to your web property.
• Link Building through competitive web property observation…get
the tool called hrefs.com and SEM rush.
• https://ahrefs.com/
• https://www.semrush.com

• Getting back links from authority web property

• Use your own blog ( and give your link)
© Dr. Abhinav P. Tripathi
© Dr. Abhinav P. Tripathi
© Dr. Abhinav P. Tripathi

© Dr. Abhinav P. Tripathi


© Dr. Abhinav P. Tripathi

© Dr. Abhinav P. Tripathi
© Dr. Abhinav P. Tripathi
SEO / SEM / Social….

© Dr. Abhinav P. Tripathi

©Dr abhinavP. Tripathi
PBN ( Private blog Network)
• A PBN is a network of websites used to build links (and therefore pass
authority) to a single website for the purpose of manipulating search
engine rankings. This scheme is similar to a link wheel or link
pyramid, as it involves several different websites all linking to one
another or to one central website.
• PBNs are now considered a pure black hat tactic and should be avoided
at all costs, as they can lead to a loss in rankings, or even a manual
penalty. PBNs usually provide little to no long-term value to the
websites they are linking to.
• Case study: https://searchengineland.com/new-york-times-exposes-j-c-penney-link-scheme-that-causes-plummeting-
© Dr. Abhinav P. Tripathi

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