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Q. No. 1. Write a long note on the basic communication theories.

Answer: - Communication as an activity appears to be very simple to explain at the very

instance, but when we explore it further the complexities of communication make it difficult for
us to describe it in simpler terms. The models of communication help us to understand the
process of communication where the factors of communication are shown in a particular order
and relations.

The model of Shannon and Weaver is interpreted a bit differently by scholars of communication
studies with social science background. It is for the same reason that the model of David Barlow
becomes important where the mathematical technicalities of Shannon’s models were
reinterpreted for human communication process.

David Berlo’s model is popularly known as SMCR model. It is the socio-cultural extension of
the mathematical model of communication given by Shannon and Weaver.

Newcomb’s model can be compared with the sociological theory of the state of equilibrium. It is
a model which underlines the significance of communication in an era of information where
people believe in the power of knowledge and where the political parties, governments and the
people depend heavily on news and information in order to provide or get good and effective

Charles E. Osgood made a new beginning in communication models by suggesting the first
circular model as it does not look at communication as linear process moving from point A to
point B. Communication is a dynamic process for him which can being with any stimulus
received by the source or receiver. His model shows the significance of both the source and
receiver as the participants in a communicative situation.

Gerbner’s model has two dimensions and three stages. The perceptual or receptive and the
communicative and means of control are the two dimensions and the vertical, horizontal and then
vertical again are the three stages in this model.

Hypodermic needle theory and the magic bullet theory is the name given to the explanation of
the impact of mass media on masses. The magic bullet theory was not based on empirical
findings from research but rather on assumptions of the time about human nature.

Individual difference theory is sometimes called differential theory because researchers in this
area study the ways in which individuals differ in their behavior. This theory suggests that
different personality variables result in different reactions to the same stimulus.
The media dependency theory, also known as media system dependency theory, is in fact an
extension of the use and gratification theory. DeFleur and Ball-Rokeach (1975) developed a
theory that many scholars use to examine social phenomena in relation to the media.

Mass society theory came up as a result of growing industrialization in the nineteenth century
Europe. Division of labour led to rapid large-scale industrial organization, the growing
centralization of decision-making, the concentration of urban populations, and the development
of complex international communication networks.

The theory influenced by the Marxist thought is known as political-economical media theory
which maintains that the economy is the base of the superstructure of a society and it is the
economic ideology that decides the content of media along with the political policies of the state.

Q.No. 2. Write a long note on Language and Communication.

Answer: - A Workable definition of language as used by linguists is where they see language as
a system of arbitrary vocal symbols with which a given speech community cooperates. Language
has been defined by some other scholars as a unified system of signs that permits a sharing of
meaning. These symbols or signs are known as Words. Our language skills depend largely on the
way in which we use words. Most of the times, we take our ability to use language so much for
granted that we rarely recognize the role it plays in our lives until a situation arises when it
cannot be used, for example, when you have difficulty in finding the right words to express
yourself or when your meanings are misunderstood by others.

Communication is central to various activities in a human society. It is essential for a society for
the enrichment and entertainment of its members. Communication uses many types of media and
is of many kinds. Communication starts from individuals trying to make sense of the world
around them or trying to understand themselves.

In everyday life, people need to share their emotions, ideas and knowledge with each other for
which they require interpersonal communication that takes place between two or more people at
a time. At a higher level of organization of a society, people need to discuss and negotiate in
groups which lead to group communication like board meeting, classroom teaching, seminars,

To maintain the equilibrium or status quo or for cohesiveness a society needs to communicate
with each and every member. For this it uses the process of mass communication where it uses
the media like newspaper, radio or television having a wider reach then oral communication.

Communication among human beings cannot take place without a shared language. Language is
a system of arbitrary vocal symbols with which a given speech community cooperates. Language
in fact is the primary and natural medium of communication in the sense that it is the language
that functions as the converter of thoughts and ideas into message that can be articulated orally
form a person to person or a person to many.

Q.No. 3. Discuss in detail the Press Councils and Ethics of Journalism.

Answer: - In many countries including India, there are autonomous or independent institutions
that look after the grievances of public regarding the work of newspapers and other periodicals.
In Britain there was Press Council in the earlier days, but as it was felt that it is not very
representative and effective so a new body called the Press Complaints Commission (PCC) was
formed. In India there is an autonomous body chaired by a retired justice of the Supreme Court
of India, which is called the Press council of India. Similarly, in many other countries there are
Press Councils that look into the grievances of public regarding the functioning of newspapers
and the conduct of journalists. The process of nominations in these organizations may differ, but
the journalists and media organizations are adequately represented in them along with
representatives from almost all walks of life.

Mahatma Gandhi described journalism as a kind of social service. However, with the growth
and development of societies, it has become a sort of industry with significant power to
manipulate the public opinion to muster power for itself or to support the political powers that

Apart from disseminating news and information in society in public interest, journalism is also
seen as bridge between the government and the people, in the sense that it communicates the
policy and programmes of the government to the people. At the same time, it conveys the
grievances and perception of public about issues of the society to the powers that be.

The political system uses journalism for dissemination of news and information for its own
perpetuation. Besides, the role of press is one of maintaining the status quo as every morning the
newspaper by and large make us feel that things are all right in the world in general and in the
country in particular.

Journalism as the fourth pillar of democracy has been granted the freedom of speech and
expression in almost all constitutions world over. Journalism has to function as the watchdog of
democracy by constantly being vigilant towards the functioning of the other three pillars, i.e.,
legislature, executive and judiciary.

The American Society of Newspaper Editors was founded in 1992. It made definite parameters
meant to specify the functioning of journalists. These were known as the ‘Canons of journalism’.
The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has prepared a code of conduct for journalists.
Indian journalists organizations like All India Newspaper Employees Federation, Indian
Journalists’ Union and National Union of Journalists are the members of this organization.

Q.No.4. What are new trends in journalism currently? Discuss.

Answer: - Journalism has changed a lot over the decades. It was a simple process of gathering,
processing and disseminating the information. Today, the competitive markets have posed many
responsibilities and the nature and work of journalists have changed. On the one hand, we find
big conglomerates pumping huge amount of money in different media technologies and on the
other hand there are people with relatively smaller capital investing on media. The technology
and the economics of management of media has forced the companies to employ journalist with
multiple skills.

Journalism is practiced in many forms with many forms with many types of objectives in mind.
The mainstream journalism generally deals with anything under the sun, whereas there are
various other kinds of journalism that have a very specific area or audience in mind.

The journalism practiced on a day-to-day basis in big media houses is called the mainstream
journalism. The broad sheet daily newspaper or the tabloid formats are the examples of
mainstream print media. Further, the news bulletins in radio and television are also the example
of mainstream journalism.

The journalism has not only developed as a result of the changes in the social structure and the
technology of mass media, it has also changed drastically due to the ever-growing body of
information relating to various specialized activities of the modern human being. It has led to the
emergence of specialized journalism dealing with areas like business, travel, fashion,
automobiles, real estate, computers, mobiles etc.

Magazine journalism is entirely different from the newspaper journalism because it has more
shelf value and covers a longer period as compared to daily newspaper. A daily newspaper
becomes part of the waste by evening and it reports events on a daily basis. Magazines have a
possibility of looking at and reporting an event in its totality as it has lot of time to prepare and
publish the story.

Advocacy journalism is one of the alternate forms of journalism. If the press or the mainstream
journalism is called the fourth estate, then the alternate journalism in all its forms is called fifth
estate. Advocacy journalism is in a way just opposite of the mainstream journalism as the main
objective of such journalism is to create awareness about a certain issue.
Convergent journalism is the name given to multitasking in journalism where a journalist is
expected to not only produce a report for the newspaper, he is also requires to give it orally for
radio and/or television and at the same time give a brief one for mobile news services as well.

One of the recent trends in journalism is known as supplement journalism and it is called so
because the newspapers in India have now started publishing various supplements that they
provide with the main newspapers. It is considered as value addition of the product.

Fashion journalism comprises the reports and articles on the fashion world. The journalists in
this field are also called as fashion editors or fashion writers. The key duty is to cover the most
up-to-date trends and happenings in the fashion business.

Q.No.5. Trace the history of Journalism in America.

Answer: - The first newspaper of colonial America Public occurrences both foreign and
domestic was published in 1690 in Boston. It was a four-page monthly. Benjamin Harris, an
Englishman, was the force behind this. Benjamin Harris published books and pamphlets in

After fourteen years, John Campbell, a bookseller and postmaster of Boston, published Boston
Newsletter on 24tyh April 1704 that lasted for a long time. The Boston Newsletter was
America’s first regularly published newspaper. Most of the news from London journals was a
part of this newsletter in its early days.

Later two colonial papers were published from Boston and Philadelphia almost at the same time.
On 21 December 1719, Gazette was launched from Boston that became the face of nationalism
during the American Revolution due to its anti-British policy. Next day on 22 December,
Weekly Mercury was published by Andrew Bredford. Franklin Brothers came up with New
England Courant on 7 August 1721. It was the most popular newspaper of early colonial era.
Those were the days of revolution in America and just by the eve of the revolutionary war, some
24 papers were issued in the colonies. It was influenced by the public opinion.

When the war ended in 1783, there were 43 newspapers in the new nation. And by 1814 there
were 346 newspapers. Papermaking technology led to an explosion of newspaper growth in
1830. Many papers were closed down during the First World War, still in 1945 there were above
thousand cities engaged in publishing newspapers.

Long distance communication was made faster when the first telegraphic line from Washington
DC to Baltimore came into existence. It become possible for the local newspapers o publishes
the coverage of far-off events. After the invention of four-cylinder rotary press by Robert Hoe in
1847, it became possible to print about 8000 pages per hour.
William Randolph Hearst, the editor of the San Francisco Examiner, a popular newspaper till
date, purchased New Morning Journal in 1895. By 1930, he owned 28 newspapers across the

Q.No. 6. Write a long note on the growth of Journalism in India.

Answer: - The technology of printing was brought to India by the Portuguese missionaries. The
Portuguese installed the very first printing press in Goa in 1557. Their purpose was to publish
and circulate the Evangelical literature thus spreading Christianity in India.

Amongst the Indian language newspapers, Samachar Darpen was the first newspaper to be
published in the Bengali language. Two months earlier, a Bengali monthly magazine called Dig-
Darshan had been published. Both were published by the missionaries in Serampore in 1818.

A great leader Azimullah started Payame Azadi that was in actual sense the message for freedom
for the people of India. Started from February 1857 from Delhi, this Hindi-Urdu paper was like a
bigul that called upon the people to fight for their nation against the British. The British
government seized copies of this paper.

The beginning of the 20th century was a period of turmoil. Extremists and moderates had
different opinions regarding the resolutions for supporting the Boycott and Swadeshi campaigns
for reversing the partition of Bengal. Annie Bessant founded the Home Rule League in Madras
in 1915.

There was a sudden and speedy emergence of journalism in many states not only in English and
Hindi alone, but in the respective languages of the state. Maharashtra stood ahead of all the
states. The main emphasis was on social reforms and patriotism. A social reformer Mahadev
Govind Ranade started Indu Prakash, a bilingual paper in English-Marathi in 1862.

Amongst the English language papers. The Hindu, Bombay Times and The Tribune were
extremely popular for their thought-provoking articles. The Hindu was started by six young men
in Madras in 1878.

The most significant development in journalism in post-independence India was the inclusion of
freedom of press in the constitution of the country. It is an indirect insertion in Article 19A
which gives the freedom of expression to the people of India.

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