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and the hydruutie conductivity a $7.03 om ‘S/min ©. 304.63. om3/min b 2281em*3/min & WA awh / GEO 2: A constant head permeability test was carried out on a cylindrical sample of sand of 10 em diameter and 1S em height Wen ‘Weight of water collected = 200 a * VoeAR ‘Time af collection of water = 2.25 min y. Fee Constant head difference = 30 cm ‘Determine the hydraulic conductivity an'gmisee a 1667.x10~-3 b 3.174x10°3 ce WAstatOt3¥ & 1.587 «1083 GEO 3: A soil sample has a dry unit weight of 15 KN/m°3. If the specific gravity of the soil i5 2.6. pe were Ye oatarwed unit weight in kN/m®3 qn) SE Ww a 1495 b. 15.70 ©. 4 4 1333 We GEO 4: From the given dats, shows a sicve analysis of soil sumples A, B and C. [ Soil Sample Sieve no, Diam (mm) A B ae | #4 4760 90 100 100 | #8 2380 GI 0 100 [#10 2000 4 7 oR 220 70.840 a 9 53 #40 0.420 [z= [su ca F60 0350 7 2 3 #100 0.149 ig as [70 #200 0.074 say 3 [63 Characteristies of —40 fraction its 46 a7. PL 29 (24 RE > ¢ 43, Classify soil A using AASHTO method. ed a Alt b AD %@) A-1-b v a Ad 44, Classify soil B using AASHTO Method. + A270) f bo AD) S & A2-6(1) 4 A-2-6(5) 45. Classify soil C using AASHTO Method. « A-7-S5(13) b A-7-5(20) « A-7-8(13) 4 A-7-6(20) GEO: A granular soil deposit has its ground water table 1,0 m below the ground surface, The dry unit weight of soil is 15.6 kN/m*3 and its saturated unit weight of the the soil is 16.6 KN/m°3, Point A is at a depth of 4 m below the ground surface, Perea pele ane beater tag rife ibe gran sities “as Bee) = bhi Fld Dy. ny (pe Su oR == sopena v HYDRAULIC SITUATIONAL PROBL & GEOTRCHINICAL ENGI MS: HYD 1: Two open tanks are connected bby «an orifice having a sectional area of 0,004 m2, Tank A is Sm'2 in area and tank B is 2m*2 in area. Water level in tank A is 10 m higher than that in tank 8. If the coetficiemt of discharge is 0,60 ME Pind the discharge flowing in the orifice + 560Ls b 3361 © #2Ls 4 385Us ~~ How long will it be before the water stirfaces are at the same level? as 18 3inin b 10.8 mins «124 mins 4 173 mins a How soon after will the water surfaces be 4 m apart? a 737 sees & 602 sees © Hse 218 sees HYD 2: A given conical tank has base raclius of 25 cm and height of 50 cm a Find the height of the free surface if 0.025 m! of water is poured into the tank a 472m 545.7 cm Se d 344em $._ How much additional water is required to fill the tank? a7 b. 621 oc &3L d 96L D> Ifthe tank holds 30,5 kg of oil, what is the density of oil? = SB kein! b. 635 ky’ ©. 889 kg/im* d 762 kg/m’ HYD 3: A rectangular plate submerged in water is 5 m x 4m, with the 5-m side being horizontal and the 4- m side being vertical, Zo what depth, in m, should the top edge of the plate be submerged so that the depth of center of pressure is544m, a 298 b, 333 & 318 d, 271 $- What is the depth, in'm, of the cemter of gravity of the plate? a 5.64 b 318 o: 57) 4, 526 2- Caleulate the hydrostatic force in kN. & Lore b. 1043 co 1038 d. 1067 HYD 4: A square tank 1.20 m on each side, 3 m deep is filled 10 a depth of 2.70 m with water. A wooden Cube having a specific gravity of 0.5 measuring 60 cm on an edue is placed in the water so that it will float J Determine the weight of water displaced by the cube a 212kN v. LISKN © 230kN ca 24 Determine the rise of water above the original liquid surface a 030m b. 0075 m © 0,088 m d@ 015m 1 Determine the change in pressure force on one side of the tank. a T4LEN b 2.84kN c 275 kN d, 2S5SKN £08: [na cranial test fora normally consolidated soll, the norrnal stress at failure is equal to 450 kPa and the shear stress a1 failure is equal to 350 kPa, 5S, Calculate the angle of intemal friction a) sar Y b 3213" ¢ 51.06" di 38.94" 3° Calculate the angle ofthe failure plane with the major principal axis. ? 64.47" b. 70.53" © 710P a. 6394 ‘Calculate the maximum prineipal stress in kPa at failure . a 1622.88 b. 1182.80 e 15 a HERE GEO 9 The following data shows the results of the liquid limit and plastic limit test A LIQUIDLIMIT 4s — Test Nuinber T z 7 | No. ofblows 39 20 | We of wet soil+container 22g 21.278 2612 z We of dry soiltcontainer | Baty 875g 210g Wi of container 274g 13.06 ¢ 13.27 | z ¥ i = ve 8. PLASTIC LIMIT 0 foamy 434 fo wu Be om Test Number 1 Me WL of wet soil container Bits th W- Te WE of dry soil*container | 2a ars waar Wt of container pie fests 1307 u © NATURAL WATER CONTENT us eee Test Number I i I te ‘Wi of wet soil contain sie | 2 = h0 ‘Wil of dry soll container Tidg | ieee | = WE of container Tale 7s * ; 7 * gee FB 20% 38. Compute the Jiquid limit. Use the tabte shown, ” 9 ‘ed «APs, f 50% s 38% h 55% Pi ‘Compute the plasticity index. 2 73.34% b 1966% _% «26.679 4 14.66% 60. Compute the liquidity index 2 09 B O87 « 07 4 06 GEO 10: The ground water table is located at @ certain depth below the ground surface This will cause an “upward seepage. 61, What would be the resulting effective stress at 8 certain point below the ground water table due to the ‘upward seepage? a The effective stress at that point will not be affected. b The effective stress at that point will increase, € Theeffective stress at that point will decrease HYD: Aw object weighs 41N in water and 5 N in alcohol of specific gravity 0.80, Assume unit weight of Water 1s 9.79 kN/m*3. 1 Calculate the volume of the object inn’. * 0,00033 b 0.00041 0 N05; 4 0.00062 Jé Caloulate the weight of the object ii N 1 8N b ON 4 UN LS-Cilolate the density of the object in kyim93, 1 » b 1805 « 2001 da 2145 HYD 6; A discharge of 600 Lisec Mlows through a pipe having a diameter of 400 mm and length of 40:m, Calculate the head loss using the following: 16-Mannings Equation with n = 0.013 2 140m + 284m 42m ({2AParey Weisbach Formula with £0,012 * 40m b 284m ¢ 332m 18 Hazen Willinins Formula with C= 100, * 140m b 284m s 332m = HYD 7: Water flows from an upper Teservoir with water surface elevation 250 m to a lower one with water JP Head loss in the pipe duc to friction. & 5bm b 27m 475m 581m 2P-The head extracted by the turbine a 14255 m b 144.59 m © 143.46 m 14-16 m AA The power generated by the turbine a 210kW b 220 kW © 176kW @ SkW HYD 8: The three-reservoir system of the following figure contains water. The pipes connecting the feservoirs have the following properties; The required flow of water to Teservoir Cis 5.149 m/s Celera TENE foo a si b 664 © 624 a OF jp beh J? Cateulate the pore eater pressure in kPacat point A. 9.01) a 243 b 3924 e 19.23 24.52 B%Calculate the effective pressure in kPa at point A. Pay e Rhett a 3097 Ras07 © 3297 d 3807 = 087 GEO 6: A uniform soil deposit has w dry unit weight of 15.6 kNim°S and a saturated unit weiight of 17.2 KN/m?3. The ground water table is at 4 distance of 41m below the ground surface, Point A is at a depth of 6 ‘m below the ground surtixce is Uf) [na-ae te) AT Calculate the effective stress at Ain kPa B Conca b, 96,80, © 8358 dA 73.98. Serif the water table woes up by 3.5 m, find the effective stress at A. (utr 8) 4 (mah #9018 F) a 88.22 b 38.63 ©, 9259 dah 21n comparison to the first and second question, what will happen to the effective stress at A ifthe ground Water level will rise up the ground surfa 4a. The effective stress at that point will nat change b. The effective stress at that point will increase. 6. The effective stress at that ps decrease. y/ 4. ‘The effective sires at that point will be zer0 GEO 7: Soil investigation at a site gave the following soil eter te Al ee 2 is transmitted at the center of the clay layer. Sand Te + un 16M) a a a O 104 kim Belt i ‘The buoyant unit weight of elay in Nim" is 18.0 b, 8.05 © 754 di so he nerd GES tn kPa at the mid height of the clny layer is 15.95" b 17482 ¥ ce 193,95 do 162.85 Coane the tota! settlement ofthe clay layer due to primary consolidation a 34.98em b, 25.741em \/ © 23,7lem. @ 27.18 cin a5 1000 a 74, Compute the equivalent horizontal coe!ficient of permeability in m/day. ao 4125 b 29.25 5 39.25 4a 75. Compute the hydraulic gradient a 0007s 0.0085 «0.0095 a 0.0105 76. Compute the flow rate in m°/day from one stream to another per meter width. « 1042 » 2057 « 1771 4 125 GEO 16: A dry soil is mixed with 179% by mass with water and compacted, Volume of wet Soil is 0.001 m°3 und has a mass of | 6 kg Ifthe specific gravity of soil is 2 70, 77. Compute the dry unit weight of soil, in KNim*“3 2 15.70 b 18.84 @ 13a2% @ 1211 78. Compute the void ratio, a or » 069 « O41 4 119 79. Compute the degree of saturation a 112% be 473207 © 386% a 66.5%: GEO 17: A prestressed concrete pile, 400 mm x 400 mm in cioss-section, is to be driven ina clayey soil (y=18.5 EN/m!), The design pile has a design capacity of 520 kN. Use factor of safety of 2 The unconfined compression strength of the soit is 111 kPa. Use Ne=9. $0. What is the end bearing eapacity of pile in kN? a A 3741 b 8 88.69 c uD dD 85.32 81 Compute the skin friction in IN expecied to develop along the shaft of the pile a 4960 b B 870 c € 740 d D820 82. Compute the length of the pile if o=0 76 a A 158m b B31 ¢ € 127m a) DS GEO 18: A soil sample has a liquidity index of 0.28, a plastic limit of 12.2% and @ plasticity index of 16.396, Specifie gravity and void ratio is equal to 2.7 and 0.60 respectively, 83. Compute the water content, a A17.85% b BibT 4 eC 15.49% d D18.38% ‘$4, Compute the degree of saturation. ATS. Ate b, B73% c O57.90% ad D.66.1% Ly =2000m, 12 = 2300 m, Ly = 2500 m; Di=tm, Ds= 060m, Dy 120m: fie O01, fron, f-0023 32-Calculate the head loss in line | 2 em 6. 50.60 © 3596m 4 2815m Calculate the flow in ling Sin cums 2 b 612 < 219 a 439 24 Calculate the elevation of water surface in reservoir B for the flow condition to occur, « 22m b 7m ce jot 4 11Sm HYD 9: The error in the measured head in a channel ts equal to 0.018 m. hannel is 0.60 1113/5, compute the following: _If the discharge flowing in the rk AS Percent error in dischange ge Veeck? + p-1BZ0M 4 1.018 : Sean IR fa suppressed rectangular weir is used with length of weiris 42m. sett 6 a 10.6% 16 « me 65° 4 65% Pica a tere 26 Percent eer in discharge if«Cipoltet weir having a length of weir 4.6 m ea a 10.6% b. 16.3%: © a 65% ay inte me « : oO La ae 7. Peteent error if'a right triangular weir is used. Assume Cd = 0.6. gti mash yen ne8 ee 1827 4 0.65 : 15.28 S 65% 2 10.6% » 163% 13.2% © 8 qeousa < HYD 10: The reading of an automobile fuel gage is proportional to the gage pressure at the bottom of the tank. If the tank is 32 cm deep and is contaminated with 3 cm of water, “=e ae 7 cS) ayy named) wages) A Lj flo f x Vl anal) yes Tae Too 5 26 ifthe tank is Full Of gasoline what should be the cednge wane Pa? Use Yous =9790 Nim’, ‘yeasoline = 6670 N/m*3 and your = 11.8 Nim*3 me 2h84; ¥. b. 1934 © 3132 d 2839 Peo nay eemtcten of ait ersice ‘ut the top when the gauge indicates “full”? ala b, 236 35 ¢ 442 | POA tank i 0.5 m°2 in area, calculate the volume of pasoline when the wage reads “full” $ Deteamine the ry unit weight at eeto air void a A1@76KNicum > BITS2kNicum © © 16. 18 kNVcum 19 GEO 19: A cylinder of soil fails under an axial stress of 200 kPa when it is laterally unconfined, The failure plane makes an angls of 49° with the horizontal, Find the villues of cohesion and angle of internal friction 85 Calculate the value of cohesion in kPa a 166 b, 357 « 213 4 87 87. Calculate the value of internal friction. a5 b 19° ¢ 30 d 15° 88 Caloulate the shear stress at failure in KPa = 71 b % 5 69 d 132 GEO 20: Ata particular site lies n layer of fine sand 8 m thick below the ground surface and having & void ratio of 0.7 The ground watcr table is at a depth of 4 m below the ground surface. The average dexres of saturation of the sand above the capillary fringe is 50%, The soil is saturated due to eapillary action 10.8 height of 2.0 m above the GWT level 89. Assuming Gs ~ 2.65, calculate the capillary pressure. a 9.09 kPa b 3.09 kPa c. 69) kPa J soe ky 90, Calculate the total effective pressure ut depth of 6 m below the: ground surface a 7271 kPa b 111,95 kPa c. 7528 kPa d) 9252 Mh 91 Calculate the total effective pressure at depth of 2'm below the ground surface 03 75 KP b 53.96 kPa ©. 44.15 kPe @ 38kPa GOE 21: A confined aquifer underlies an unconfined aquifer as shown in the following figure Given the following: Hj=59 m, Hj=41 m, hy=43 m, hs=33 m, Ki=35 m/day and K-27 nivday and L=2 km 92. What is the equivalent coefficient of permeability in horizontal disestion? a 37.8m/day b. 387 miday c. 361 miday d ‘ 93, Calculate the hydraulic gradient. a 10,009 b. 0.008 © 0.007 d. 0.006 94. Calculate the flow-of water from one stream to another per meter width a 182) mi/day b, 1425m'/day 187 miday d. 16.75 mday GEO 22: A300 mm diameter test well penetrates 27 m. Below the static. water table, “After 24 houts of pumping at 69 liters/see. The water level observation well at « distance of 95 m from the test well 1s jqvered 05m and the other observation well at wdistance of 351m, froin tie test well, the drawdown ts iW 9S Whatis the rate of flow in m"/day : a, 43179 m'day b. 6521 mi/day © S061 6 m'day 533) 5 mi/day. 96 Compute the coefficient of permeability af the aquift in mrvday’ a S1Simiday b, 65,09 miday co. 57-56 miday 97 Compute the transmissivity of the aquifer in m'/day, 2 a (570 malay b 1778.4 m/day 1449 miday 4 1288 m'/day GEO 23: A saturated specimen of cohesion fess sind was tested under drmined conditions in & tri-axial_ compression test apparatus and the sample failed at-a deviator stress of 482 KN/m? and the plane of failure made an angie of 60° with the horizontal, 98, Find the chamber confining pressure in kN/m"2, a 4 b. 482 7 99 Find the magnitudes of the major principal stress KN/m*2_ a 24 b 482 Senza 100, What would be the magnitude of the major principal stress at failure: sand if it is tested under # cell pressure of 200 KN'm” a 300KPa b. 400 kPa ¢. $00 KPa ‘Granular materials 39% oF less of total sample passing No. 200 di 964 forancther identical specimen of d. General Classification AL | AD Goupciastiettio (Ts [wae | “* [age | aes | aoe | a7, Sieve analysts |ipercentage passing) No. 10 na No. 40 No. 250 \Charactenstic of fraenien parsing No: 40 [avid airait ~[aeimax [atm | aomax | atmin Blastieity index émax Ne | tomax | i0imax | admin | 12min (Gal sypet er Srone fragments, | Fine ificant constituent] gravelandsand | Sand silty of clayey gravel and sand — at Materials [seneral Subgrade Excellent to good ne: 3Smax_| imax ai d 451 a et 4 b 1601 o 1234. HYD 11; Water flows unifonnly at a steady rate of 14 m’/s ihn very long triangular channel which has side % ‘i = 0012. yaaa ga ES slopes of 1), The flume has «roughness coefficient of 0.012 Sa whee Meow Ve 31 Which of the following gives the value of the eritical depth in m? Be ah 346 b 178 ce 2b9/- dest} ne fuel ek 32° Which of the following gives the value of the eritical velocity in mis? ¥ aN a LT b 201 e 441 d 3217 ah a te SA Which of the following gives the value of tho ertioaltlopo in fem? ae atte NS re fa 221 b, 2951 © 4713 ise, es 9 pe HYD 12: Two vertical square tanks have a comman wall in which un orifice oF area 0.25 Ris Tated "Cay, Attn, water is 3° above the orifice and pressure oF 3.03 psi is kept constant. In tank By water 1" yt - ML above the onifice and water surface is subject to a constant pressure of 0.87 psi, uee 34. If the coefficient of discharge is 0, 80, what is the initia! discharge in cfs? oe a 5302 AF i242 28 2.269 SII we ei) 35 Ithe coefficient of velocity is 0 92, what is the Head loss in #82”. (hog a 1036 b Low © 1059 PO 36. Calculate the power loss in Watts a 33 Mr) . 189 d 147 HYD 13: The minor loss of head in sudden expansion of a pipe is given by ha ~ (v) —vz)/2g where suffixes 1 and? refer to sections before and after the expansion. A 10 cm pipe carrying oil of relative density 0,85 undergoes sudden expansion to 20 cm diameter in a horizontal stretch of the pipefine 37. zlf the pressure difference between sections 2 and | 1s recorded as 660 Pa, what is the velocity of flow at the 10 om section? a, a 1035m/s bi 1.876 m/s ©. 1.762 m/s d 1,625 m/s # 38 Calculate the discharge through the pipeline a Iblis b. 15 Lis e Lis d 13s 39. What is the head loss in the expansion? a 0101m b, 0119 ¢, 0.076m d 0.058m x GEO 4; The results ofa constant head permeability test fora fine sand and sample areas follows) y_ 2A Diameter of of sample = 80 mm/ 4 te ow ve ee eee 105 ' anes BUN r bs ‘ay Time of collection of water = 10 mins pow 0) Sue ox Weight of water collected = 430 g jagene) 2 eb Ab len The effective stress at that point will be zero A saturated clay layer has i thickness of 10 1m and a water content of 51% and a specific gravity ‘62+ Detctmine the saturated unit weight of clay im kN/m*3. a 1687 » 1569 © 1st SX determine the tou! stress at the bottom in kPs. 2 1087 +s 1569 © (sid G4. Determine the effective stress a bortam in kPa, 2) 706 588 = 530 4 79 uly consol soil, the deviator stress is equal ta 700 kPa and the 4 Toe GEO 12: In triaxial test for a angle of the failure plane makes with the major principal pl nem Pino fle kPa 606 oats a eee failure in kPa, s 302 Fe eet emscies a 525 bh 606. < 303 GEO 13: The laboratory compaction test ofa cerain type of scl gives a maximum dry density of 1 486 Mg/m?3 with an optimum moisture content of 12.5% The following are the results of a fleld unit weight determination test using sand cone method Mqy a) Volume of soil exeavated from the hole = 0.001337 m"?) Weight of soi) from the hole when wet ~ 2220 Weight of dry soil = 1729 AE Determine the field unit weight of soil in kNim°3) = jel » 19.63 23.54 De Determine the in situ water content a 221% b 28.4 23.5%, Pr Determine ‘the relative compaction. a 80% ~ b Bd © 14: Given the liquid limit of soil equal to 70% and its plastic limit 1s 38% What do these percentage represent? ' 4 Wallet content & Void mitio «Degree of saturation 4 Porosity HE Determine the plstcity wes AW a 42% co i What is 91% e D5 d -0143. GEO 15: A confined aquifer underlies an unconfined aquifer as 'shown in the figure

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