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brat akar 00:35 Wednesday, May 19, 2019 37

Obs perlakuan ul hasil

1 a 1 0.80
2 b 1 0.30
3 c 1 0.50
4 a 2 0.40
5 b 2 0.20
6 c 2 0.00
7 a 3 0.70
8 b 3 0.70
9 c 3 0.02

berat akar 00:35 Wednesday, May 19, 2019 38

The ANOVA Procedure

Class Level Information

Class Levels Values

perlakuan 3 abc

Number of observations 9

berat akar 00:35 Wednesday, May 19, 2019 39

The ANOVA Procedure

Dependent Variable: hasil

Sum of
Source DF Squares Mean Square F Value Pr > F

Model 2 0.31742222 0.15871111 2.46 0.1658

Error 6 0.38693333 0.06448889

Corrected Total 8 0.70435556

R-Square Coeff Var Root MSE hasil Mean

0.450656 63.13590 0.253947 0.402222

Source DF Anova SS Mean Square F Value Pr > F

perlakuan 2 0.31742222 0.15871111 2.46 0.1658

berat akar 00:35 Wednesday, May 19, 2019 40

The ANOVA Procedure

Duncan's Multiple Range Test for hasil

NOTE: This test controls the Type I comparisonwise error rate, not the experimentwise error rate.

Alpha 0.05
Error Degrees of Freedom 6
Error Mean Square 0.064489

Number of Means 2 3
Critical Range .5074 .5258
Means with the same letter are not significantly different.

Duncan Grouping Mean N perlakuan

A 0.6333 3 a
A 0.4000 3 b
A 0.1733 3 c

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