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The temperature at the inner and outer surfaces of a boiler wall made of 20 mm

thick steel and covered with an insulating material of 5 mm thickness are 3000 C and 500
C respectively. If the thermal conductivities of steel and insulating material are
58W/m0C and 0.116 W/m0C respectively, determine the rate of flow through the boiler
* a. 5767.68 W/m^2 b. 2034.45 W/m^2 c. 3346. 46 W/m^2 d. 7899.22 W/m^2

L1 = 20 x 10-3 m
kı = 58 W/m0C
L2 = 5 x 10-3 m
k2 = 0.116 W/m0C
T1 = 3000 C
T2 = 500 C

Q= T1 - T2
R1 + R2

R1 = _ L1_ = 20 x 10^-3 = 3.45 x 10^-4 m^2*C/W

K1 58

R2 = L2 = 5 x 10^-3 = 0.043 m^2*C/W

K2 0.116

Q= (300 – 50) C__

(3.45 x 10^-4 + 0.043) m^2*C/W

Q = 5767.68 W/m^2

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