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1) Choosing a topic which you don’t care about

2) Trying to be someone else
3) Revealing too much
4) Not making it personal
5) Not answering the question
6) Not answering the ‘why’
7) Not proofreading
8) Getting too much advice
9) Relating too much on thesaurus
10) Not focusing on one thing but thousand aspects of life
11) Being jimmy fallon and making jokes
12) Having a boring introduction
13) Not being specific
14) Not have a relationship with the overall application
15) Trying to be extraordinary
16) Failing the thumb test
Connect, make it personal, make ordinary look good.

You don’t want to have the appearance that you spent only five minutes on it

Another mistake is the admissions officer doesn’t learn anything. If I read an essay and think, “That’s
nice but I don’t know anything more about this student,” you’ve failed. You have to share something
interesting about yourself

so many kids obsess about the writing style instead of worrying about the actual content and that’s a

It’s important to tell a good story. Think about the stories you listen to in your life that your relatives tell
or your friends tell. If they’re well told, that’s what catches your attention.

There has to be some resonance between the essay, the teachers and the classes.

The essay should make the admissions officers feel like they’ve had a conversation with you and want to
learn more.

Historical references can be a powerful way to frame one’s personal story or family history within a
broader ethnic, religious/spiritual, or social community.

While you may write an essay about a project that you worked on as a team or an experience that you
had as a team member, it’s always helpful to highlight your individual contribution
Mind map of my essay

It wasn’t that I rebelled against my instruction but rather I questioned because I wanted to know more
and to understand more deeply, refusing to accept blindly at face value.

Science provides answers to shit, religion doesn’t. you can contrast your journey in science with religion

Being blindfolded – the game where you put blindfold n your eyes and then you try to find people ---
how blindfold in on you --- similar to what religion taught you --

 Blindfold and listening to voices to achieve

 Madrassa – what it taught me
 Transition in lgs jt – science – what this taught me
 Connect it back to the conclusion

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