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From the discussion that we did in groups, varied

and very interesting opinions were obtained, like
the one of Sheyla who is reading Matilda, she says
that she liked this book a lot, because it is
interesting, in the book she was able to find protagonists for example, Matilda, she said that
Matilda is a special girl because she is brilliant, intelligent and she likes to read. Sheyla said
that the books transported her to different worlds and she knew the main characters who
lived in a surprising way.
Another issue that the book has in its pages is that their parents of Matilda hadn´t worries,
because they always left Matilda at home while they went to other places.
Sheyla said that the most interesting thing in this text was the importance of reading and
learning new topics and setting aside Tv. Has seen the movie on different occasions, but the
book is more complete than the movie. To this opinion we add the one of Maria del Carmen
who is also reading "Matilda" she mentioned that the second conditional was used,
comparative adjectives, she had difficulty pronouncing and the meaning of different words,
she mentioned some of these words: " suffer "," blinded "," blisten "," heck ".
Gladys who had read “The Notebook” told us that the text had words that didn’t know the
meaning, so she had to use a dictionary, the author of the text makes an autobiography,
many consider it strange but for the author he has a normal life, the expressions are
sometimes difficult to understand, she mentioned some of these words: "trend", "resemble"
Finally Sharmely who is reading “Harry Potter” told us that she loved the text, that the way
in which the author described the characters was mysterious and very interesting. She
stressed that she didn´t know the meaning of the word "thin" that she had never heard

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