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Philippine Christian University

SY 2019 – 2020



“So let’s not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a
harvest of blessing if we don’t give up.”
-Galatians 6:9

Name: __________________________________________________ Date: ____________

Year & Section: ___________________________________________ Score: ___________
Test I. Analyze and choose the meaning of the underlined word in each sentence with the help of context clues.
Write the letter of your answer on the blank provided before the number.

______1. At the new conference, the president received a barrage of questions. The reporters asked one after the
A. minimal B. least C. few D. abundance
______2. Our driveway was gelid yesterday, just like the ice in the freezer, but it has thawed out since then.
A. hard B. hot C. icy D. cracked
______3. Cristine used a parasol, which is like an umbrella, to block the sun.
A. umbrella to block the sun B. beach towel C. sunscreen D.raincoat
______4. Jonathan was chosen as the emissary for the tenth grade. He will represent us at the state spelling
A. rival B. enemy C. judge D. representative
______5. An edifice, such as the Empire State Building, can take years to build.
A. coal mine B. steel C. concrete wall D. tall building
______6. The servant burnished the silver vase, rubbing hard to bring back the shine.
A. polished B. pounded C. clouded D. tarnished
______7. Melissa sauntered over to our table while Cheryl hurried over.
A. walked in a slow, relaxed way B. jog C.beat rapidly D.ran
______8. The insidious burglar was able to speak into the house without being heard or seen.
A. strong B. sneaky C. horror D. clumsy
______9. The artist was very careful and exact as he meticulously painted the portrait.
A. hurriedly B. precise or detailed C. careless D. sloppy
______10. The sight of the ominous clouds told us that clear weather was far from our area.
A. stormy or dark B. clear C. bright D. fair
______11. The bank robber kept his hostage captive for twenty-four hours until he decided to emancipate him.
A. set free B. hold C. keep D. tie with a rope
______12. The buoyant raft floated on the water like a feather.
A. sinking B. floatable C. fat D. heavy
______13. The tornado annihilated the whole town to the point that nothing was left standing.
A. saved B. created C. destroyed D. build
______14. Although Tom was anxious about the test, Jerry was not worried at all.
A. forgetful B. very worried C. calm D. relaxed
______15. While Lily was careful not to be seen as she peeked out the window, Rosie was not as cautious and
was caught peeking.
A. risky B. careful C. careless D. caring

Test II. Write the appropriate word on the blank by adding suffix to the word inside the parentheses.

16. They had to __________________ the lion before they could catch it. (tranquil)
17. There were only a __________________ of people at the baseball match. (hand)
18. I can’t take him anymore! He was acting in a very __________________ way. (child)
19. My eight-year-old nephew dreams to be an ___________ someday. (engine)
20. The team that we supported were able to win the__________________. (champion)
21. She arrived late at work because she had a long and ________________ night due to insomnia. (sleep)
22. The exchange student’s ______________ has been expected for the last half an hour. (arrive)
23. Tracy stares at her __________________ in the mirror every morning. (reflect)
24. The panel of professors couldn't find any __________________ in his theory during the defense. (weak)
25. Your classmates are reviewing for the next exam, minimize your voice and be ______________. (consider)
Test III. Dissect the given words appropriately. The first one has been done for you. (25 points)


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Test IV. Read and analyze each phrase. Put a (+) sign to the one with a positive connotation and a (-) sign next
to the one with a negative connotation on the space provided.
51. ___a powerful stink, ___ a powerful aroma
52. ___a dynamic leader, ___a pushy leader
53. ___old people, ___elderly people
54. ___a reckless plan, ___ a bold plan
55. ___ energetic children, ___wild children
56. ___ stubborn suitor, ___ a persevering suitor
57. ___ a sexy chick, ___ a beautiful lady
58. ___ a relaxed friend, ___ a lazy friend
59. ___ showing self-esteem, ___ showing self-conceit
60. ___ answered with arrogance, ___ answered with confidence
61. ___ a difficult question, ___ a challenging question
62. ___ out-of-date product, a time-tested product
63. ___ childish, ___ youthful
64. ___ a thrifty person, ___ a stingy person
65. ___ a box crammed with documents, ___ a box filled with documents

Test V. Choose the connotative meaning of the underlined words. Encircle the letter of your answer.

66. Emily now lies at rest in the churchyard.

A. Period of relaxing, sleeping or doing nothing. B. To lie dead and buried. C. To recover strength.

67. When the police questioned Carter, he acted dumb.

A. condition of being stupid B. temporarily unable or unwilling to speak. C. lacking the power of speech

68. Our neighbor Parker is a greasy person.

A. coated with oil or grease B. unappealing or undesirable C. containing with too much fat.

69. The rat tried to get me to loan him my cell phone!

A. one who betrays or deserts friends or associates B. any of numerous rodents differing from the related mice.
C. typically having a pointed snout and a long, sparsely haired tail.

70. Harry is a chicken; he cannot face his enemies face to face.

A. a small animal that tastes good B. a domestic fowl kept for its eggs C. Coward or is afraid to face danger

Choose the DENOTATIVE MEANING of the underlined words. Encircle the letter of your answer.
71. I saw a white dove flying against a blue sky.
A. a small bird that is docile and harmless. B. peace C. a shampoo

72. In recent months, home prices continued to increase.

A. a place where a person feels most safe. B. the goal or end point. C. a place where a person resides.

73. I love the deep blues of the ocean.

A. melancholy or depressed B. refers to a primary color C. feeling sad

74. He was the victim of a very brutal murder.

A. violent to the point of entertaining B. direct/ lacking any attempt to disguise unpleasantness.
C. savagely violent or cruel

75. The Queen's crown was made of gold.

A. a circular ornamental headdress worn by a monarch B. symbol of authority C. means royalty and power

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