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4 A eailtsro SIRe FRAT Government of India siafter fasreiDepartment of Space fast anteng siafter Sq / VIKRAM SARABHAl SPACE CENTRE FereaeieTRAT J Thiruvananthapuram - 695 022 SM CEC ACER WRITTEN TEST FOR SELECTION TO THE POST OF DRAUGHTSMAN-B (MECHANICAL) ADVT. NO. 297 Fe H.1350/Post No.1350 fafevDate: 10.12.2017 ‘walftta sia/Maximum Marks : 320 ‘warafTime :2 W212 hours ai¥areif ait aTa/Name of the candidate : arEAIAIROll no. aeafeat & fer srager/Instructions to the Candidates eS a ee ee anes ot feat ther & fore You have been called for the writen test based on the online data furnished by you in the web application, IF you have wrongly entered in the web any information or you do not possess the required ‘qualification as per our advertisement, your candidature will be rejected. WRar.UF, 80 Wea a aaa ea-ghecaT a STAT she Te Hr staf 02 we TI The Question paper isin the form of Question Booklet with 80 questions and the duration of the test is 02 hours. Un Rael afer aeqeS wa & wea eet Pet & Aah ww sierra a wet eT | The questions will be objective type with four options out of which only one will be unambiguously correct. weds wet fae 04 sie abt sie rete arent See Shere way say HIT STAT | Each question carries 04 marks and one mark will be deducted for each wrong answer. seat Sear Set ah ere SANT fet AAA HeeT HCAS Sea-GRTHT gt STAAN A separate OMR answer sheet with carbon coated copy wil be provided to mark the answer options, Bo a, Seer afecrenr H Faw are arepeett as repA, aArcHesTeH SATE afer IgE Vet T HCAS See- afer a aie fther stterer ait afer AL EN Te A TIT AAT You have to select the right answer by marking the corresponding oval on the OMR answer sheet by bluefblack ball point pen. aR Ret a HAT SA Se Ae AAT ATTA Multiple answers for a question will be regarded as wrong answer. PTO Nee a 10. 1 2 B. 14, 16. saz ant ata di afta vea-g faa Avi ais, WHI Sect Gere oe Prfewe Tae aL freer eneel Question booklet code printed on the too right comer should be written in the OMR answer sheet in the space provided. sear Ff Se aT aT TET STEHT TET FOE Enter your Name and Roll Number correctly in the question booklet. ihre Sea gfe A wa wae Ata ea Ay her TFC A A TAT TN AHATT Allentries in the OMR answer sheet should be with blue/black ball point pen only. udterr eta Bitaras fy safeater a & aire at eit Peane oe FETT HAT TAT You should sign the hall ticket only in the presence of the Invigilator in the examination hal. Computers, calculators, mobile phones and other electronic gadgets, text books, notes etc., will not be allowed inside the written test hall. her wt de oe, sie sea oboe Bl oe & Seat ee SHS athe ae aT Sea: fara fares at ae cen gah fet sires oar wah On completion ofthe test, tear the OMR answer sheet along the perforation mark at the top and hand over the original OMR answer sheet to the invigiator and retain the duplicate copy with you. rear yfRerar ae aeH ay GTA TE AA EL The question booklet can be retained by the candidates. der ds wera Ge dy cher sreaPelatt at olan slot alga AM area AT SI Candidates are not permitted to leave the examination hall during the first hour ofthe examination. 2 1350 é ¥.1350 /Draughtsman. (Mech) Post No.1350 ‘fe fire 7a aeare ar afta ATT Measured size of a finished product is (a) aieafas arare/Actual size (b) _finitgar arere/Dimensioned size (©) SHEA APATUProduction size (d) Ae APRTEBasic size ‘Pra Reng ay ates Svar Ht eATAAT Identify the type of bolt shown in the figure. (a) TratreiRag Bolt () qT aTELewis Bolt (© Fe AexiCotter Bolt (@ sek 8a eH at AEtINone of the above ‘Prater #8 ahaa sqareag (Gterhiay vard % fore aftard erent we 8? Which of the following is not an essential property for refractory material? (a) sy faaqa arrtaV/High electrical conductivity (©) StatyLong life © Wer fre arom gaa gas TT aT Minimum contraction and expansion due to temperature variation @® av arHeat insulation ATRIA UF. BUNitriding isa (sh dt ate Re FS ota are af heating process given to the required portion of the work piece (b) ye gltaren afer Pat a he at anita are after Par ser By case hardening process in which work piece is heated in a steam of ammonia (© React ar site act gE ge gtr af a case hardening process using electricity (@) srten FF we At aetNone of the above 3 1350 fara H fang ve get at veaTPAT/Adentify the type of thread shown in the figure (a) 34 EEiButtress thread (e) Ata ehread (c) Ava aei/Sellers thread (@) feat ast Whitworth thread site pst ce Pe eg oh me rahe aber eT Te HT TT & In AutoCAD, what is the command for arraying an object on a helix? (a) FeefRVARRAYHELIX (6) @e/ARRAYPATH (c) HHRTEA/ARRAYSPLINE (@) ATATEAVARRAYLINE afar t Rah aga a... FETE Ratio of Stress to Strain is known as (a) AT ATTA/Young's modulus (b) — CATAT HTTAPoisson's ratio © TaPressure (® FilForce amereagr Peat ar PRH.. Serer ot are pe are wef aero 3 Rea ara & Baseline dimensions are referenced from a common geometric feature known as (@ Fl/Comer () FWEdge (© =Datum (@ FRR FEyPoint of reference aren rhe Ber A ae At ee or ats W aT TAT & aa Ge ae HAR sare TT. erm When a load W is applied on a bar of cross sectional area A, the average stress induced in the bar will be @ WA (6) WRA (© 2WIA @ 3WiA 4 1350 10. ul 12. 13, 14, wea feahae F.... ‘Eat RUA simple mechanism has (@) 2 #fEai/links &) 4 #Bi/links (© 5 #4 4i/links (@ 6 *FRaH/links wrrtiace Rect a as .. l/The purpose of idler pulley is (@) WET TATA HATE TAAT/to maintain belt tension (b) fireft ft aft sro FeAT/for starting motion of pulley (©) ateare aft Fz FeA/for stopping motion frequently (@ aft a 90°ss afafefs FerT/for changing motion to 90° Fara fearg wf ar. ‘The key shown in the figure @) Fa (ae) aT Feather key (b) um sfitfarett ari/single headed key (©) FTE ATV Woodruff key (d) | Ur aretPeg key ‘wa om her HEAT At ATTA When cam undergoes dwell, the follower (@) Peart aca Bremains at rest (b) WaHAATA TH A AcraT Bmoves with uniform speed (©) Wear aad aA H FeAT B/moves with simple harmonic motion (© sefe HA cH at wEnone of the above eon Chef ere af atest ar eats ahah PT arr anfent ‘The maximum circumferential pitch of the bolts for leak proof flanged joint should be (@ 15vd (b) 10Vdto20Vd =) 20d to 30d @ — SNdto20Vd ‘wai a! atee fea ara Bi/where 'd’ is bolt hole diameter 5 1350 16. 17, aaftr arora. fare ear arar al Bearings are used for @ ) © @ ward Ud 1 FT FeA/reducing shock and vibration arisft quis azTA/increasing frictional co-efficient ntoft quie 7 FCHreducing frictional coefficient gag #8 aE wAi/none of these A Re ay Rea a ae Fw A ETAT Identify the type of nut from the following figure ® ob) © @ ‘SHA Te/Slotted nut wer 7z/Ring nut arf /Cap nut ‘pceem 7z/Capston nut rane FRR afi A cera PATA al Riveted joint has lowest efficiency in case of @ () © @ sitar aTaAT FT “AMLAYMOV" ATER... ‘ga feafea ae afP/double riveted butt joint a Rated ae afB/double riveted lap joint same Peat 9 ABsingle riveted lap joint a Salts Rafea ae afB/double zig zag riveted butt joint "AMLAYMOV" command in AutoCAD software is to, @ ) © @ Aeq H UF KAT A TA/move object to a layer FFE e ae Al UH HATE HAC TE A APA/move object to a working layer FRX HT Ha FIT TC ATA/move object to a part layer ‘safer FA wa ft sTai/none of the above 1350 20. 1000 Praft. arg & Peet ae at 5 Rha. ow dtaa cesar wae A Paght Fret Bh? ‘A rod of 1000 mm length has elongated by 5 mm, What is the strain in the rod? @ 05 95 (©) 1005 (0.005 Prater # 8 ahaa gaat wa vers 3? Which one is the most ductile material? (a) 4g FEWAMild steel (0) Beat ateT/Cast iron (©) 7ATAGlass (@ er etea/Tool steel Prafetire Rt. TTT FAT The figure shown represents (a) atea/Boss (b) - FSeTATW/Counterbore (©) Fite FA/Spot face (@) —-#TSeeeH/Countersunk ‘Prater H & ahaa wast Bate AAR BP Which one is the hardest pencil? @ B () HB © H @ 2H AS eae Rea Fa TS var a eaTAAT Identify the type of thread from the following figure (a) a4 —VButtress thread (b) Ta yVRound thread (©) waa Knuckle thread (@) TH Ha TH A aEINone of the above i 1350 25. 26. 21. 28. PRA AEG RI cnenen BBP rer a Paar wc re Peak aT =I a BI fa product. Position tolerance is given to control the deviation in the ~ (@) FSH AFT shape of the product (&) ftafor sf#rr/manufacturing process (c)__ fart erert } earA/location of a feature (@) Peet carr afhifaerra/orientation of a feature tie, Afr eee a CERT eH A GA AMET A SATA Bo PT TAT aL Shaft having their axes parallel but not in alignment are coupled using (arf cqftatay HaTUniversal coupling (b) 71 FATFlexible coupling (o) Steeeret FAA/Oldhams coupling (4) FBT AATA/Flanged coupling ante x? — 7x +12 = 0 WAT (F). Root of the equation x? — 7x + 12 @ 3,4} &® 3.4 © 4 @ 8 8 are FA (x— 2)? + (y+ 1)? = 25 AT Fe. Centre of the circle (x — 2)? + (y +1)? = 25 is @® 21 ® 2D © @D ® @D -& Rear aq acer ar ra _arahra rare ‘The welding symbol shown indicates @ Praag ye aces frat ora g ‘welding to be carried out atthe sight ) at ace aesa Pe aT es a welding to be done all round (©) Wares at aa a afer ‘weld flush with surface @ aeeia at none of the above 8 1350 29. 30. ai. 32. cafe Safer ara dee % oer A ca far FS a AE .. a If the bearing pressure is perpendicular to the axis of the shaft, then itis (a) Gera FafEMPivot bearing (b) waite Fafer/Thrust bearing (©) sete AafET/Journal bearing © STH s UH At TEnone of the above A Re ay Raia aver var aT TTA Identify the type of Valve from the following figure (@) Fave aIraULift valve (b) FANS aTrd/slide valve (©) FAT aTaFlap valve (@) sTtH HA TH Ht TENone of the above was ote H, eT awe wae Ina flanged joint, the flanges are joined by (a) Fa Ae/bolt and nut (b) (©) re/weld (@ yauve aivithread ‘afV/brazing Para wefte & fice Few St qr Fea ara B7/Fillet weld is represented by the symbol @ WK o Oo = @ 1350 33 34. 35. 36. BT AAR sone BT PoftrFbaT TET RU Tolerance zone is defined by (a) Fara Shar — yet STATYMinimum Limit - Basic Size (&) walftre afar —ypr srwT/Maximum Limit Basic Size (©) walfere efter — prem Ata Maximum Limit - Minimum Limit (@) sae Few At wElNone of the above sate se HT a aa aS at Het aegeTOTH TEPTAT aT B? ‘Type of drawing which helps for maintenance of machines (a) SeHET sHLEM/Production drawing (b) FHWA ALEM/Assembly drawing (co) faestfea ayqaT aXeExploded Assembly drawing (@ sree HA TH at aE None of the above Ceara haga a. on WERE Ratio of distance to time is known as (@) eWAcceleration (b) 3WVelocity (c) #/Momentum (@ sahw FA UH HH AAiMNone of the above wear fae. .. THF TEA BV/Hook's law holds good upto (@) Yard Ft gare fetg/Yield point of the material (&) Tard ft carer AT Elastic limit of the material (o) yard ft catftew AtT/Plestic limit of the material (@) asia Fg/Breaking point 10 1350 31, 38. 39, 40. 41. 42, caf Fret oft ere a pacer err gap Par ara 3 at Ree TATE arama If gravitational acceleration at any place is doubled, then the weight of the body will become (@) wavhalt (ob) AHTA/same © 3¥Athimes (@) 2 3Attimes “megan BS mea a aT AR wep PT TAT FS TABATA ee FBT A closed vessel made of steel and used for the generation of steam is ealled a (a) ATT aT7AA/steam boiler (be) ST 2) SHETEllipse (©) taateParabola (@) #feaTaerA/Hyperbola 90 Feet Sf oer A A ae cor Sealer ae Hae UH TTA aE AT CET TT Bl TET aaah ary wae PRR TEA [A thin rod is kept at 30deg inclined to HP and parallel to VP. lts true length is seen in @ arasrTPlan (6) SATFWElevation (©) arise gar sare SaT/Both plan and elevation (@ FAT TH A aTinone of these 42,3 a8 ptyty at BWValue of 5 +542 is @ 710 (910 © 925 @ fea serra Foerster ar ar 33 81 aa at sto ahah 87 ‘Sum of three consecutive odd numbers is 33. What is the largest number? @ u ® 2 © B © 13 m7 1350 53. 34, 55. RATER TAT ITA connee FTE RATT A A sphere in isometric projection is seen as @ FwCircle (b) aterw/Sphere © ShfqaEllipse @ astaTvoval we fae i aid At stearate Pa oar agra ae FETE ‘The ratio of number of teeth in a gear divided by pitch diameter is called (@) array fea/Diametral pitch (b) Heyer Fa/Module pitch (c) #18 Fa/Chordal pitch (@)-Favare fa/Circular pitch atr-at cH wsilrare afar Te B7/Which is not a heat treatment process? @) after7/Annealing () TATIT=TECH/Normalising (©) BxeVTempering @ BsFrForging frac ar svt... 3 fare at Pra sTaT1/Gear is not used to (a) afer # afer aTA/Increase power (b) WR H gfe aTFIncrease speed (c) wf # aaft aTADecrease speed (d) 24 ZF aTAincrease torque 14 1350 37. 59. wat Laren afer aerate aft a acer a aT BI Acam can transmit irregular intermittent motion by (a) wf erHSliding contact (ob) Aert HThRolling contact (©) TraT At SF /Both (a) and (b) @ TA TH At aMH/none of these arcane alfa At araerna TeAaTe aa a as area fore Fase rare At aA SAT e ‘What type of joint is suitable for long and big pipes requiring frequent service? (@) PHT BFlanged joint (bo) 3feea afi Welded joint (c) Weta AAHThreaded joint @ Aa TH A aaiNone of these ars reat Boater a ater HEA Fee Poe PefSer er sett Pear sar & ‘To make the diameter smaller in the pipe lines, what fitting is used? @® Ate (0) FteftVElbow © FAAVCoupling @ arara/Reducer AT STAT A AT aa a Raw ava aaa Pea rar Vt Rotary motion is converted to linear motion using @ er frreSpur gear (&) Aaa FrreBevel gear (©) twa fafrRack and pinion @ Sefer freruhelical gear 15 1350 61. 62. 63, renter & ahaa eon sre epten reeht Sor Hara ot ET aE? ‘Which of the following is the correct order of cycle in a four stroke IC engine? (a) 49%, afte, ae, M7A/Suction, compression, power, exhaust (b) TI, 7h, La, HIzA/Suction, power, exhaust, compression (© FHT, ay, Hise suction, exhaust, power, compression @ FU, aise, ta, ef/Suction, compression, exhaust, power ‘Pew afte disor 3 fig Prater # & Pree orate ear ara 87 ‘Which of the following is used for low power transmission? (a) AOE WET Flat belt (b) *tferer TzT/Round belt (© A-WETV-belt @)-Fg-aTFATe TEVMulti grooved belt aprran arag wr aR Rrea rarer ag Tite ea A? Which surface symbol represents smoothest surface? WY WY VW Vv @ ) © @ ‘salam ae Hf® at wAtF/Symbol for Double-bevel butt joint NGPA restr @ &) © @ 16 1350 65. 66. 67. fae Reare re ga a are aT ‘Name the coupling shown in the figure @ ) © @ 75 FT/Muff coupling anf oy qra/Half lap coupling ‘fase AH F7A/Split muff coupling ERIC -EAa/Flanged coupling are tr aT 8? Which one is the wrong symbol? @ © © ® ‘FReAT/Straightness ‘PHATE /Flatness ‘8a/Circularity ©oul ‘Sa /Cylindricity aera te aha 82 Which one is the wrong symbol? @) ® © @ ‘Gaia Parallelism = aafttara/Run out f ‘cist/Perpendicularity — _|_ BAfhrrat/Angulaty —— Z 17 1350 68. Fararx far} fore Va TET ATA 22/Which is the correct standard for circular dimension? & | I (- i (a) (b) © @ 69. Far i fearg w§ faarnen fete a1 aT AATETI/Name the dimensioning method shown in figure 65 45 25 35 25 @ Fear fraTECT/Chain dimensioning () aarar feHTH/Continuous dimensioning (© ania Mare/Parallel dimensioning @ _ afters Pearee7/Running dimensioning 70. Frraferfere weft # ‘at eat $2/What is ‘a’ in the following symbol? b off) a e\/d Zi (a) wefifivt ge/Machining allowance (6) SAT ATA/Roughness value (©) ser diet Ft FeeT/Direction of lay (@ afew carg/sampling length A 18 1350 1. 2. Far & feare ae afta ware HT ATA ATE Name the type of section shown in figure. @) (6) © @ frrcarfirt oft-82/Removed section ‘fea wRaae/Broken section aftafiter tse /Revolved section sit 7ftaz/part section faa & fReare a7 afteae & ware FT ATH TATETU/Name the type of section shown in figure. pot af=ae/Full section atnte aftaz/Ofiset section afer SPR-Bz/Aligned section aaiat afteae/Parallel section 19 1350 73. wet afewatta Gea Ft TeTfATI/dentify the correct sectional view 14, fie fee H at ea TEaTPTI/Mdentify the correct view in the direction of arrow. @ ) © @) A 20 1350 8. 16. 7. B. ‘Fra ¥ feare ay Fite ar aH TATSEW/Name the gear shown in figure. <3 (@) tf tar afga/Worm and wheel (&) re FeTeSpur gear (©) Feet frreHelical gear (@) Fat FrTeBevel gear ‘ert 18, 12, 17, 9, 25, 23, 27 Te. Range of the numbers 18, 12, 17, 9, 25, 23, 27 is (@) 18 ) 9 © 27 @ 20 firdt anrax aq & at Pace Fo 2x + 30 and 4x — 60%, at x FATT a ‘Two adjacent angles of a parallelogram are 2x + 30 and 4x — 60, then the value of x is @ 60 & 35 © 6 @ 2 ‘Pea # Pere ae Hela & Res ar aA TATETV/Name the machine part shown in figure e A OQ) (a) afet/Bearing (&) «See war Fafa Ratchet and pinion (©) Saar feaT/Chain wheel @ «eae FrawSpur gear 2 1350 79. 80. fea # Reve me gene Sr ATT TATETI/Name the coupling shown in figure (a) () © @ 1% I7TA/Mulf coupling ‘

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