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Nama : Maya Syarah Ritonga

Nim : 160170034
Jurusan : Teknik Informatika

The Importance Of IMTAK In Improving IPTEK

Standing over here, I would like to give my greatest thanks to Allah the Almighty, Who
has been giving me and you all His Mercies and Blessings without stopping days to days, hours
to hours, even seconds to seconds. Without those all, we will never be here to listen my short but
important speech. Then, Sholawat be to Muhammad, our messenger who has given us many
teachings to live in this world and here after. May we all be the great person to follow His ways.

Honorable The Judges and all of the lecturers here, and love for the audiences in this

Ladies and gentleman

in this occasion, I want to say thank you because I have given opportunity to deliver my short

We have already known that in this time education is the most important in our life,
because it can be usefull for us to make our own life, even in the world or in the next life. Our
prippet Muhammad SAW said :

Man aroda dunya falaihi bil ilmi wa man arodal akhirota falaihi bil ilmi

wa man aroda huma faalaihi bil ilmi

Means : Those who seek the world it must have Sciences whoever wants Hereafter it must have a
Science and whoever wants world and hereafter it also must have knowledge (HR. Muslim)

The honorable audiences

The first Provisions of science that we need to learn is about faith and devotion. Because
of faith and devotion is the basic foundation for a person to follow the times today. With this
provision also we know what is good and what is bad, what is halal (allowed) and what is haram
(not allowed). With this provision also we have a good moral and noble character.

My beloved friends

What is important in addition to the provision of faith and devotion (IMTAQ) we need to
learn is, the provision of science and technology (Science and Technology) so we do not become
gaptek sophisticated we need to prepare a sufficient stock of knowledge that we are not out of

Even 1430 years ago, our Prophet Muhammad SAW warned us all to learn horseback riding,
running, swimming and even archery. This proves that we need to equip ourselves with adequate
knowledge so that one day we'll be a formidable generation of quality and high competitiveness
in the modern era of globalization.

Happy audiences here

Do you know, Why do we have to master IPTEK? There are three reasons why we have to
master IPTEK, are:
1. The science that had belonged to Islam brought by Western countries (or in other words
stolen). Western countries want Islam fall into slump.
2. Prevent any other colonialists. Still remember how Indonesia was colonized by the
Dutch decades ago? Yes, it was due to them because of the people of Indonesia when it
was still stupid, so gullible and pitted sheep, so the easier it is we colonized.
3. There are efforts to weaken the Muslims of the idea of progress of science and
technology by by western .

Well, what's the impact of science and technology advancement for Muslims?
Church officials at the Vatican, Rome held a conference attended by high-ranking church from
various parts of the world. They discussed the rapid development of Islam in Europe. They say
the only way that Islam does not develop again is NO longer tolerate Islam in Europe.

Well, because this is the progress of science and technology greatly impact the lives of
Muslims. In order not inferior to other nations, it should we need to unite science and technology
to master it.

The impact of science and technology for the Islam of course there are two types.

First, a positive impact. Like what? Let's see which presents a variety of media such as SMS
programs Hadith, PocketQuran on the Internet, or various post-Islamic others .

If there is a positive impact, of course we will talk about the opposite. The negative impact of
technology is very much. Why? Because of this age teknoloogi has controlled the western
nations. Just look to the Internet. Everywhere there must be a lot of postings that are contrary to
Islam. In fact, as if to invite us to leave Islam.

My beloved friends

If we have the Faith and devotion as well as master of Science and Technology will be
able to make our lives happier in the world and hereafter. Because, if we only mastered science
and technology without followed by Faith and Devotion intelligence then it will only produce a
generation of arrogant and bossy own. Therefore, let us learn with earnest and we hope one day
later one day we all will be a great and successful generation by mastering IMTAQ and science
and technology.

Ladies and gentleman

Hopefully Allah always bless our steps conveniences members to become fruitful and
successful children not only in the world but also in the hereafter.

Thank you very much for your attention, if many mistake of rudeness I make, I really ask
apologize. And finally I say.

Assalamualaikum wr. wb

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