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Chapter 4 deals with the role and functions of ICT and computer and the impact brought to education over time.

Intended Learning Outcome

At the end of this chapter, you are expected to:
 Analyse the impact of ICT and computer to education.


Most of the things we use and do nowadays involve the use of technology. Students
and teachers make use of these when they try to communicate, to learn, to access
information, to entertain, and even to help them in daily tasks. All these
technologies that surrounds us are known today as Information and
Communications Technologies (ICT). Based from the definition given by United
Nations Development programme (UNDP): “ICTs are basically information-
handling tools- a varied set of goods, application and services that are used to
produce, store, process, distribute and exchange information”. Computers are
considered part of ICT. Even old technologies are considered part of ICT.
ICT has transformed every aspect in the teaching and learning process. Below,
let’s find out the roles of ICT in education.
1. It can serve multiple teaching functions. ICT can be used as drill and practice, to help solve problems, to access information in
different fields.
2. It can be used different teaching and learning modes. These learning modes (spring, 2004) include: classroom interactive
learning, independent learning, networked learning, organizational learning and managed learning.
3. Information can be delivered in an instant. Because of the internet, you can deliver information in a wide coverage at low cost.

ICT created an enormous growth over the past years in the field of education. It has changed many aspect in the teaching and
learning process as it affects the educational system, educational learning environment, teaching methods and strategies and
the way the students learn.

Let’s find out how the development of ICT had made a great impact in education.

1650 – The Horn Book. This is a wooden paddle 1830 – Analytical Engine. Charles baggage
with printed lessons that was used during the designed this second computing machine which
colonial era. You can find on the paper was used in calculating complicated problems by
alphabets and a religious verse which children following a set of instructions.
would copy to help them how to write.

1870 – Magic Lantern. This is a primitive

1820 – Difference Engine. Charles
version of slide projector that projected
Babbage was the one who designed this
images printed on glass plates.
computing machine which was used in
calculating and printing of simple math
1890 – The school slate was invented.
1930 – Overhead Projector.
1890 – Chalkboard. The chalkboard is one of the OHP was initially used by the
biggest inventions in terms of educational technology U.S. military for training
which is still being used up to this age. purpose in World War II, but
later on quickly spread to
schools and other

1936 – The First Computer.

This was the first freely
1900 – Pencil. The pencil is usually found in the programmable computer.
classroom, in the office and even at home.

1905 – Stereoscope. This is a

three dimensional viewing
tool used as a source of
entertainment at home and
in school that were meant to 1940 – Ballpoint Pen. This is a
be used to illustrate points useful tool in the classroom.
made during lectures.

1920 – Radio. Radio was used

for on-air classes which began
popping up for any student Mimeograph.
within listening range. Mimeograph machines
made copies that can
be distributed.

1947 - Transistor. The

transistor was invented by
Bell Telephone Company
which is one of the vital
Skinner Teaching Machine.
components of the
B.F. Skinner , a behavioural
scientist, developed a series
of devices such as the
teaching machine that
1950 – Headphones. allowed a student to
Headphones are used in proceed at his or her own
schools for some listening pace through a regimented
skills and to do individual program of instruction.
listening for audio files and
the like. Slide Rule. Slide Rule which was
developed by William Oughtred and
others. Before and advent of pocket
1925 – Film calculator, it was the most commonly
Projector. It is also used calculation tool in science and
called movie engineering.
projector which is
Mouse. This pointing device which is still being used
used for projecting
today was invented by Douglas Engelbart.
moving images from

TI-81 Calculator. This calculator graphs up to four math

functions at once developed by Texas instruments.
1953 – IBM. International Business Machines (IBM) came out 2010 – Apple IPad was released.
with their first computer machine.
2015 – Interactive Mobile Apps have become the
1958 – Educational Television. Using this, there were more center of effective classroom learning.
than channels of TV which included educational
programming that aired across the country. ROLES AND FUNCTIONS OF COMPUTERTS
Computers are part of ICT and play
1959 – Photocopier. Xerographic office photocopying was a significant role in life. There is not a single day
introduced by Xerox that passes without us opening our computers. In
several cases, we spend time at work and at home
1963 – Computer Assisted Instruction (CAI). Stanford on a computer. Computers have changed many
aspects in our lives especially in the field of
University introduced computer-assisted instruction in
education. Teachers and students would agree that
mathematics and reading and allowing students to take self-
computers make their live easier and at the same
paced, active roles in drill-and-practice. time complicated. Easier because it aids us in
working with documents and other things; and
1965 – Filmstrip Viewer. Filmstrip viewer allows individual complicated because we need to keep on learning
student to watch filmstrip at their own pace. and adapting to the new trends that computers
offer us. Complicated may it seems, it is a fact that
1969 – Internet. The first internet was called ARPANET, computers facilitate education, making it easier for
students to learn and for teachers to teach. The
which is an interconnected network of computer network.
way the students learn and the teachers teach goes
far beyond already since the introduction of
1972 – Handheld Calculator. Handheld calculator entered computers in the early years.
the classroom for quick mathematical calculations. Many researches have
enumerated the roles and functions of computers.
1972 – The Scantron System of Testing. This was introduced Among them are the following:
1. Computers can increase productivity.
by Michael Sokolski which allowed teachers to check and
Through computers, students and
grade tests more quickly and efficiently.
teachers can perform their task well. For
1973. The first mobile phone was released. students, they can create their homework
and do research quickly. For teachers,
1974 – Birth of Microsoft. preparing lessons, checking and grading
them are most easy. The time that they
1977 – The Apple II Computer can save be used for others tasks.

1980 – Plato Computer. The Plato was one of the most-used 2. Computers facilitate communication
early computers. between students, teachers, and
1985 – CD ROM drive. CD-ROM is a storage medium that There are many communication tools
could store text, video and audio. that are used today to be able to
communicate to students, fellow
1985 – 87 – Era of Educational Computer Games. Examples
teachers, administrators as well as
of this are: Mavis Beacon that can teach how to type fast,
parents. Some of these tools can also be
Carmen Sandiego that involves learning in geography, and used submit assignments, share lessons
Number Munchers that aimed about enhancing the digitally, which can be considered as a
mathematical skills. form of communication.
1990 – The World Wide Web. Tim Berners Lee gave life to
WWW, which is an interconnection of hyperlinked 3. Computers are used to access large
amounts of information.
Learning today is not confined to using
prescribed textbooks. Many of the
1991 – Laptop. The first laptop is the PowerBook. information that our students need can
1996 – Mini Computers. Nokia introduced a phone that had easily be found from the internet where
there is a vast amount of information.
internet capabilities. This started a revolution of devices that
were small portable computers.
4. Computers are brilliant aids in teaching.
1998 – First e-book reader was released. Computers are used as an aid in learning
through different academic software, soft
1993 – Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs). These were
support tools, and productivity tools.
released by Apple Computer Inc. and were used for
Teachers can use presentation software
computing storing information and even keeping schedules. for a more interactive and interesting
1999 – Interactive Whiteboard. Interactive whiteboard is an delivery of lessons. Teachers can also use
the different software support tools to
instructional tool that allows computer images to be
allow them to generate materials and
displayed on the whiteboard which can later on be
gather data.
manipulated by teachers and students.
5. Computers facilitate an electronic format
for storage of information.

One good thing about the computer is

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