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Group B Unit 2

Everyday English
1 a
2 b
1 a
2 b
3 c

1 a
2 b
3 b
4 a
5 d

Audio Script

Presenter Hello, everyone. Today I’m on the remote island of Shola where, thanks to
funding by the local government and following years of campaigning, building has
recently started on a new community centre. This is an exciting new project that could
change the community here forever. Up until now, the only place for people to socialize
was in the hall of the local primary school. The centre promises to provide a much-
needed focal point for the local community. I’m here with a local resident, Sally Turner,
to hear what she has to say about it. Hello, Sally.
Sally Hi.
Presenter So, after all the hard work, things are happening at last.
Sally Yes, it’s great news. I’m just glad that our voices have finally been heard. There
has been so much demand for a place like this, so we appreciate the efforts of
everyone who has helped this to become a reality.
Presenter What will it mean to local residents?
Sally Community spirit is central to our village and other nearby villages, so activities at
the new centre will reflect this. We hope it will become a thriving social meeting point
and local cultural centre. There will be painting and dance classes for retired residents
in the mornings, and it will be kid-friendly during the afternoons with things like
playgroups and after-school clubs. And then at night, there’ll be things like exhibitions,
keep-fit classes and social evenings for the adults.
Presenter Sounds great. So, do you know when it’s going to be ready?
Sally Well, we’ve been told it will have been completed by the time we have our annual
summer fair in July. You never know, though! These things often fall behind schedule,
but we’re hopeful they’ll be finished by then. There are a handful of local businesses
which are helping the construction companies to carry out the project, so we are relying
on them to keep everything moving and on schedule. They’ll also be using the centre,
so that’s good motivation.
Presenter And have you thought about how you’re going to keep the place running?
Sally As far as finances are concerned, we have a group of volunteers who are going to
care for the garden and who will be responsible for cleaning the building. This will cut
costs considerably, and we can also generate income through the hall, which can hold
up to 100 people. We’ll be renting it out for private parties, theatre nights and meetings
throughout the year. We’ve had a long time to think about this.
Presenter I can see that. And I hear there’s going to be a sports ground as well.
Sally Yes, that’s right. This will take the pressure off the primary school, whose sports
facilities are booked up months in advance by local clubs. The land where the
community centre will be built has been abandoned for a long time and there’s plenty of
room for a couple of football pitches. We just needed the go-ahead from the local
government office. At one point, they were planning on building a factory there, which
would have been very unappealing. The benefits of having the sports field go further
than simply having a space to play sport. It also protects the land from future building
work and maintains the attractiveness of our village, which is well known for its
beautiful scenery.
Presenter Well, thanks for talking to us today, Sally, and I hope that by this time next
year you’ll be celebrating the opening of the community centre.
Sally Me too. I’m looking forward to it.

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A grupa- Everyday English
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