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11- ABM 4

Fronda, Russel S.

The Filipinos’ Take on Youth Activism

What are you passionate about? What are you fighting for? In the words of Jose

Rizal, “the youth is the hope of the nation,” but while the children aren’t ready, it is the adults’

job to pave a brighter and safer future for the children, but that is not happening. The adults of

this country forgot about their responsibilities for this nation, therefore the task of paving a better

future are left to the children! It is now the youth’s job to build a better future for themselves,

because the people who are manning this country are failing to do so.

I’m sure that you’ve all seen the protests that happened this September 21, aligned

with Marcos’ declaration of Martial Law in this country. The yells of the Filipinos can be felt,

the more obvious were the students holding signages to appeal to the masses to not let it happen

again. From Espana to Morayta, from Katipunan to Taft and all over the country, the youth

raised arms to have their voices heard, but others barely listen to them. And the youths have

played a lot of key roles in propaganda movements, but they are still labeled as meddlesome,

attention seekers, ill-educated, and even a bothersome to our society, even though if the youths

are using their voices as their weapons to fight for our civilization.
Another example is the youth-led Climate Action where students all over protested,

pleading for environmental action to save the planet. I noticed that when Swedish youth-activist,

Greta Thunberg made a speech to the UN shaming the world leaders about their actions that led

to this climate crisis, Filipinos applauded her. when the youth of Lumad tribes have been

pleading for environmental action, we turned our backs, schools have been destroyed and

children have been killed, because the people of this country think so ill for our young Pilipino


It is safe to say that the portrayal of the youths are mostly negative, we have been

described as incapable of complying with social norms of our everyday life. Yes, they might be

true that some of us can be like that, but we shall diminish that kind of mindset, because most of

us are fearfully and wonderfully made! We are the asset of our country! And we are born to be a

builder. A conquerer, so, we, students need to quickly discover the need for activism ourselves,

and take up the banner of resistance. And see the world with fresh eyes and unblemished by

cynicism and corruption. Our nation needs us, so we deserve to take a step and use our voices to

fight the battles and show them we’re the hope of our future. Thank you.

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