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SUBJECT Pendidikan Sivik ( English )

CLASS Year 4
TIME 8.50 – 9.50am
C.STANDARD 1.2,2.1
L.STANDARD 1.2.2 , 2.1.5
TOPIC Active Body, Healthy Mind
LEARNING OBJECTIVES  State the 3 importance of staying healthy physically,
mentally and emotionally
 Sharing on how to maintain a balanced diet of staying
 The correct ways to take care of food containers / cutleries.
- Teacher shows a few flash cards on healthy lifestyles.
- Teacher asks the pupils a few questions based on the flash cards.
- Teacher elicits ideas from the pupils.

· What kind of activities can you see from the flash cards?
· Do you like these activities? Explain.

Activity 1:
1. Pupils are divided into few groups.
2. Each groups will be provided with a flash card stimulus.
3. Teacher asks each group to discuss about the flash card.
4. Each group will share the views about the flash cards what
should they do to stay healthy.
5. The teacher gives feedback on responses.

Activity 2:
1. Play the video to show the different eating habits of a few
2. Based on the video, pupils point out the good and the bad
eating habits.
3. Pupils share their opinions of good eating habits.

Activity 3:
1. Teacher plays music and pupils will pass around a music
2. When the music stop, the pupils with the music box in hand
will have to draw a picture from the box.
3. Pupils will have to tell the class either the food is Healthy or

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