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Business strategy of the E-Type company

This case is very interesting & very similar to the Pepsi & coke case when
coke decided to stop the production of old coke & start impact marketing
diet coke to compete with the Pepsi, so it was more likely to get product
differentiation, in porter word “variety based positioning strategy” but
design always need uniqueness it is just like project which always rely on
the three aspect Budget, scope & time verity is not a real issue in this

The whole core business of the E-type is depending upon the

revolutionary design the tag line of the company is supporting this also

There is some question in which they were not able to make trade-off
with their consequence I would like to put one by one here with my
strategic solution.

 Why they have two designs despite of giving all specification by the
team management?
 What is the strategic constraints they facing to select the design for
their final proposal?
 Should they propose both design to the management & let them

Reason of this was they were confuse to propose traditional design,

because their whole core business was depending upon the matter of the
fact that they always create the revolutionary design , they can lose their
unique market segment to propose the traditional design also the brand
image of e-type

When I were there, I would have gone with the traditional design because
of this reason

1- If i am going to create design for the country team , every country

has their set of tradition & custom & want to represent to the world
& want to create its unique identity in the world , so I would
propose traditional design

2- As they were small players relative to the others & need big pie of
the market so definitely success of this project is very important for
me & traditional design has 80% success rate so I would have been
gone with the traditional design
3- it is also the chance to show the traditional approach of the
company with revolutionary thinking I can capitalize this to increase
our market share there is higher chances our core will retain same
in future, because I am doing project for the pride of the country
not for any commercial product.
4- I would have not been presented both designs to the company
which would have created a negative image of the company,
because they were very clear with their specification.

This is the kind of the trade-off between the strategy as Plan & strategy as
perspective, but in this scenario I would have been preferred strategy as a

So my answer is Traditional design

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