Art 3 of Consti, Sec 5 of RA 10389, RA 6036

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THE 1987 CONSTITUTION OF THE REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES (b) When he confesses to the commission of the offense unless

o the commission of the offense unless the

ARTICARTICLE III confession is later repudiated by him in a sworn statement or in open court as
BILL OF RIGHTS having been extracted through force or intimidation;

Section 13. All persons, except those charged with offenses punishable by (c) When he is found to have previously escaped from legal confinement,
reclusion perpetua when evidence of guilt is strong, shall, before conviction, be bailable evaded sentence, or jumped bail;
by sufficient sureties, or be released on recognizance as may be provided by law. The
right to bail shall not be impaired even when the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus
is suspended. Excessive bail shall not be required. (d) When he is found to have previously violated the provisions of Section 2
AN ACT INSTITUTIONALIZING RECOGNIZANCE AS A MODE OF GRANTING (e) When he is found to be a recidivist or a habitual delinquent or has been
THE RELEASE OF AN INDIGENT PERSON IN CUSTODY AS AN ACCUSED IN A previously convicted for an offense to which the law or ordinance attaches an
CRIMINAL CASE AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES equal or greater penalty or for two or more offenses to which it attaches a
lighter penalty;
Section 5. Release on Recognizance as a Matter of Right Guaranteed by the
Constitution. – The release on recognizance of any person in custody or detention for (f) When he commits the offense while on parole or under conditional pardon;
the commission of an offense is a matter of right when the offense is not punishable by and
death, reclusion perpetua, or life imprisonment: Provided, That the accused or any
person on behalf of the accused files the application for such: (g) When the accused has previously been pardoned by the municipal or city
mayor for violation of municipal or city ordinance for at least two times.
(a) Before or after conviction by the Metropolitan Trial Court, Municipal Trial
Court, Municipal Trial Court in Cities and Municipal Circuit Trial Court; and Section 2. Instead of bail, the person charged with any offense contemplated by
Section 1 hereof shall be required to sign in the presence of two witnesses of good
(b) Before conviction by the Regional Trial Court: Provided, further, That a standing in the community a sworn statement binding himself, pending final decision of
person in custody for a period equal to or more than the minimum of the his case, to report to the Clerk of the Court hearing his case periodically every two
principal penalty prescribed for the offense charged, without application of the weeks. The Court may, in its discretion and with the consent of the person charged,
Indeterminate Sentence Law, or any modifying circumstance, shall be require further that he be placed under the custody and subject to the authority of a
released on the person’s recognizance. responsible citizen in the community who may be willing to accept the responsibility. In
such a case the affidavit herein mentioned shall include a statement of the person
REPUBLIC ACT No. 6036 charged that he binds himself to accept the authority of the citizen so appointed by the
AN ACT PROVIDING THAT BAIL SHALL NOT, WITH CERTAIN EXCEPTIONS, BE Court. The Clerk of Court shall immediately report the presence of the accused person
REQUIRED IN CASES OF VIOLATIONS OF MUNICIPAL OR CITY ORDINANCES to the Court. Except when his failure to report is for justifiable reasons including
AND IN CRIMINAL OFFENSES WHEN THE PRESCRIBED PENALTY FOR SUCH circumstances beyond his control to be determined by the Court, any violation of this
OFFENSES IS NOT HIGHER THAN ARRESTO MAYOR AND/OR A FINE OF TWO sworn statement shall justify the Court to order his immediate arrest unless he files bail
THOUSAND PESOS OR BOTH. in the amount forthwith fixed by the Court.

Section 1. Any provision of existing law to the contrary notwithstanding, bail shall not Section 3. This Act shall apply to all person who, at the time of its approval, are under
be required of a person charged with violation of a municipal or city ordinance, a light temporary detention for inability to post bail for charges contemplated by Section 1
felony and/or a criminal offense the prescribed penalty for which is not higher than six above.
months imprisonment and/or a fine of two thousand pesos, or both, where said person
has established to the satisfaction of the court or any other appropriate authority Section 4. This Act shall take effect upon its approval.
hearing his case that he is unable to post the required cash or bail bond, except in the
following cases: Approved: August 4, 1969

(a) When he is caught committing the offense in flagranti;

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