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Enrollment No………………………… DR. RMLNLU, LKO B.A.LL.B./VSem.

Time - 03 Hours Max-Marks :- 70
November - 2017
Indian Penal Code-II
Note: - I. The question paper is divided in 2 parts i.e. Section - A and Section - B.
II. The Examinee is required to attempt 4 (four) questions from Section - A and 2 (two) questions from Section - B.
III. Figures in the margin indicate the marks.

(SECTION – A) (04X15)
1. On a rainy day in August 2017, in village Koila, Mahesh and Raju were working in their
respective adjoining fields. Their fields were divided by a straight line of mud and the heavy rains
had leveled the slight exalted line, making it difficult to recognize the partition between the two
fields. Mahesh, while trying to erect the mud line again, was stopped by Raju alleging that
Mahesh was trying to redraw the boundaries of their fields encroaching upon Raju’s field.
Mahesh got angry as he believed that he was erecting the mud line neatly, but continued to work.
When Raju again objected to this, Mahesh pushed Raju who fell on the plough lying nearby. The
plough head pierced through Raju’s spinal cord and he started bleeding profusely. Mahesh
panicked and ran away. Unfortunately, as soon as Mahesh ran away, lightening struck on
unconscious Raju. Postmortem examination report noted one 2”x 1” ante-mortem injury on
Raju’s back but also noted that the cause of death was burning by high voltage lightning strike.
Mahesh was later caught and is being prosecuted for Raju’s murder. Decide, taking help of
statutory and case law.
2. Muskan is a twelve year old village girl. Her mother had died when she was barely five and she
would live with her father, a daily wage labour who would leave early and come late in the
evening. As Muskan grew up, his father became more concerned about her safety as he would be
absent from home for long spells. Finally, he decided to send Muskan to live with her elder
brother Sohan and his wife Savita in the city. Savita initially treated Muskan well but gradually
her behaviour changed and she started ill-treating Muskan. In absence of Sohan, Muskan was
even beaten up by Savita upon flimsy grounds. Unable to bear any more humiliation, Muskan left
her brother’s home and boarded a train. In the train she met Shobha, a middle aged woman, who
sensed that she is a runaway girl. Shobha comforted her and told her that if she wished she could
stay with her, promising her a better life and education. Muskan agreed and Shobha brought her
home. However, Shobha had other plans. Muskan was not admitted in school, nor was she given
enough food to eat and Shobha forced her to do all the household chores. Shobha’s neighbor Mini
alerted the police. Upon questioning, Shobha claimed that Muskan had voluntarily come with her
and willingly residing in her house. However, the police registered an FIR against Shobha for
kidnapping Muskan.
Is Shobha liable for kidnapping Muskan? Decide with the help of statutory and case law.
3. Nancy and John, both 20 years old, were neighbors and childhood friends. This friendship later
got more intense and when both of them were in the 11th standard, committed to each other and
decided to spend their life together. A year later, after passing 12th standard, John got selected for
a medical course and moved to another city for studies. In the medical college, he got friendly
with another girl Sylvia and both of them started dating. During summer break, when John came
home, he met Nancy who felt that John has lost interest in her. She enquired from John, made him
remember the promises he had made to her but John kept assuring her that everything was alright.
He also told Nancy that he would keep his word and they would marry after he finished his
studies. John and Nancy also got intimate thereafter and had sexual intercourse. After John went
back to his college, he started avoiding Nancy and would not reply to her text messages and
would also not pick up her calls. A desperate Nancy decided to confront John and went to his
college. She was told by John’s friends that John and Sylvia are seeing each other and that they
believe that John would marry Sylvia. Nancy was heartbroken and returned back without meeting
She has now decided to take revenge by filing an FIR against John. Has John committed any
offence? Decide, citing statutory and case law on the point.
4. Analyze the following acts and access whether any criminal offence under IPC,1860 has been
committed .If yes, then justify your answer with arguments:
a) Ali owes money to Rahim for repairing his watch, Rahim is retaining the watch lawfully as
security against the debt. Ali takes the watch out of Rahim’s possession with the intention of
depriving Rahim of the property as a security for his debt.
b) Geeta, by putting Saroj in fear of grievious hurt, dishonestly induces Saroj to sign and deliver
jewellery amounting to Rs.2000 to Geeta’s husband.
c) Sanjay being on friendly terms with Vinay, goes in his library and takes away a book without
Vinay’s express consent, under impression that he had Vinay’s implied consent to take the book
for the purpose of reading. However, Sanjay later sells the book for his own benefit.
5. Much water has flown after State (N.C.T.Delhi) v. Navjot Sandhu@afsan Guru (2005)11SCC 600
as far as law under Section 121 is concerned .Do you agree? Answer with the help of decided
6. Malti, a 28 year old educated woman was married to Sundar, a 30 year old software engineer, on
November 17, 2011. On November 18, 2011, Malti started living with her in-laws’ family,
including Sudha (Sundar’s mother), Ramendra (Sundar’s father), Priyam (Sundar’s younger
brother) and Shivi (Sundar’s foster sister). Malti’s father Ranjan had gifted her a piece of land in
a posh locality of the city and wanted Sundar to construct an independent house for her daughter.
Malti, the only child of her parents, wanted to live separately from Sundar’s family. After few
months of marriage, Malti started pestering Sundar to start construction on the land but Sundar
disapproved of the idea and told Malti that he would continue living with his parents, and would
also continue to financially support them as both Priyam and Shivi were still studying. There were
almost daily quarrels between Malti and Sudha on petty issues with both cursing each other for
ruining a lovely family. Malti would also taunt Shivi for not helping her in household chores.
Shivi would often not react to the barbs but at times she would accuse Malti for the tension in the
family. The software company where Sundar was working was in a bad shape having a tough
time in getting business. When the financial conditions of the company did not improve, Sundar
started contemplating his own start-up. On December 13, 2012, at around 6 pm, Sundar discussed
his plans with Malti and proposed selling off the land gifted by her father, for arranging the
capital for the start-up. Malti vehemently opposed the idea and refused to sell the land. An
infuriated Sundar hit Malti who also hit back. Sudha and Shivi intervened and separated the two.
Sudha and Shivi also scolded Malti for not agreeing to her husband’s proposal. Malti called her
father and narrated the whole incident. Malti’s father promised that he would come to visit them
the next day early morning and advised her to keep calm. At around 10:30 pm, the same day,
while the entire family was asleep, Malti committed suicide by hanging. Next day, in the early
morning, when Ranjan reached there, the family got to know about Malti’s suicide.
Ranjan accused Sundar and his entire family of killing Malti for dowry and got an FIR lodged
against them. Discuss the liability of Sundar, Sudha, Ramendra, Priyam and Shivi.
Substantiate your reasoning with statutory and case law.
(SECTION – B) (02X05)
7. What is the offence of voyeurism? Discuss briefly.
8. What is the doctrine of transferred malice?
9. A by exhibiting to Z, a False sample of an article, intentionally deceives Z into believing that the
article corresponds with the sample, and there by dishonestly induces Z to buy and pay for the
article. What offence, if any, has been committed by A?
10. X being executor of will of a deceased person, dishonestly disobeys the will that directs him to
divide the effects according to the will, and appropriates them to his own use. What offence has
been committed by X?

Enrollment No……………………………. DR. RMLNLU, LKO B.A. LL.B./VSem./Nov-2017/ET/IOS(R)
Time - 03 Hours Max-Marks :- 70
November - 2017
Interpretation of Statutes
Note: - I. The question paper is divided in 2 parts i.e. Section - A and Section - B.
II. The Examinee is required to attempt 4 (four) questions from Section - A and 2 (two) questions from Section - B.
III. Figures in the margin indicate the marks.

(SECTION – A) (04X15)

1. What do you understand by retrospective operation of a statute? Whether the legislature is

empowered to enact a law with retrospective effect? To what extent penal and fiscal statues
operates retrospectively.
2. “Where two provisions operate on one field, both have to be allowed to have their play,
unless such operation would result in patent inconsistency.” Discuss the Harmonious Rule
of construction to be applied in such situations with reference to decided cases.
3. Explain the rule of Literal interpretation and its scope in the interpretation of statutes.
4. “The soundness of Heydon’s rule lies in suppressing the mischief and advancing the
remedy.” Discuss the conditions necessary for application of this rule with the help of
relevant case law.
5. What are the effects of repeal of an enactment under the General Clauses Act, 1897?
6. What are ‘internal and external’ aids to the interpretation of statutes? Assess the importance
of any two of the following in the interpretation of statutes:
(a) Preamble;
(b) Parliamentary History;
(c) Proviso.

(SECTION – B) (02X05)

7. Rule in Pepper v Hart.

8. Differentiate between ejusdem generis and noscitur-a-socii.

9. Write a note on the statutes affecting the jurisdiction of courts.
10. Write a note on Golden rule of interpretation.
Enrollment No……………………………. DR. RMLNLU, LKO B.A. LL.B./VSem/Nov-17/ET/JURIS
Time - 03 Hours Max-Marks :- 70
November - 2017
Note: - I. The question paper is divided in 2 parts i.e. Section - A and Section - B.
II. The Examinee is required to attempt 4 (four) questions from Section - A and 2 (two) questions from Section - B.
III. Figures in the margin indicate the marks.

(SECTION – A) (04X15)

1. Write a detailed note on the central claims of ‘Positivism’ as identified by Prof. H. L. A.

Hart. Distinguish these claims from ‘Soft-Positivism’.
2. Distinguish ‘rule-skepticism’ from ‘fact-skepticism’. How can Jerome Frank and Karl
Llewellyn be identified as constructive-skeptics?
3. How according to Kelsen, the Constitution cannot be the Grundnorm of a municipal legal
system. Discuss whether the minimum effectiveness of Grundnorm ‘or’ an ethical basis
of Grundnorm actually confer validity to a regime and refer to the decisions of the
Supreme Court of Pakistan in this regard.
4. How both ‘Analytical Positivism’ and ‘Sociological Jurisprudence’ are illustrative of the
phenomenon of empiricism? Examine the role of ideals in Pound’s theory of Social
Engineering in relation to the non-ethical claims of Sociological Jurisprudence.
5. Critically examine the ‘inherent rationality of volksgeist’ argument in the backdrop of the
personal laws in India by referring to suitable examples.
6. Distinguish ‘natural law of content’ from ‘natural law of method’. Examine whether
Article 13 of the Constitution of India embodies the idea of natural law of content.

(SECTION – B) (02X05)

7. The text of law may admit inductive reasoning but judges don’t have discretion in law
while interpreting it. Comment on the given statement.
8. Explain the declaratory theory of adjudication.
9. Explain John Rawls’ difference principle.
10. Explain the terms moral, immoral and amoral.

Enrollment No………………………… DR. RMLNLU, LKO B.A.LL.B./VSem./Nov-17/ET/LOE
Time - 03 Hours Max-Marks :- 70
November - 2017
Law of Evidence
Note: - I. The question paper is divided in 2 parts i.e. Section - A and Section - B.
II. The Examinee is required to attempt any 4 (four) questions from Section - A and any 2 (two) questions from Section - B.
III. Figures in the margin indicate the marks.

(SECTION – A) (04X15)

1. Discuss the controversy in Queen Empress v. Abdullah case.

2. Comparatively discuss the difference between admissions and confessions.
3. Discuss the law relating to relevance of similar fact evidence.
4. Explain the provisions of Indian Evidence Act relating to Burden of Proof.
5. Can a Court presume existence of certain facts? Discuss in detail.
6. Discuss the law regarding competency of a witness. Can a wife be a competent
witness against her husband?

(SECTION – B) (02X05)


7. Relevancy and admissibility.

8. What is the evidentiary value of admissions?
9. What is Hearsay Evidence?
10. The question is whether ‘A’ committed a crime at Calcutta on certain day. The fact is
that, on that day, ‘A’ was at Lahore. Is this fact relevant?

DR. RMLNLU, LKO B.A. LL.B./VSem./Nov-2017/ET/LOP-I

Time - 03 Hours Max-Marks :- 70

November - 2017
Law of Property-I
Note: - I. The question paper is divided in 2 parts i.e. Section - A and Section-B.
II. The Examinee is required to attempt 4 (four) questions from Section - A and 2 (two) questions from Section-B.
III. Figures in the margin indicate the marks.

(SECTION – A) (04X15)

1. Theories of property either explain the origin of property or justify one form of the
property or the other. Critically examine various theories of property in the light of the
above statement.
2. Rule against perpetuities is founded on the general principle of policy guiding the judges
that power of alienation shall not be exercised to its own destruction. And all kinds of
contrivances shall be void which tend to create a perpetuity or place property forever out
of reach of the exercise of power of alienation. Comment.
3. What do understand by licence? Under what circumstances can a licence be revoked as
per statutory provisions?
4. (i) Explain the rule of ‘feeding the grant by estoppel’ in the light of relevant provisions
and decided case law on the point. Also distinguish it from spes successionis.
(ii) Keshav, a farmer with lots of land detected with cancer , makes over property to his
wife Savitri for life and after her death to the son of his daughter Lakshmi if she has one.
In case she did not have a son, then to Balram, his cousin. Savitri died in January 2010.
Lakshmi had a son in February 2010. Lakshmi claimed the property in the name of her
son. Balram claimed the property as the earlier disposition has failed. Decide, giving
reasons based on statutory provisions and case law on the point.
5. i) What do you understand by ‘Lis Pendens’? Explain its Ingredients.
Can the transferee pendente lite be added as a party to the main litigation involving the
suit property?
(ii) X mortgaged a house to Y. Y sued X on the mortgage and obtained a decree for sale.
While the decree was still in execution, X leased the house to Z for 20 years. Meanwhile
Y himself purchased the house during sale. Is Z’s lease affected by the sale. Explain.
6. (i) Write a detailed note on doctrine of election.
(ii) A transferred the vacant site to B with a condition that B should not construct building
on that land. After death of B, B’s legal heir tried to construct the building on that land.
A’s legal heir objected to this. Decide with the help of relevant provisions of law and
decided cases.

(SECTION – B) (02X05)

Write short notes on:

7. Vested and contingent interest.
8. Oral transfers.
9. Condition precedent and condition subsequent.
10. Distinction between lease and easement.

Enrollment No……………………………. DR. RMLNLU, LKO B.A. LL.B./VSem./Nov-17/ET/AL
Time - 03 Hours Max-Marks :- 70
November - 2017
Administrative Law
Note: - I. The question paper is divided in 2 parts i.e. Section - A and Section - B.
II. The Examinee is required to attempt 4 (four) questions from Section - A and 2 (two) questions from Section - B.
III. Figures in the margin indicate the marks.

(SECTION – A) (04X15)

1. Explain the extent to which the Constitution of India embodies the principle of separation
of power. Is it critically important to adhere to those principles for the purpose of
protecting individual rights, liabilities and interest?
2. Parliamentary control of administrative rule-making in India is implicit because the
executive is responsible to parliament. Explain.
3. An Act of a state imposed sales tax on goods. Items mentioned in the schedule are
exempted from tax. The Act conferred powers on the state government to add or delete
items from the schedule. Before doing so, the government had to give three months’
notice and consult affected interest. Is the delegation valid? Also, discuss the limits within
which the Indian Legislators are empowered to delegate law -making Powers to the
Executive. Refer to the decided cases.
4. The term Natural Justice expresses the close relationship between the common law and
moral principles and it has an impressive history of several centuries. Discuss with the
help of decided cases.
5. Discuss the inevitability of conferring discretionary powers and the grounds of Judicial
Review in case of its abuse.
6. Write an essay on Administrative Tribunals.

(SECTION – B) (02X10)
Write Short Notes on:

7. Reasoned Decision of speaking order

8. Parliamentary committees on subordinate Legislation

9. Droit Administratif

10. Central Vigilance Commission

Enrollment No………………………… DR. RMLNLU, LKO B.A.LL.B./VSem./Nov-17/ET/BL(R)
Time - 03 Hours Max-Marks :- 70
November - 2017
Banking Law
Note: - I. The question paper is divided in 2 parts i.e. Section - A and Section - B.
II. The Examinee is required to attempt 4 (four) questions from Section - A and 2 (two) questions from Section - B.
III. Figures in the margin indicate the marks.

(SECTION – A) (04X15)

1. Discuss the provision of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949 with regard to Licensing of
Bank in India.
2. Banker’s obligation to maintain the secrecy of customer’s account is not absolute.
3. Define the term Banker. Explain the general and special features between the banker and
4. Explain the various functions of the Reserve Bank of India.
5. Explain the provisions related with the winding up of a banking Company given under
Banking Regulation Act, 1949. What are the various steps involved in case of
amalgamation of two banks?
6. “The Banking Ombudsman Scheme, 2006 enables an expeditious and inexpensive forum
to bank customers for resolution of bank complaints relating to certain services rendered
by bank.” Explain with special reference to its jurisdiction, power and manner in which a
complaint is to be made. Does an appeal lie against the award of the Banking

(SECTION – B) (02X05)
Write Short Notes on:
7. Moratorium
8. Refinance facility of NABARD
9. Banker’s Lien.
10. Debt Recovery Tribunal

Enrollment No………………………… DR. RMLNLU, LKO B.A.LL.B./VSem./Nov-17/ET/CL-I(R)
Time - 03 Hours Max-Marks :- 70
November - 2017
Corporate Law-I
Note: - I. The question paper is divided in 2 parts i.e. Section - A and Section - B.
II. The Examinee is required to attempt 4 (four) questions from Section - A and 2 (two) questions from Section - B.
III. Figures in the margin indicate the marks.

(SECTION – A) (04X15)
1. What do you understand by ‘buyback of shares’? Discuss in detail, the provisions of
Companies Act, 2013 regarding buyback of shares.
2. Write an essay on the importance of corporate governance in the present business
scenario in India.
3. Referring to the relevant provisions of Company Law and decided cases, explain the
concept of corporate veil and state the circumstances when it can be lifted.
4. Write short notes on any two:-
(i) Fixed and Floating charge
(ii) Legal position of Directors
(iii) Shelf Prospectus
5. What is meant by ‘debenture’? Discuss the provisions of the Companies Act, 2013 and
the Rules framed thereunder relating to issue of debentures.
6. Discuss the rules laid down in Royal British Bank v. Turquand. State the exceptions to the
rule, if any.
(SECTION – B) (02X05)
Write short notes on:
7. Issue of shares at a discount.
8. Pre-incorporation contracts.
9. Doctrine of ultra vires.
10. Rule laid down in Foss v. Harbottle.

Enrollment No………………………… DR. RMLNLU, LKO B.A.LL.B./V Sem.//Nov-17/ET/Cr. P.C.

Time - 03 Hours Max-Marks :- 70

November - 2017

Criminal Procedure Code

Note: - I. The question paper is divided in 2 parts i.e. Section - A and Section - B.
II. The Examinee is required to attempt 4 (four) questions from Section - A and 2 (two) questions from Section - B.
III. Figures in the margin indicate the marks.

(SECTION – A) (04X15)

1. What is the relevance of schedule I of Cr.P.C.? Discuss its relevance to the IPC and
bailable/non-bailable and cognizable/ non-cognizable offences.
2. When can the police arrest a person without an order from a magistrate and / or without a
warrant? Explain. Can a private person arrest a proclaimed offender?
3. Explain the procedure for recording First Information Report. Discuss the evidentiary value
of FIR and the effect of delay in lodging the FIR.
4. What do you mean by ‘anticipatory bail’? What proper cause of action on an application for
anticipatory bail ought to be observed by court? Explain with the help of case law.
5. State the provision when no appeal lies against a conviction. What are the exceptions to the
said provision?
6. “The law fails to address the needs of the victim to be treated with dignity, to sustained
protection from intimidation, to readily access the justice mechanism, to legal aid and
rehabilitation”. Critically examine the above statement keeping in mind the victim’s rights to
participation, protection and information in criminal proceedings.

(SECTION – B) (02X05)

7. Can a convict seek remission directly from a court of law? Elucidate.

8. How a ‘judgment’ is beneficial to parties, legal profession, other judges and appellate court?
9. Write distinction between plea bargaining and compounding of offences.
10. Write distinction between summon case and warrant case.


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