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The Co-operative University of Kenya

BCIT 2111 Database Management Systems

Dr. Shem Mbandu Angolo, Ph.D.
Sept-Dec 2019

1 Introduction
• This is part of the course requirements for BCIT 2111 Database Manage-
ment Systems.
• This Project is worth 30 Marks.
• The project shall involve developing a database system using MySQL.

2 The Rules of the Game

You will learn lots of database related concepts and skills throughout this course.
But, Application is the key. To apply some of the stuff we shall learn, you will
be required to complete a database project.
The following summarizes some important aspects of the project:
• This is an individual project.
• All work submitted online.
• Submission deadlines shall be hard deadlines.

• Plagiarism shall NOT be tolerated.

– All work submitted shall be checked for plagiarism.
– Plagiarism shall attract ZERO MARKS for the work submitted at
whatever stage of the project

• You shall use the XAMPP web server for this project.
• All submissions MUST contain a cover page with a clear description of the
submission information on the cover page and the rest of the information
on the following pages.
Information on the cover page should include:

– The University Logo
– The Name of the University i.e. The Co-operative University of
– The name of the School i.e. The School of Computing and Mathe-
– The name of the Department i.e The Department of Computer Sci-
ence and Information Technology
– Unit Code and Title e.g. BCSC 1102 Introduction to Programming
– Title of the Assignment i.e. Semester Project
– Your Name
– Your Admission Number
– Lecturer Name e.g. Dr. Shem Mbandu Angolo, Ph.D.
– Name of the Assignment e.g. Project Title, Project Proposal etc
– The Submission Date e.g. 2nd October 2019
• The above information should be centered.
• The submitted file should be in named using the following format: Ad-
missionNumberAssignmentName e.g. BCSC01 0004 2018 ProjectTitle or
BCSC01 0004 2018 ProjectProposal

3 Project Description
• The project should address a real life situation to be implemented.

• The project should be sufficiently complex.

4 Project Title
• You are expected to come up with a Project Title based on the above
information. An example of a project title is as follows:

– – Library Management System to maintain information about

books, book authors, publishers, employees and borrowers.

– Once you submit a Project Title, you cannot change it

throughout the course

• The DEADLINE for submission of the Project Title is 2nd October


5 Project Proposal
• You shall be required to write a project proposal.
• The Proposal shall be of not less than 10 pages (including the bibliography-
IEEE format), Times New Romans Font Type, One and Half line spacing.

• The following sections shall make up the Proposal

– Introduction
– Overall Objective
– Specific Objectives
– Methodology
∗ Detailed information on the data maintained in the database
∗ Tools you intend to use.
– Expected Output.
– Bibliography
• The deadline for the Proposal shall be on 15th October 2019

6 Database System Design

• Design the database, following an E/R approach; then go through the
normalization process to come up with a collection of tables that are in
Boyce-Codd normal forms.

– You should include the original design in terms of E/R diagrams and
paper work to show the normalization process in the final documen-
• Describe some realistic constraints such as primary keys, foreign keys,
check con-straints, and not null constraints, for the tables and at- tributes,
– – You should include a requirements document.
• The deadline for the Database System Design Report shall be 27th Oc-
tober 2019

7 Database Development
• Use MySQL DB to create the normalized tables.
• Populate the database by using MySQL statements, or with some GUI
interface such as PhpMySQLAdmin.

• Write an interface in HTML, with embedded PhP script(s). The main
interface should contain a Main menu with links to various views of the
database implementing different functionalities.
– The menu interface should implement a password security based login
system for both the administrator and the regular user
– The reporting page should be able to print reports in pdf.
• The deadline for the System Development shall be 19th November 2019

8 Documentation
• You shall document the project to include but not limited to the aspects
pointed out above as well as screen shots.
• The deadline for the Project Report shall be 26th November 2019.

9 Grading
• Marks shall be awarded as follows:
– Project Title - 1 Mark
– Proposal - 4 Marks
– Database Design - 6 Marks
– Database System - 14 Marks
– Database System Report - 2.5 Marks
– Presentation - 2.5 Marks (Date TBD)
• All submissions to be in pdf format and to be submitted online.
• Missing a deadline will lead to a ZERO mark for that section of the project.

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