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Roni Sian Ati (L1A 15 113).Effect of Calcium Soap Utilization Level in rations Soybean Oil-
Based Raw Materials Performance Against Local Feed Cattle Production Bali. La Ode brought
nafiu guidance and Ali Bain.

This study aimed to determine the effect of calcium soaps in the ration to cattle production
performance Bali. 16 bali cows aged 1.5 to 2 years old, weighing 100-150 kg were divided into 4
groups using a randomized block design (RAK) with 4 treatments and 4 replicates were then
maintained Salama 35 days. Treatment ration consisting of: P1 (60% forage + 40% concentrate
without containing soap calcium soybean oil), P2 (60% forage + 40% concentrate containing
1.5% calcium soaps soybean oil), P3 (60% forage + 40% concentrate containing 3.0% of
soybean oil calcium soaps), P4 (60% + 40% forage concentrate containing 4.5% soap kalsiu
soybean oil. the variables measured, namely, feed intake, body weight gain and feed conversion.
The data were analyzed using analysis of variance ANOVA (analysis ovariens) and Duncan's
multiple range test. The results showed that supplementation of calcium soap-based soybean oil
in the concentrate feed ingredients locally at the level of 1.5%, 3.0% to 4.5% is not significant
(P> 0.05) on the production performance of Bali cattle. The conclusion that feeding forage (grass
field) and feed supplemented kosentrat calcium soaps (SCA) to the level of 4.5% did not
significantly affect), kosumsi dry ingredients, daily body weight gain (PBBH) and Bali cattle
feed conversion. 05) against the performance of Bali cattle production. The conclusion that
feeding forage (grass field) and feed supplemented kosentrat calcium soaps (SCA) to the level of
4.5% did not significantly affect), kosumsi dry ingredients, daily body weight gain (PBBH) and
Bali cattle feed conversion. 05) against the performance of Bali cattle production. The
conclusion that feeding forage (grass field) and feed supplemented kosentrat calcium soaps
(SCA) to the level of 4.5% did not significantly affect), kosumsi dry ingredients, daily body
weight gain (PBBH) and Bali cattle feed conversion.

Keywords : Calcium Soap Soybean Oil, Beef Bali, Performance

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