GDV9P km130 Instructorexercises

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Front cover

Information Server Overview:

Lifecycle of Information
Integration with Information

(Course code KM130)

Instructor Exercises Guide

ERC 1.0
Instructor Exercises Guide

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March 2012 edition

The information contained in this document has not been submitted to any formal IBM test and is distributed on an “as is” basis without
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Instructor Exercises Guide

TOC Contents
Instructor exercises overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v

Exercises configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vii

Exercises description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ix

Exercise 1. Introduction to Information Server Data Integration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1

Exercise 2. Blueprint Director . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1

Exercise 3. FastTrack . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-1

Exercise 4. DataStage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-1

Exercise 5. Metadata Workbench . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-1

Exercise 6. Information Services Director . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-1

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2012 Contents iii

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Instructor Exercises Guide

iv Information Server Data Integration Overview © Copyright IBM Corp. 2012

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Instructor Exercises Guide

pref Instructor exercises overview

The objectives of the exercises are for the students to successfully:
• Create a blueprint using Blueprint Director.
• Create a mapping specification using FastTrack.
• Generate a DataStage job from a mapping specification.
• Edit a DataStage job.
• Explore and analyze information assets using Metadata
• Create a web service using Information Services Director.
• Create a DataStage job that can serve as a service provider for a
web service created using Information Services Director.
All the exercises depend on the previous exercises being successfully

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2012 Instructor exercises overview v

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without the prior written permission of IBM.
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vi Information Server Data Integration Overview © Copyright IBM Corp. 2012

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Instructor Exercises Guide

pref Exercises configuration

In the lab each student has their own system and students work

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2012 Exercises configuration vii

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viii Information Server Data Integration Overview © Copyright IBM Corp. 2012
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Instructor Exercises Guide

pref Exercises description

This course includes the following exercises:
• Introduction to Information Server Data Integration
• Blueprint Director
• FastTack
• DataStage
• Metadata Workbench
• Information Services Director
In the exercise instructions you will see each step prefixed by a line.
You may wish to check off each step as you complete it to keep track
of your progress.
Most exercises include required sections which should always be
completed. These may be required before performing later exercises.
Some exercises may also include optional sections that you may wish
to perform if you have sufficient time and want an additional challenge.
The standard “Exercise instructions” section provides high-level
instructions for the tasks you should perform. You need to apply the
knowledge you gained in the unit presentation to perform the exercise.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2012 Exercises description ix

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x Information Server Data Integration Overview © Copyright IBM Corp. 2012

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Instructor Exercises Guide

EXempty Exercise 1. Introduction to Information Server

Data Integration

Estimated time

What this exercise is about

This exercise covers the Information Server Web Console.

What you should be able to do

At the end of this exercise, you should be able to:
• Log onto the Information Server Web Console.
• Explore user roles.

This lab introduces the Information Server Web Console.

A user ID student has been created and assigned all Suite and
Component authorization roles. This user ID also has DataStage
The Information Server administrator user ID is isadmin / isadmin.

Instructor exercise overview

This is a simple lab designed to introduce students to the IS Web
Console, and to give them some idea of IS user IDs and

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2012 Exercise 1. Introduction to Information Server Data Integration 1-1
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Task: Log onto the Information Server Web Console

__ 1. Open Microsoft Internet Explorer. In the Address box enter: Here, is
the name of the Information Server domain system that runs the WAS.
__ 2. Type isadmin in the User name box.
__ 3. Type the password, isadmin, in the Password box. Afterwards click Login.

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EXempty Task: Explore the Information Server Web Console

__ 1. Click on the Administration tab. This tab is used by an Information Server
administrator to manage users, manage Information Server sessions, and to
manage logging.
__ 2. Expand the Users and Groups folder and then click Users. This displays a list of
current Information Server users.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2012 Exercise 1. Introduction to Information Server Data Integration 1-3
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__ 3. Select student. Then click Open User. Then expand the Suite Component folder.

__ 4. Explore the Roles assigned to student. These include Suite Roles that apply to
Information Server as a whole as opposed to individual products and tools. These
also include Suite Component Roles that apply to individual products and tools.
For example, student has been assigned the role DataStage and QualityStage
Administrator. So student can log onto DataStage as an administrator, and has full
authorizations to work in DataStage. Actually, as you observe, student has full
authorizations to log onto and work with any Information Server product or tool.

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EXempty Exercise 2. Blueprint Director

Estimated time

What this exercise is about

This exercise covers Blueprint Director.

What you should be able to do

At the end of this exercise, you should be able to:
• Create a Blueprint Director project
• Create a blueprint
• Create a connection
• Create milestones

In this lab you will create a blueprint using Blueprint Director

If you are using the course images, all the requirements have been
implemented. If you are not using the course images, the requirements
for this unit are as follows:
Information Server v8.7 has been installed. Products include
FastTrack, Metadata Workbench, DataStage, and Information
Services Director.
Blueprint Director has been installed as a stand-alone product. The
install package is available in the IBM\InformationServer\Blueprint
folder on the client.
User student / student has administration authorization for all
Information Server products, including those listed above.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2012 Exercise 2. Blueprint Director 2-1

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Instructor exercise overview

This lab focuses on creating a blueprint of the course scenario.

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EXempty Task: Create a blueprint in Blueprint Director

In this task, you create a blueprint that sketches the customer data project. Customer data
is contained in a number of files. The initial plan will be to load a selection of this data into
staging tables, where it can be consolidated. DataStage jobs will be used to accomplish
this. Once this has been done, the plan will be to use DataStage jobs to load this data into
the target customer data tables. These tables will be accessed by different internal groups
using queries and web services.
In this task you will create a blueprint that sketches this plan.
__ 1. In the programs menu, click IBM InfoSphere>IBM InfoSphere Blueprint Director.
__ 2. Click File>New>Project. Name the project Customer Data and then click Finish.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2012 Exercise 2. Blueprint Director 2-3

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__ 3. Click File>New>Blueprint. Type LoadCustomerData.bpt in the New Blueprint

box. Select the Create empty blueprint option. Then click Finish.

__ 4. Open your blueprint by double-clicking on it in the Blueprint Navigation tab at the

left of the Blueprint Director main window.

__ 5. Drag the File icon from the Files folder in the Palette to the blueprint diagram. This
will represent the files containing the raw customer data. Label it “Customer file
data”. To change the default name, select the icon and then change the name in the
Properties tab at the lower right corner of the window.

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EXempty __ 6. Drag the Database icon from the Data Stores folder in the Palette to the blueprint
diagram. This will represent the tables in the staging area. Label it “Staging source
__ 7. Drag the Database icon from the Data Stores folder in the Palette to the blueprint
diagram. This will represent the tables in the target customer tables area. Label it
“Customer data tables”.
__ 8. Periodically, click Save.
__ 9. Drag the ETL icon from the Operations folder in the Palette to the blueprint
diagram. This will represent the ETL job that will load the tables in the staging area.
Label it “Load staging tables”. Locate it between the Customer file data and
Staging source tables icons on the diagram.
__ 10. Drag the ETL icon from the Operations folder in the Palette to the blueprint
diagram. This will represent the ETL job that will load the tables in the target
customer data tables. Label it “Load customer tables”. Locate it between the
Staging source tables and Customer data tables icons on the diagram.
__ 11. Drag the Information Service icon from the Consumers and Delivery folder in the
Palette to the blueprint diagram. This will represent the web services used to access
data in the target customer tables area. Label it “Customer data services”.

__ 12. Add arrows that represent the flow of data to and from each of the ETL job icons.
Label the arrows as shown. Also add an arrow from the Customer data tables to
the Customer data services labeled “Retrieve”. To draw an arrow hover over the

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2012 Exercise 2. Blueprint Director 2-5

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ETL icon until you see the arrows. Then drag them from over to the icon they are to
be connected to.

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EXempty Task: Add server connections for the blueprint

Server connections are used to link metadata assets to blueprint icons. In this task you will
add a server connection to DataStage and one to Metadata Workbench. In later units, you
will use these to link metadata assets to your blueprint.
__ 1. Click Blueprint>Manage Server Connections.
__ 2. In the Manage Server Connections window, click Add.
__ 3. In the Add Server Connection window, type DSConn in the Connection Name
box. Then select DataStage Engine in the Connection Type box. Afterwards, click

__ 4. In the Add Server Connection window, type in the Domain

box. Then type student / student in the User name and password boxes.
Afterwards, click Validate connection. If the connection is valid, click Finish.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2012 Exercise 2. Blueprint Director 2-7

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__ 5. Similarly, create a connection named MWBConn. Select InfoSphere Metadata

Workbench as the connection type. Use the same connection information.

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EXempty Task: Create milestones

__ 1. At the bottom left corner, click the Timeline tab. Then click Manage Milestones.
__ 2. In the Manage Milestones window, click Add. Then type Complete staging
source tables in the Name box. Afterwards, click Apply.
__ 3. In the Manage Milestones window, click Add. Then type Complete customer data
tables in the Name box. Afterwards, click Apply.

__ 4. Click Close.

__ 5. Save your blueprint.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2012 Exercise 2. Blueprint Director 2-9

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EXempty Exercise 3. FastTrack

Estimated time

What this exercise is about

This exercise covers FastTrack.

What you should be able to do

At the end of this exercise, you should be able to:
• Log into FastTrack
• Create a FastTrack project
• Import metadata
• Create a mapping specification
• Generate a DataStage job

In this lab you will create a FastTrack mapping specification and
generate a DataStage job form it.

If you are using the course images, all the requirements have been
implemented. If you are not using the course images, the requirements
for this unit are as follows:
DB2 SAMPLE database has been created.
An ODBC data source to the SAMPLE database has been created.
The customer staging and target customer data tables have been
created in the SAMPLE database. These can be created by running
the CreateAllCustomerTables job sequence in the
KM130_DSJobs.dsx file.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2012 Exercise 3. FastTrack 3-1

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Instructor exercise overview

The focus here is on generating a mapping specification to load the
customer target tables from data in the customer staging tables.
Students will generate a DataStage job from the mapping
specification, but will not look at it until the next unit on DataStage is

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EXempty Task: Create a FastTrack project

In FastTrack, mapping specifications are created in FastTrack projects. Projects have a
restricted set of users that can access them. In this task, you create a FastTrack project
and add user student to the list of users that can use the project.
__ 1. Double-click on the FastTrack icon on the desktop. In the Login window, type your
user name and password, student / student. In the Server box, type
edserver:9080. Then click Login.

__ 2. Click Home.
__ 3. Click New Project. In the Create Project window Name box, type FTProj.
Afterwards, click Next.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2012 Exercise 3. FastTrack 3-3

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__ 4. Click Browse and then add user student.

__ 5. Click Next repeatedly to move through each of the Create Project windows,
glancing at each. When you reach the end, click Finish.

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EXempty Task: Import metadata for database tables

In order to import metadata for database tables, you must first create a connection to the
database. In this task, you will create an ODBC connection to the DB2 SAMPLE database.
This database contains the customer staging tables and the target customer data tables.
Afterwards, you will import the staging tables (OVERSRC schema tables) and the target
customer tables (OVERTRG schema tables).
__ 1. Click Metadata>Source Configuration.
__ 2. Click New Connection. On the Connection Editor tab:
__ a. Type SAMPLE in the Name box.
__ b. Select the ODBC connector in the Connector box.
__ c. Type user name and password: student / student.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2012 Exercise 3. FastTrack 3-5

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__ d. Select the SAMPLE data source.

__ 3. Click Test Connection. If valid, click Save & Close. If prompted for database
authorization, enter db2inst1 / db2inst1.

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EXempty __ 4. Expand the SAMPLE database and then select the OVERSRC and OVERTRG

__ 5. Click Import Metadata. Move through the wizard, entering the following information
when prompted. Afterwards, click Finish.
__ a. Host name is EDSERVER.IBM.COM.
__ b. Database name is SAMPLE.
__ 6. Click Metadata>Metadata Repository. Expand the SAMPLE database metadata.
Notice the tables in each of the schema. OVERSRC contains the staging tables.
OVERTRG contains the customer data tables.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2012 Exercise 3. FastTrack 3-7

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Task: Create a mapping specification to load customer data

tables from customer staging tables
In this task you will create a mapping specification named LoadCustomerData_MS that
targets the OVERTRG.CCUSTS and OVERTRG.LICUSTS tables from the
CUSTOMER_STG table. In this mapping specification you will:
• Create column mappings
• Create derivations for the target LNAME and FNAME fields from the
source CUSTNAME field
• LNAME = Field(CUSTNAME, ‘,’, 1)
• FNAME = Field(CUSTNAME, ‘,’,2)
• Create a filter: CREDITLIMIT > ‘100000’
• Create switch constraints: IND = ‘C’ for CCUSTS; IND = ‘I’ for LICUSTS
__ 1. Click Mapping to open the Mapping tab. Select the Mapping Specifications folder
and then click New. This opens the Mapping Editor.
__ 2. Type LoadCustomerData_MS in the Name box.

__ 3. Click Mappings in the list at the left of the Mapping Editor window.

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EXempty __ 4. Click the Browser tab in the top right corner and expand the Database Metadata
folder. Drag all the columns from the OVERTRG.CCUSTS table and the
OVERTRG.LICUSTS table to the Target Field column in the Mapping Editor.

__ 5. Drag columns from the OVERSRC.CUSTOMER_STG table to the Source Field

cells next to their corresponding target columns. For example, drag
of the target fields (LNAME, FNAME) do not have matching source fields. Since
their values will be derived from the CUSTOMER_STG.CUSTNAME field, drag that
column before each of the LNAME and FNAME target columns.

__ 6. Click on the Rule Expression cell to the right of the LICUSTS.LNAME field. Then
click the Transformation tab at the bottom. In the Rule Expression box type
FIELD(CUSTOMER_STG.CUSTNAME, ‘,’, 1). In the Rule Description box type
“Extract the first segment from the CUSTNAME string.”

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2012 Exercise 3. FastTrack 3-9

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__ 7. Click on the Rule Expression cell to the right of the LICUSTS.FNAME field. Then
click the Transformation tab at the bottom. In the Rule Expression box type
FIELD(CUSTOMER_STG.CUSTNAME, ‘,’, 2). In the Rule Description box type
“Extract the second segment from the CUSTNAME string.”

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EXempty __ 8. Click Properties, and then select the Filter tab. In the Rule Expression box type

__ 9. Click the Switch tab. In the cell to the left of the CCUSTS column, type
CUSTOMER_STG.IND = ‘C’. In the cell to the left of the LICUSTS column, type

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2012 Exercise 3. FastTrack 3-11

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CUSTOMER_STG.IND = ‘I’. At the bottom of the window, select the Log Rejects

__ 10. Click Save.

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EXempty Task: Generate a DataStage job

In this task, you generate a DataStage job from your mapping specification. DataStage
developers can use such prototypes as starting points for their development efforts.
__ 1. Click Generate Job.
__ 2. Type LoadCustomerData_MS in the Name of New Job box.
__ 3. Select the _Over>Jobs folder in DSProject.
__ 4. Select the _Over>Metadata folder in the Location for new Table Definitions box.
(If this box is not enabled, as shown here, you can skip this step.)

__ 5. Click Next repeatedly until you reach the end. Then click Finish.

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EXempty Exercise 4. DataStage

Estimated time

What this exercise is about

This exercise covers DataStage parallel jobs that are generated from

What you should be able to do

At the end of this exercise, you should be able to:
• Log into DataStage Designer
• Open and examine the DataStage job generated from your
mapping specification in the previous lab
• Optionally, complete the job
• Compile, run, and monitor the job

In this lab, you will log into DataStage Designer and then examine the
job that was generated from the mapping specification you create in
the previous lab.

The KM130DSLabFolder.dsx file has been imported into your
DataStage project.

Instructor exercise overview

This lab introduces DataStage parallel jobs by examining the
FastTrack generated job.

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Task: Review and edit the generated DataStage job

In this task, you review and edit the generated DataStage job. This will give you some idea
of what the DataStage developer needs to do complete the job.
__ 1. Double-click the DataStage Designer icon on the desktop.
__ 2. On the Login window, specify the following and then click Login.
__ a. Host name: edserver.9080
__ b. User name and password: student / student
__ c. Select your DataStage project: EDSERVER.IBM.COM/DSProject

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EXempty __ 3. Locate the LoadCustomerData_MS job that you generated from your FastTrack
mapping specification in the _Over>Jobs folder in the Repository window.
Double-click on it to open it.


If you were not able to successfully generate the DataStage LoadCustomerData_MS job,
you can use the LoadCustomerData_MS_orig job.

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__ 4. Double-click on the CUSTOMER_STG source ODBC Connector stage. Type

db2inst1 / db2inst1 in the Username and Password boxes. Afterwards, click OK.

__ 5. Double-click on the Filter_001 Transformer stage. Notice that the filter is

implemented as a constraint, just to the right of the word “Constraint” in the link

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EXempty window on the top right side. Also notice the derivations for the L0_FNAME and
L0LNAME columns. Afterwards, click OK.

__ 6. Double-click on the Switch_001 Transformer stage. Then click the Constraints

icon at the top left corner of the stage window (second-from-the left icon in the
toolbar). Here, you see the switch expressions specified for each output link. An
otherwise link has also been added to capture rows that do not go through either of
the preceding two output links.

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__ 7. Double-click on the CCUSTS target ODBC Connector stage. Type db2inst1 /

db2inst1 in the Username and Password boxes. In the Table action property,
select Truncate. Afterwards, click OK.

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EXempty __ 8. Double-click on the LICUSTS target ODBC Connector stage. Type db2inst1 /
db2inst1 in the Username and Password boxes. In the Table action property,
select Truncate. Afterwards, click OK.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2012 Exercise 4. DataStage 4-7

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__ 9. Double-click on the Reject_1 Sequential File stage. Select the File property and
then browse for the /data/KM130Files/Temp directory. Type Rejects.txt in the File
name box and then click OK.

__ 10. Click Save.

__ 11. Click the Compile icon in the toolbar (just under the Window menu). You will
discover that the job still requires some editing, since there are compile errors. For
now, just click Close.

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EXempty Optional Task: Complete, compile, and run the generated

DataStage job
Edits are sometimes necessary in prototype jobs generated from FastTrack mapping
specifications. The job design guides the DataStage developer. It does not mandate the
If you have some DataStage experience you can finish editing the DataStage job, and then
compile and run it.


If you do not have any DataStage experience, you can open the
LoadCustomerData_MS_complete job and then skip to step 6) below (the compile step).

__ 1. Open the Filter Transformer. Here, the filter constraint needs to be edited, if the job
is to compile successfully.
__ a. Click the Constraints icon at the top left corner of the stage window
(second-from-the left icon in the toolbar).
__ b. Double-click in the Constraint column cell to the right of first link name. This
opens the DataStage Expression Editor. Highlight the column name and then
click your right mouse button. Select Input column and then select the
CREDITLIMIT column. Afterwards, click OK.

__ 2. Open the Switch Transformer. Here, the again constraints need to be edited, if the
job is to compile successfully.
__ a. Open the constraints window. Double-click in the Constraint column cell to the
right of Link_CCUSTS. This opens the DataStage Expression Editor. Highlight
the column name and then click your right mouse button. Select Input column
and then select the C1_IND column.

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__ b. Repeat the above in the cell to the right of Link_LICUSTS. Afterwards, click OK.

__ 3. Click OK to close the Transformer stage.

__ 4. Scroll down in the Reject link window. Notice that the L0_FNAME and L0_LNAME
column derivations are red, indicating that there is an error in the derivations. To
solve this problem, simply select the two red rows, click your right mouse button,
and then click Delete Column. Since these rows are going to the reject file, not to
the target customer tables, we do not really need them.

__ 5. Click OK to close the Transformer stage.

__ 6. Save the job and then click the Compile icon in the toolbar (just below the Window
menu). The job should now compile without errors. If not, fix any errors you find.
__ 7. Click the Run icon in the toolbar (just below the Window menu).

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EXempty __ 8. Click View>Job log to view the log messages for the job. Notice the performance
statistics displayed on the diagram after the job finishes.

__ 9. Double-click on the LICUSTS stage to open it. Select the Usage folder and then
click View Data. Verify that the IND column only contains “I”, and verify that the

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2012 Exercise 4. DataStage 4-11

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derivations correctly parsed the last and first names into the LNAME and FNAME

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EXempty Exercise 5. Metadata Workbench

Estimated time

What this exercise is about

This exercise covers Metadata Workbench

What you should be able to do

At the end of this exercise, you should be able to:
• Log into Metadata Workbench
• Browse Metadata Assets
• View a data lineage report
• Link assets to your blueprint using the Metadata Workbench

In this exercise, you log into Metadata Workbench, browse metadata
assets, and then create a data lineage report.

The CUSTOMERS.txt, ORD_DTL.txt, and ORD_HDR.txt files are
shared data files in the Information Server Repository.

Instructor exercise overview

After working in Metadata Workbench students will return to Blueprint
Director to link assets to blueprint icons using the Metadata
Workbench connection.

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Task: Browse Metadata Assets

In this task, you will explore some of the metadata assets you have created in previous lab
__ 1. Open your web browser. Enter the address:
__ 2. Enter your user name and password: student / student and then click Login.isad
__ 3. When you enter Workbench, the Browse tab is selected by default. In the
drop-down list, Engines is selected by default, which refers to the DataStage
engine. Expand the engine folder and DSProject below it. Then expand the _Over
folders, where your jobs and metadata are stored.


Be aware that the metadata assets in the screenshot, here and elsewhere in this lab, may
not always match exactly what you have on your system.

__ 4. Double-click on the LoadCustomerData_MS job. Explore the information

__ a. Image of the job.
__ b. Links to related information assets.
__ c. Links to stage information.
__ d. Expand the Job Design Information folder and view the links to table definitions
of sources and targets used in the job.

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EXempty __ e. Expand the Mapping Specification folder and view the link to the mapping
specification from which the DataStage job was generated.

__ 5. In the Mapping Specification folder, click on the link to the

LoadCustomerData_MS mapping specification. Explore the information displayed:
__ a. Expand the Mapping folder to view sources and targets and filters.
__ b. Expand the Column Mappings folder to view column mappings.

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__ c. Expand the Generated Jobs folder to view the DataStage jobs generated from
the mapping.

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EXempty Task: View a data lineage report

__ 1. Click the Advanced tab and then click Manage Lineage. Select DSProject on the
Transformation Project tab. Then click the Detect Association button (third icon
from the left, just above the Transformation Project tab). Metadata Workbench will
examine the metadata currently existing in the project for data flow relationships.

__ 2. Click the Discover tab. Select Job in the Asset Type list. Type “_MS” is the
Contains box. Then click Find. This should locate your generated DataStage job,
and possibly some other jobs as well.

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__ 3. Click the LoadCustomerData_MS link.

__ 4. Click Data Lineage. Notice that the lineage report identifies the database table
sourced by the job and the database tables targeted by the
LoadCustomerData_MS job. It also shows that the Load_CUSTOMER_STG job
loaded the CUSTOMER_STG table. This was a job that was run as part of the
course image configuration.

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EXempty __ 5. Click Select Columns in the LICUSTS rectangle. Select the FNAME and LNAME
columns, and then click OK. Notice that this identifies the column in the
CUSTOMER_STG table which is mapped to the FNAME and LNAME columns.


Again, be aware that the metadata assets in the screenshot, here and elsewhere in this
lab, may not always match exactly what you have on your system. You may, for example,
see additional jobs writing to the FNAME and LNAME columns, depending on the exact
configuration of your system at the time you run this report. The important point here is that
you see CUSTNAME in CUSTOMER_STG mapped to FNAME and LNAME.

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__ 6. Click Expand in the LoadCustomerData_MS rectangle. This opens a separate

window showing the lineage within the job.

__ 7. Close the expanded lineage window.

__ 8. Click the LoadCustomerData_MS link at the top left to return to the job.

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EXempty Task: Link assets to your blueprint

__ 1. Open Blueprint Director.

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__ 2. Right-click over the Customer file data icon and then click Add Asset Link. Type
Customer.txt in the Asset Link Name box, and then click InfoSphere Metadata
Workbench in the Asset Link Type list.

__ 3. Click Next. Select MWBConn in the Connection list and then click Next.

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EXempty __ 4. On the Asset selection window select Data File Structure in the Asset Type list
and then click Display Assets. This displays a list of the customer data files.


These three files were used to load the staging area tables. As part of the course image
configuration, these files were added to the Information Server shared Repository. This
was done in DataStage Designer. It is beyond the scope of this course to describe the
process in detail.

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__ 5. Select the Customers.txt file and then click Finish. Notice the arrow next to the
Customer file data icon on the blueprint.

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EXempty __ 6. Similarly, right-click over the Load customer tables icon and then click Add Asset
Link. Type LoadCustomerTablesSpec in the Asset Link Name box. Select
FastTrack Mapping Specification in the Asset Link Type list.

__ 7. Click Next. On the next page select the MWBConn. Then click Next.
__ 8. On the Mapping Specification selection page, select LoadCustomerData_MS.
Then click Finish.

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__ 9. Similarly, right-click over the Load customer tables icon, and then click Add Asset
Link. Type LoadCustomerTablesJob in the Asset Link Name box. Select
DataStage Job in the Asset Link Type list.

__ 10. Click Next. On the next page select the DSConn. Then click Next.
__ 11. On the DataStage Project Specification selection page, select DSProject. Then
click Next.
__ 12. On the DataStage Job selection page, select LoadCustomerData_MS. Then click

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EXempty Task: Retrieve linked assets in the blueprint

__ 1. Click the linked assets arrow of the Load customer tables icon in the blueprint.
Select the LoadCustomerTablesSpec asset link. This retrieves the linked mapping
specification asset. Notice that this provides asset information using the Metadata
Workbench connection.

__ 2. Close the linked asset tab and return to the blueprint.

__ 3. Click the linked assets arrow of the Load customer tables icon in the blueprint.
Select the LoadCustomerTablesJob asset link. This retrieves the linked
DataStage job asset. Notice that this provides asset information using the
DataStage connection. It opens the job in DataStage Designer.

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EXempty Exercise 6. Information Services Director

Estimated time

What this exercise is about

This exercise covers Information Services Director.

What you should be able to do

At the end of this exercise, you should be able to:
• Build a DataStage ISD job
• Create an ISD web service
• Invoke the deployed web service

In this lab, you will build a simple DataStage ISD job and then build a
web service that uses the job as a service provider.

An ISD project named ISDProj has been created.
An Information Services connection named DSServer has been
The GetCorpName.html file is in your
C:\CourseData\KM130Files\html directory.

Instructor exercise overview

Students will first create a DataStage ISD job. Then they will log into
Information Services Director to wrap the job into a web service.

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Task: Build an ISD DataStage job

In this task, you will build a DataStage job that will become a provider for an Information
Services Director web service.
__ 1. Log onto DataStage Designer.
__ 2. Click File>New. Then select the Jobs folder.
__ 3. Select Parallel Job and then click OK. This opens a parallel job canvas.

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EXempty __ 4. Click File>Save. Save your job in the _Over>Jobs folder. Name it

__ 5. From the Real Time folder in the Palette, drag an ISD Input stage to the canvas.
__ 6. From the Real Time folder in the Palette, drag an ISD Output stage to the canvas.
__ 7. From the Processing folder in the Palette, drag a Lookup stage to the canvas.
__ 8. From the Database folder in the Palette, drag an ODBC Connector stage to the
__ 9. Draw a link from the ISD Input stage to the Lookup stage. To accomplish this, press
the right mouse button over the ISD stage. Then drag the mouse cursor to the
Lookup stage and release it.
__ 10. Similarly, draw a link from the ODBC Connector stage to the Lookup stage. The link
from the ODBC Connector stage to the Lookup stage should be a dotted line,

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indicating that it is a lookup reference link. Then draw a link from the Lookup stage
to the ODBC Connector stage.

__ 11. Select the link name coming from the ODBC Connector, and rename it CCUSTS.
__ 12. Select the link name coming from the ISD Input stage, and rename it ISD_Input.
__ 13. Double-click on the ODBC Connector stage to open it. Type the following
information in the stage, on the Properties tab:
__ a. Data source: SAMPLE
__ b. Username: db2inst1
__ c. Password: db2inst1
__ d. Generate SQL: Yes

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EXempty __ e. Table name: OVERTRG.CCUSTS

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__ 14. Click the Columns tab. Then click the Load button. Select the OVERTRG.CCUSTS
table definition in the _Over>Metadata folder. Then click OK. Load all columns.

__ 15. Return to the Properties tab, select the Usage folder, and then click View Data.
Verify that you can view the data. This validates that you have configured the stage
__ 16. Click OK to close the stage.

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EXempty __ 17. Double-click on the ISD Input stage. Click the Output tab. On the Columns tab,
create a column named CUSTID, select VarChar as its type, and type 255 for its
length. Afterwards, click OK to close the stage.

__ 18. Double-click on the Lookup stage to open it.

__ a. Drag the CUSTID column from the ISD_Input link window to the cell in front of
the CUSTID column in the CCUSTS link window. Click Yes when prompted to
make this a key field.
__ b. Drag the CUSTID column from the ISD_Input link window to the output link
window on the right.

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__ c. Drag the CUSTNAME column from the CCUSTS link window to the output link
window on the right.

__ 19. Click OK to close the stage.

__ 20. Double-click on the ISD Output stage to open it. Click the Input>Columns tab.
Notice that the CUSTID and CUSTNAME columns have been passed to the ISD
Output stage. Afterwards, click OK to close the stage.

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EXempty __ 21. Click the Job Properties icon in the Designer toolbar (fifth from the left). On the
General tab, select Allow Multiple Instance and select Enabled for Information
Services. Afterwards, click OK.

__ 22. Click the Compile icon in the toolbar (under the Window menu). The job should
compile without errors.


If you cannot get your job to work, delete it and then rename the GetCustomerName_orig
job as GetCustomerName. Open that job and compile it.

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Task: Create an ISD web service

__ 1. Double-click on the IBM InfoSphere Information Server Console icon on the
desktop. Log in as student / student. The host name is edserver:9080.
__ 2. Click Home>My home (sphere icon at the top left corner). A project named ISDProj
has been created for you in the lab environment.

__ 3. Select your project, and then click Open Project.

__ 4. Click HOME>Configuration>Information Services Connections. Two Information
Services connections have been created and enabled for you in the lab
__ a. DB2Conn is a connection to DB2.
__ b. DSServer is a connection to DataStage.

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EXempty __ 5. Click OVERVIEW>Dashboard. This provides an overview of the tasks to perform.

Expand the Designing information services folder. Then select Creating an

__ 6. Click the Go to the Information Services Application workspace link. Then click
New to create a new application. Name the application ISDApp.

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__ 7. On the lower left side, click New>New Service. Name the new service
GetCorpCustName. Afterwards, click Save Application.

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EXempty __ 8. Expand the Operations folder and then double-click on the default operation
newOperation1. Change the name of the operation to GetCorpCustNameOp.

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__ 9. Click the Select button to select an information provider. When prompted select
DataStage and QualityStage as the Type of provider. Select the
GetCustomerName DataStage job in the DSProject>_Over>Jobs folder.

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EXempty __ 10. Click OK. View the information on the Inputs tab. Notice there is one input
argument: custid.

__ 11. Click the Outputs tab. Notice there are two output arguments: custid, custname.

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__ 12. Click Bindings under the GetCorpCustName service.

__ 13. Click the Edit button in the lower right corner. Then select REST 2.0 from the Attach
Bindings list.

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EXempty __ 14. Click Save Application and then Close Application.

__ 15. Click DEVELOP>Information Services Application. This tab lists the applications
and their deployment statuses. Select your ISDApp application and then click

__ 16. The Deploy Application window displays the services, bindings, and operations to
include for the deployment.

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__ 17. Click Next. This page displays provider information.

__ 18. Click Deploy. It may take a little time to deploy.

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EXempty Task: Invoke the deployed web service

__ 1. Open, in the Windows Notepad editor, the GetCorpName.html file in your
C:\CourseData\KM130Files\html directory. Verify that the action is correctly
stated. If not, edit the file with the correct information:
Action=http://edserver:9080/wisd-rest2/<application name>/<service
name>/<operation name>
__ a. Application name: ISDApp
__ b. Service name: GetCorpCustName
__ c. Operation name: GetCustCorpNameOp

__ 2. Save and close the file.

__ 3. Open the GetCorpName.html file by double-clicking on it. This opens it in the
default web browser. Enter a valid customer ID in the Customer ID box, for
example, 110621.

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__ 4. Click Submit. The customer name, along with the customer number, should be


If you do get the “Web page cannot be found” page when you click Submit, verify that the
application is deployed. If it is deployed, open the application and verify that the application
name, service name, and operation name match exactly. If there is a mismatch, then edit
the application and redeploy it. If you get a blank screen, check that you have entered a
valid customer ID, namely, 110621.

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